world beat Lottery fraud alleged SALEM (AP) — Charges have been filed against a Coos Bay man who allegedly altered a state lottery ticket in an effort to collect a $5,000 “instant winner” prize, lottery officials said Wednesday. It was the first known incident in which someone has tried to alter a ticket to make it appear to be a winner, according to Sue Bur ton, the lottery’s marketing director. Max Ward, 31, was arrested Wednesday at his home in Coos Bay and was being held in the Coos County jail on two charges of forgery and one count of attempted theft. Bail was set at $13,650, officials said. Lottery spokesman T.L. Fuller declined to describe how Ward had allegedly tried to doctor the ticket, but said Ward altered it to show “that there were three $5,000 play symbols on the ticket. Ten to spin for jackpot SALEM (AP) — A Washington resident is among the 10 contestants who now have a shot at Oregon’s first lottery jackpot prize after Wednesday’s drawing at lottery headquarters. Don McLean of Spanaway, Wash., who won his $100 on the lottery’s opening day, was the eighth person drawn. He and nine Orego nians now have a chance at an estimated $2.5 million jackpot. Oregonians won millions of dollars in the Washington State Lottery before Oregon started its own April 25. The 10 winners will converge in Salem to spin the jackpot wheel for a chance at riches and a sure win of at least $1,000 at a drawing tentatively set for May 15. Other winners included Oregonians from LaGrande, Klamath Falls, Salem, Corvallis, Wilsonville and the Portland area. Debbie McLane, a Salem ticket retailer, drew the 10 plastic cannisters from a drum. State police and an auditor monitored the drawing, with five spins between each pick. Based on mathematical statistics, the jackpot will be won once every 100 spins, or 1.6 times in the 160 spins created by the 16, 10-person finalists in the game of about 40 million tickets, lottery officials said. 1 American learning a ‘disaster WASHINGTON (AP) — If Thomas Jefferson came back to modern-day America, he d be delighted with the machinery but dismayed by writing that emits "the authentic stink of the syn thetic prose of a technological age, an honored scholar told a Washington official on Wednesday night. Cleanth Brooks, professor emeritus of rhetoric at Yale University, declared that the state of learning in America "amounts to a disaster, and one of Pearl Harbor dimensions." Brooks cited studies that show four 17-year olds in 10 cannot comprehend ordinary documents, 23 million adults are functionally il literate and only 20 percent of high school seniors can write a coherent essay. Brooks, 78, a native of Murray, Ky., is the author of textbooks which introduced generations of Americans to prose and poetry. The lecture is delivered to an invited au dience of dignitaries and the selection of the lec turer by the National Council of the National En dowment for the Humanities amounts to the highest honor conferred each year by the federal government for achievement in the humanities. ‘i shall have to be blunt.” Brooks said in his text. “Neither reading nor writing flourishes in our blessed United States... In important respects, we are an illiterate nation. A large sec tion of our population cannot read at all, and many of those who can read do not read books. A bad Cupp of coffee? SALEM (AP) — Hoyt Cupp, one of Oregon’s top prison officials, was due to be back at work Thursday after being hospitalized for problems caused by drinking coffee that had been adulterated by inmates, officials said. Corrections Division spokeswoman Marlene Haugland on Wednesday said Cupp Was “feeling great” and was to be released from Salem Hospital late Wednesday. Officials have been unable to identify what substance was put into the coffee, though it was thought to be kitchen soap, she said. Cupp, the former superintendent of the Oregon State Penitentiary, and three other prison officials experienced nausea, cramps and diarrhea Monday morning after drinking coffee together at the prison. Jartran ^ j ^ vgj Truck and Trailer Rental COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE!!! • One Way & Local Rentals • Easy Loading Models for Individual & Business • Custom Equipped most with Auto Transmission, Bucket Seats, Radio, Power Steering • 24 Hrs. a Day Road Service, 7 Days a Week • Moving & Packing Aids • Trailer Hitches for Your Car Available at Many Locations FOR ALL RATES AND RESERVATIONS BEEHIVE RENTAL CO. 1880 HWY. 99 N. 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