letters Wrong you are Scott Elliot is absolutely wrong in claiming Christ “did not speak a word against homosexuality” (ODE, April 22). Just for the sake of debate, however, let’s say Christ never specifically mentioned the word homosexuality. He did list the practices of unrepentant fornication and adultery as sins that exclude one from salvation. Because sex was to only occur in marriage, and because mar riage is only to occur between men and women, one cannot engage in male/male or female/female sex without transgressing against God’s commandments. If a man is single, and has sex with another man, he is com mitting fornication — if mar ried, he is committing adultery. There’s no getting around that fact. Nobody is born homosexual. Even without consulting the Bible we can turn to medical authorities to prove that! Homosexuality is a sin against God's laws. Christ admonished people to repent of a variety of sins — in cluding homosexuality — in order to gain forgiveness and salvation. Christ said, ‘if you love me, keep my commandments.” Concerning morality he said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew. 5:48). We were created in the image of God and God never gave any commandment that men and women couldn’t follow. I would encourage students to read the Bible for themselves for insight into what God expects of us and the blessings promised to those who strive to live according to God’s principles. Dan Martin Normal Contact me There are none as blind as those who have eyes but do not see (or read). I refer to Jesudas Menon’s letter (ODE. May 3). Mr. Menon, if you do not con cur with my arguments, why do you use the very same one’s to defend a stand that 1 originally took in response to Ms. Noor’s letter, which contends that there is not racial tension and discrimination in Malaysia. Your thesis on “...only when minorities work with the majority can a nation progress,” is incomplete; it should not on ly be a one-way process but that the majority is also willing to work with the minorities. If you recollect, this is exactly what I meant when I discussed elements of game theory like zero-sum and win-win situations. ■I — M— I.— — „ — PROVO’S ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGHETTI FEED • *2.95 includes french bread, soup or salad served 7 days a week. 4pm lo closing 854 E. 13th • (Next to Kinko’s) 342-2241 Ms. Noor’s letter suggests that she is not aware of racial discrimination in Malaysia, and until people like her are, there will not be any racial harmony. Especially when there are no laws to protect against racial discrimination. Laws are a starting point to remove discrimination. Do you remember the Singapore pledge — “We the citizens of Singapore, regardless of race, language, or religion. . .one united people. .. ? Are there any such parallels in the Malay sian constitution? Menon, I share your very same view that unless one is a minority, one would not be aware of the full extent of discrimination but awareness is insufficient; to work actively against it is. This was the political stand taken by Siew in his election campaign. Next time, before you write, please read then think before you reply. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further doubts of my sincerity. Harold Leong Concurrent Graduate Industrial Relations/Int’l Relations Testee What I shall propose to do in this letter is to demonstrate why so many gay organizations ad vocate a boycott of the AIDS test; it is faulty. The AIDS test now in use on ly tests for antibodies and because so little is known about the disease, it is supposed that positive results may be in dicative of imminent symptoms or that the testee is a carrier. Now suppose that we apply this to another well known disease; chickenpox. Because almost all of us have been exposed, tests results of the AIDS type test would reveal that any of us would be suspect as either a carrier or someone soon to be displaying the symptoms. Now hopefully you can see at least partially why so many gays are reluctant to submit themselves to such an obviously faulty test. Many gays are voluntarily abstaining from donating blood and have recently begun “safe sex” practices. Since widespread dissemina tion of safe sex guidelines, the Atlanta Center for Disease Con trol has reported a lower in cidence of oral and anal ghonor rhea among gays. This is more tangible and more easily identifiable evidence of the efficacy of safe sex practices. This may also mean that AIDS spread could be slowed or contained, but it’s not a cure. Storm Fawcett Eugene Outdated I must object to *he Bookstore’s full-page ad that ran on page 15 of the ODE, May 6. ‘‘Great Gifts for Mom” shouts the headline, but I don’t con sider stereotype-reinforcing gifts great at all — these gifts were all kitchenware — casserole dishes, salt-and pepper shakers, etc. It’s time to get rid of the sex ist, stereotypical idea that all mothers spend all dav in the kit chen, and therefore the only suitable gift for her is “something for the kitchen” — an apron, a frying pan, a rolling pin {even if it is marble). Sure, my mom cooks, but she would appreciate more a calculator, VCR tapes, a com puter, camera film, a new watch, etc. — other bookstore items mentioned in other ads in the same issue but evidently not suitable for mothers. For Mother’s Day, thank your mother for supporting you with a gift that reflects her interests, not someone’s stereotyped idea of what she “should” or “would” like. The University Bookstore’s advertising crew must consider the messages inherent in their ads. The Bookstore has lost my business with their stereotyped message, and I’m not buying my mother’s card there. Michelle Rau Junior, English Yes Harold This is in response to Harold Leong’s letter on racial har mony in Malaysia (ODE, April 30). Yes Harold, you don’t have to travel even an inch; just stay on your side of the Causeway and observe the “racial harmony’’ in Singapore. As a minority Singaporean I am dismayed that a fellow Singaporean of the majority berates racial policies in neighboring Malaysia while seeming oblivious to the pro blems of minorities in Singapore. It is ironic that in chastising Siti Mohd Nor he states, “There will be no racial harmony until people like yourself are willing to achnowledge that there is racial discrimination and work actively toward eliminating it....” I suggest he heed his own ad vice and direct his energies to address the racial issues at home before attempting to solve other’s problems. If Mr. Leong is ignorant of the problems 1 am referring to, I would be more than willing to enlighten him. Eugene Miranda Physical Education 0 0 o 0 self serve worcI process iisq • IBM personal computers • Diablo 630 printer (Corrects your spelling!) and featuring... Perfect Writer'“Software inko's copies 860 E 13th 344-7894 O 0 O O BUY OME GET OME FREE* (with this coupon-18 years or older please) LAZAR'S BAZAR YOUR WATERPIPE HEADQUARTERS Scales, Clips, Tobacco 8c Posters 164 West Broadway, Downtown Eugene I I ■1 I | * this offer good on 687-0139 all plastic waterpipes # (expires 5/13/85) f □ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□nnnnnnnnnnrinn □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ The Oregon Daily Emerald wishes to invite you to gain valuable journalism experience by becoming a part of your student newspaper. Applications are now being taken for all staff positions for the 1985-86 school year, including the following positions: News Editor Managing Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Assistant Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Sidelines Editor Friday Edition Editor Graphic and Supplements Assistant Associate Editor positions include: Higher Education Student Government Administration Student Activities Features Community General Assignment The deadline lot applying for Managing Editor and New* Editor is May 13 at 5 p.ro. Applications for all other positions are due May 20 at 5 p.m. Applications and fob descriptions are available at the Emerald office. EMU Suite 300. The Emerald is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Backstage Theatrical & Dancewear GRAND OPENING SPECIALS FLEXATARD Shiny Lycra Reg. 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