et al. MEETINGS AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, a worldwide human rights organization, will be having a monthly meeting tonight at the Far West Federal Bldg, (downstairs) at 7:30 p.m. AIESEC MEETING today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 108 EMU. EFC MEETING today in Century Room E EMU. Will discuss Black Student Union, Asian American Student Union, and Circle K. S.O.S MEETING tonight at the home of Alescia Blake ly, 1844 Kincaid St. Apt. 6. Important, all members please be in attendance at 6-7:30. Phone 345-0740 for questions. BLACK STUDENT UNION general meeting tonight at 6 in Room 113 EMU. Elections will be discussed. ALPHA KAPPA PSI general meeting tonight at 7 in Room 333 Gilbert Hall. Guest speaker is from Macy’s of California. Open to public. STUDENT CAMPAIGN FOR DISARMAMENT will meet today at 5:30 p.m. in Room 111 EMU. ORIENTATION HOSTS FOR HONORS COLLEGE will meet today in Room 301 Chapman Hall at 3:30 p.m. to discuss plans for next year. HC students who are interested but cannot attend may leave a note in Student Advisory Board drawer in Room 301. LECTURES BROWN BAG FORUM The topic is "Active Non violence: The Steps We Are Taking.” Speakers will be Nancy Hale and Tom Heger today at 11:30 a.m. in EMU Forum Room. DR. HESHMAT ALA’L will speak this evening at 7:30 in Room 303 Chapman Hall on the relation of science and religion in an Honors College Fireside Chat. STEVEN LOWENSTAM will give a talk, "In the Footsteps of Homer,” at 8 p.m. tonight in Room 360 Con don Hall. MISCELLANEOUS WET T-SHIRT DEMONSTRATION Meet at 8 p.m. in the EMU Courtyard carpool. Will leave at 8:45 p.m. For more information call Jim at 686-3360. Deadline for submitting Et Als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et Als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events occurring nearest the publication date, and campus-originated events will be given priority. Goodbyes make money Some people are paranoid about receiving a fateful "Dear John" from their sweethearts while others pray for a goodbye letter in the mail to release them from a clinging relationship. Whether you've been the writer or receiver of a "Dear John." there's bound to be a skeleton memory or two hanging around in the closet of your mind about a love gone by. Shaffer Fox wants to publish a goodbye letter from every state in the nation in an upcoming bonk titled, "How We Say 'Goodbye Forever' in the U.S." As of yet. he hasn't received any submissions from Oregon. He's offering $5 for every letter ac cepted and $25 upon publication, letters so far have ranged from sad to funny to downright bizarre. Send your letter, with an explanation of the romance and why it ended, to Goodbye Forever. P.O. Box 1015. Owosso, Mich., 48867. Specific information will either be eliminated or changed to protect the author. PASS THE GMAT! National Education Society lectures and study materials Retail $150, sell for $75. Call David Valaer 485-8752 5-10 THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy«Sefl*Tr»de Musical instruments, stereo, tools, Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W. 5th. tfn:8184 LARGE SELECTION USED COLOR TV sets $49. Deka Electronics, 390 W. 12th. 342-2488. 4746:5-24 STEREO- HARMAN KARDEN tuner. Teac tape deck, Garrard record player $200. 741-2363. 5f SUNN P.A. 4-channel mixer, 2 speakers, plus 50' of cable and extra cables. $250 firm. 345-8680, Michael. 5-9 AIWA 3800CASSETTE deck. 3 head, retail $525, now $275. David Valaer 485-8752.5-10 SB00. MAIL JEEP. '69, excellent running condition, new tires, brakes, will run forever. 345-1082.5-9 CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 200cm Truckers, boots (size 10), poles. $60 OBO. Guitar, folk classical. $100. 485-5580. BROTHER EP-20 TYPEWRITER, $85 OBO. Latest record, call 683-4783 for ar tistes. Moving, must sell. 5-9 •Local*National»Overseas* RESUMES $10 & UP To Executive Presentations Writing - Typing - Printing •Free Consultation* •Guaranteed Results* A Professional Resume Service 1374 Willamette No.9 343-2762 4567B:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr Sei. Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 344-0759. 3159:tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Select ric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-9405 3145:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing. graphics, law papers, resumes. & mass mailings. Grad. Sch. approved. WordStyle* A Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-8044 3150:tfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen, 484-1646 3146 :tln WORD PROCESSING. GUARANTEED 5 blocks to UO. Graduate approved. JENNIFER 485-3883 4308:MWH DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE WORO PROCESSING Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 3143:tfn Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, mass mailings Micro casette transcription. Grad Sch appr. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 688-3983. 3157:tfn GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III. Call Mina between 9 a-m. and 10 p.m. at 726-9824. 3149:MW -THE TYPED WORD Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included. 345-4379. 3028:tfn TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 3154:tfn WORD PROCESSING T&C Professional Typing Service 687-9326 by appointment 3142:MWF Graphic Services the professionals resumes: $15-25 business cards: *5-10 300 EMU 686-5511 See The Difference tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING. Guaranteed Close to UO. Graduate school approved. JENNIFER, 485-3883 4311:UWF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 6 EDITING Resumes, Papers, Theses, Disserta tions; Graduate School Approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 485-1473 _ 4485;MWF TYPING S1IPAGE, Guaranteed. Carol 686-0134 evenings belore 7. 20 yrs. ex perience. 5-8 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% otf list prices •Textbooks-Clilf Notes-Magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 788 East 13th 3152:tln TWO FENDER ELECTRICS & one Tak amine acoustic Call 3454855 even Ings. 59 ALL COMERS Backgammon Tournament CASH PRIZES FRIDAY May 10th EMU REC. CTR. X3711 5055:510 SECOND t\ NATURE ^ BICYCLES •Nishiki/ Cycle Pro Sekai Dealer •Full Line BMX/Cruiser •Reconditioned Bikea Our Speciality • Expert Repairs •Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups •Frame Repair 343-5362 446 E. 13th BUY«SELL»TRADE MUST SELL! 25" Univega Gran Turismo. Perfect cond Extras *225 Beil, tourtite. helmet, never used *35 Call 344-7005.5-6 SCHWINN 12 SPEED. 23" custom alloy parts. *115. 1 speed cruiser *30 485-5475 5-9 FOR SALE. BRAND NEW Sakai 10 speed ridden once moving to Alaska must sell. *140 or B/O Call Laura 345-0104 now! 5-8 YELLOW TOYOTA CORONA. 1971, 2 DR, Stick. Looks good, runs good. Like new tires *800 Julie, 683-2335 5-13 1960 VESPA P-200E, 1800 miles, ex cellent condition. Cottage Grove 942-1622._ 5-10 HONDA AERO 50, Excellent condition Call 344-1904_ 5-8 '83 VW BUG. Sunroof, new engine, and trans. Cosmetic work needed. Call 746-9625 or 3438043, Doug Offer 5-10 MUST SELL HONDA 360 Excellent condition. 345-4725. 5-15 ONE-WAY AIRLINE ticket for female, Portland to Chicago, June 11. *129 Call Judy 687-8609 eves.5-18 One-Way Airline ticket for male Eugene-L.A June 18. *100. Call 484-9270. 58 MARRIED PROFESSIONAL COUPLE will housesit while attending UO sum mer school. No children, no pets, non smokers. References. 459-1379 even ings, 459-2597 days.59 VOLUNTEER UofO CREW COACH for men's and women's teams during 8586 season Must have strong will to face early mornings, tired rowers and temperamental bus Guaranteed good times and great returns on your invest ment Interested? Contact Club Sports EMU, Eugene OR 97403 or call 686-3733 5130:5-10 SUMMER SLEEPING BAG. Bivy-light tent. 726-0098. 58 THE UO YWCA seeks coordinators for its Multi-Cultural Friendship Program and Exceptional Friendship Program beginning Fall 1985 For more Informa tion, contact the YWCA at 686-4439 Deadline is May 24th! 517 All Skiers Alpine & Nordic THURS May 9, 7 p.m. EMU Rm. 108 For all interested skiers, there will be an organizational meeting to plan for the 1985-86 ski team program Come meet the hew coaches and learn about the U of O's tirst summer training camp SPONSORED BY CLUB SPORTS X3733. 5064 5-9 Help Wanted ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT! Fisheries. Earn 3600 plus/per seek in cannery; 38000-312000 plus for 3 mon ths on fishing boat Over 5000 open ings For complete Information and employer listings send 35 to Hobpak. PO Box 85449. Seattle WA 96145-1449 5-13 I NEED TO FILL THESE WORK/STUDY positions Lab Assistant, 3.84 to 5.86/hr ; Animal Caretaker (tending aquariums) 4.74 to 5 63/hr Contact Steve, 686-4502 5098 5 8 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD Is now accepting applications for all staff posi tions for 1985-86 The deadline for ap plying for managing editor is May 13 at 5 p.m. Applications for all other positions are due May 20 at 5 p.m. Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald Office. EMU Suite 300 Staff positions are: Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Assistant Photo Editor Sports Editor Friday Editions Editors Sidelines Editor Sraphics/Supplements Assistant Associate Editors: Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities Seneral Assignment Community Features rhe Oregon Dally Emerald is an Affir native Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.tin PART-TIME SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Eugene Sports Program needs umpires or Its youth softball and baseball eagues Pay is 36 50 to 310 per game Experience not required: we will train rou Meetin at Jefferson Middle School, Toom 48 at 7:30 p.m. Thursday May 9 ESP 683-2373. 5-8 CRUISESHIP HIRING DATA: Phone 707-778-1086 for Directory end Informa tion 5-31 THE UO YWCA seeks an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR who will be responsible lor its dally operational needs For the |ob description and minimum qualifica tions. contact the YWCA el 8884439 Completed applications must be recetv ed by May t7thl 5-17 PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING is ac cepting applications tor new summer and fall '86 peer advisors through May 10th, It interested, come by 141 Straub or call X4936___ 4706 4-9X LOOKING FOR MANAGEMENT EX PERIENCE while going to school? The ESCAPE Program has an opening for an Office Manager Responsibilities in clude: stall supervision administrative skills program procedures public relations office management weekly meetings policy making Application packets are avlable in the ESCAPE Otflce (327 EMU) Completed packets are due by 5 p m Monday. May 13 For compensation options and more information, contact Shelly White at 8884351 This is a great opportunity for a self-motivated person wanting per sonal/professional development In a field studies program serving 50-100 community service agencies and Eugene-Sprlngfield public schools ESCAPE is an ASUO sponsored pro gram and an affirmative action employer_ 50795-8X GO V E R N ME N T J O B S ! S15.000-t50.000/yr possible All oc cupations Call 1805-687-6000 Ext R-9842 MW Roommates Hillside View N Eugene, non-smoker, tidy. *200 per 344-8311, Dan Message 345-8086 5-10 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility of Immediate occupancy or place yourself on wailing list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom *l42/mo, 1 bedroom *113/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom *118/mo. Future openings expected, all areas. Contact UO Hous Ing Dept., 686 4277 4043 tfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment Campus $210/8250. No pets 485-2823. 4128:tfn SUBLET S/30-6/14,6150/mohth. Furnish sd duplex Quiet, private house, wood- I sy, close, two cats 726-0098 5-10 Doonesbury BOY! YOU'RE SURE LOOKING STRUNG OUTTHESE | PAYS, JtMBO MAN. \ NOTTHATIAINtTBEEN upgp THERE, TOO, UNDERSTAND. ^ WHENIGOTBACKlUJAS rnMEe DOING dYERfJHING UNDER o " Paoa R A BY GARRY TRUDEAU FOR YEARS, I COULDN'T IT'S STAY STRAIGHT ENOUGH EITHER TO HOLD A JOB. IT WAG 600OR UKB1 ALMOST WANTED A CHICK. / TOTRASH j-ze, ° \MYUFE! ^ THEN, A MIRACLE. ONE DAY, 1HEARD NANCY REAGAN IT? BOTH. SPEAK.. . SKYLIGHT REFECTORY Regular Or Vegetarian Spaghetti only $1.85 Spinach or spaghettini pasta, meal or w’gif sauce made daily with fresh vegetables. served with garlic bread FRESH GROUND SPECIALTY COFFEES ii-.. n