(*"^1 Vl.tn ^°n**nue^ *rom **a8e 6B Because clubs sports is a completely volun tary, student-initiated program, and the coaches train their teams without compensation, fund raising plays an important role for each member. However, since club sports first developed in 1968, its continued success would not be possible necessary for each team to be able to function and be competitive. The money is used for the teams’ traveling expenses, training and equipment. Because money is a constant concern for club teams, members must become involved in all aspects of running a team to keep expenses to a wnnoui additional financial support, says Sandy Vaughn, club sports coordinator.” Each spring, club sports proposes a com bined budget to the EMU Board, which in cludes all individual teams' budgets and ad ministrative costs. If it is approved, it then goes to the IFC Board as part of the EMU’s total budget request. This spring, as part of the EMU’s total budget, the IFC ap proved $47,453 in fun ‘The key to success for a club sports team is a commitment horn each member to com plete participation in their in dividual programs — and that means playing an active role in administrative, as well as competitive, respon sibilities. 9 —Sandy Vaughn Illlllllliuiii, oayo. ‘‘The key to suc cess for a club sports team is a commitment from each member to complete participation in their individual pro grams — and that means playing an ac tive role in ad ministrative, as well as competitive, respon sibilities,” Vaughn says. Each team budgets its money differently, but all transactions must be approved by Vaughn. However, all ding tor club sports. These funds were put into one account that was then divided into separate budgets for club sports’ 19 individual teams. All teams are then required to earn a minimum of 15 percent from their total budgets. But Vaughn says each team actually raises an average amount of 30 percent of their total budget through fund raising. This is the amount teams are auuweu iu raise funds in and out of season. .“There’s much more to being a club team than competing during season,” Vaughn adds. “They have to go out and earn money for their teams throughout the year because no one else is going to do it for them.” Photos by Karen Stallwood I ^German I AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA Reliable service for your OQ1 O 2025 Franklin Blvd foreign car since 1963 OHfa'faw I 4L Eugene, Ore 97403 t)XGt)b6l(* GAPb Our Patio is Open for sunlit Lunches, Sunday Brunch or Dinner under the stars 754 East 13th 342-6963 Recycle This Paper Scott Ware, head coach of the ski club, puts in some labor along with his alpine and nordic teams to help keep the club finan cially afloat. HOURS: Mon - Sal 7 am - 10:00 pm Sun 10 am • 8 pm 342-2206 Oiler Expires June 10. 1985 Jamie's serves a hearty breakfast and great hamburgers With this coupon receive one small Cherry or Chocolate Soda MAKE MONEY Second Hand Clothing WE BUY, TRADE ee CONSIGN quality clothing (new to 2 yrs. old) J Remember us when cleaning out j your closets. Or just come browse • through our unique shop. i Call Mornings for Appt. I 344-7039 SAVE MONEY 10-6 Mon.-Sat. 360 E. I Ith. between Mill ft ftiqh I_CLIP ft SAVE-1 DIM SUM Evwy WTy' $195 Sushi Lunch Dim Sum Lunch And Try Us For Dinner CHINA BLUE KcMaiirunt 879 K. 13th 343-2832 Remember MOM this Mother's l)a> with balloons from FULL OF HOT AIR 273 Coinin' R<* 342-1194 Wiilhi-rS l)a> i' siai. Mat I ★ 1 FREE Soda plus mc°FF I U any slice Offer good Monday-Sunday 11:30-Midnight, Mon.-Fri. 3:30-Midnight, Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus 686-9598 Sy's New f/m York Pizza ■■■•CLIP COUPO Iaiu I I I I I UO Bookstore WIN A honda. at Your BOOKSTORE Enter to \wlN ! Drawing will take place May 17th 13th & Kincaid M-F 7 30-5:30 SAT 10 00 3 00 Supplies 686-4331 ^iHplinac Paoo 7