|^|^| Continued from Page 2B Both the alpine and nordic teams compete in the southern division, which includes five other collegiate teams throughout the state. The alpine team roster is not as empty as the nordic roster, but the team is in need of expan sion, Rogers says, are given the option of trying out for the alpine or nordic teams in the fall before the winter season begins, Rogers says. Many new members don’t want to join the racing teams because they feel intimidated about competing, but once they ‘We're unique as a club sport in this respect because we give everyone a chance to participate.' —Barbie Rogers The alpine team will concen trate on ‘‘coordinating speed and technique” as they practice maneuvering downhill through the race gates during training, says Scott Ware, new head coach of the nordic and alpine teams. Ware is a certified ski techni cian and has had several years of racing and coaching ex perience. He also will be a racer oh the alpine team and a stu dent at the University starting next fall. Ware is hoping for a large turnout at the organizational meeting. "We want to get peo ple to come to the meeting so they will be on the ball to know ing that a ski club exists and what kind of training we have to offer," he says. Skiers who are not interested in competitive racing but would like the opportunity to train and improve their techniques also are welcome to come to the meeting and join the club, Ware adds. Most club sports teams do not offer non-competitive athletes this opportunity, Rogers says. “We’re unique as a club sport in this respect because we give everyone a chance to participate." Non-competitive members of the club can ski at Willamette Pass with the team for reduced rates and also train in this sum mer’s "dry land” program with Dexter Simmons, the team’s new developmental coach. Club members who join the team on a non-competitive basis A Grand i Finale ' ^ - For Any Evening... After o hard doy’s work, or for o quiet end to o special evening—come to Onsen. Relax your mind os you goze up ot the stars. Pomper your weory muscles in a‘ tub of worm rushing water. Unwind ond enjoy—any night of the week. HOURLY HOI TUO RENTAL Taking reservations until ,11 30 p m weekdoys until 12 45 weekends Call 345 9046 1663 Garden Ave Eugene Recycle This Paper IIIIHHHHnHMIHHIHIIIIUUHUI go through the summer training program, they gain more con fidence in their skills and change their minds by fall, she adds. The program includes a rigorous routine of aerobics, soccer, weight training and other activities to keep club members in top condition dur ing the summer months. The club will “critique” one The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT r. .— TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask for the special) (Addl. ingredients 55$) Why settle for less...than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. another and point out good techniques, as well as bad, Sim mons says. In addition, prac tices will be videotaped to allow the skiers to observe their own strengths and weaknesses. Conditioning exercises such as running, bicycling and “mountain-type” trail work, like jogging up and down wilderness trails, also will be part of the training program, Simmons adds. A new addition to the “dry land” program this summer will be a race-training camp at Mt. Hood’s Palmer Snowfield, which is also the training area for the U.S. Ski Team, Rogers says. The camp will be three days of “intense training, eight hours a day,” Simmons says, adding that there will be a lot of “mental work” in addition to the the physical training. “It’s a matter of good condi tioning at the outset (and) a dedicated effort to improve,” Simmons says. •This Monday’s Nooner scheduled for 12:30 p.m. in the Outdoor Program Room 23 EMU, will be featuring a moun tain climbing movie titledEiger about the solo ascent of the North Face by Eric Jones. •The second two-day clinic for Raft Trip Initiators will be held Monday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 15. The clinic is required for all trip initiators planning a raft co op trip. The clinic will cover trip organizing, safety, repair, equipment and environmental protection. The clinic is open to any river runner. Attendance at both evening sessions is required for initiators. Both sessions are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Outdoor Program. For more information, contact the Outdoor Program at 686-4365. Staff Sidelines is the Emerald’s weekly sports supplement publish ed each Wednesday except during finals week and vacation. Editor. Copy Editor.. Cover Photo. Production... Photo Tech... ...Sheila Landry Michael Kulaga .James Marks . ..Peg Solonika .Ross Martin