Speakers Continued from Page 9 Another problem between the University and the community has been that “people don’t know what kind of excellence is here,” says Bill Orr. a geology pro fessor who has spoken in the community both about his work with fossils, and his travels in China. For exam ple, when public issues such as land-use planning arise in the community, the University’s resources aren’t us ed, Orr says. “The Speakers Bureau is wonderful,” says Ray Hyman, a psychology professor who talks to communi ty groups about fake psychics. “It’s a chance to show people we don’t have horns." Faculty and staff members have talked free of charge to Rotary and Kiwanis club members, elemen tary, middle and high-school students, and members of churches and various civic organizations. “So far, the reaction has been almost exclusively good," he says. “They’re appreciative of the new perspective the University has given them.” Elementary-school teacher Paul Bolin said a talk given by biology professor Aaron Novick was a highlight of my teaching year.” Novick, who worked on the 1840s Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb, spoke to children about the threat of nuclear war. Beres envisions a future Speakers Bureau with the added personnel and financial backing to expand its programs, offer speakers a small fee, and compile an annual directory of speakers that could be sent to schools, clubs, and churches throughout the state. —UO Bookstore— NEW! VIDEO EQUIPMENT RENTAL RECORDERS SHARP & SANYO • BETA OR VHS Rental by: Term - $65 Month • $45 Week - $24.95 (any day) *$25 Deposit and ID required. VIDEO CAMERAS s29®* plus one Free High Grade BETA or VHS Tape Scotch Videocassettes VHS The Brand the Pros Prefer ra T-120 Reg. $8.95 HGX T-120 Reg. $12.95 $795 L-750 Reg. $8.95 L-750 HGX Reg. $12 95 *6 *RA TED BEST in national consumer surveys. TYPEWRITER RENTAL Rent your typewriter now while selections are the best. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Rent-to-Own financing also available brother Typewriter Sale 399 * Limited to stock on hand • FINANCING AVAILABLE SONY TRINITRON COLOR TELEVISION at Special Low Prices • FINANCING AVAILABLE • NEW SHIPMENT OF KV1357R & Royal Beta 8200C Jt Dual Purpose asset for home and office The ROYAL 8200C offers advanced electronic typing performance., with 2-line lift-off Correction Memory, Triple Pitch, 111-Character Keyboard with In ternational Language, Math, Legal and Business Symbols, Automatic Indent, Center, Return, Decimal Tab and much, much more. The ROYAL Beta 8200C also features a built-in Cen tronics/Parallel computer interface with 2K memory. Use it as a typewriter or as a letter quality computer printer. Either way, you get advanced perfor mance and ROYAL value. See the Beta 8200C in action at the UO Bookstore. Reg. $539.95 * Rent-to-Own and Financing Available