police beat The following is a list of area crimes that have been reported to the Eugene Police Depart ment since April 24: A cosmetic case and cosmetics valued at $198 were stolen from Esslinger Hall April 19. Six Autzen Stadium restrooms were broken into be tween April 23-26. Six feminine napkin machines were broken into apparently in search of money, said Sgt. Chuck Tilby, from the Eugene Police Depart ment. Damage is estimated at $141. Three wallets were stolen. One, valued at $35, was taken from Lawrence Hall, and a se cond, valued at $25, was stolen from Villard Hall, both on April 25. The third, valued at $30, was stolen from Thornton Hall Tuesday. A backpack, valued at $195, r was stolen from the University Bookstore April 25. A white male exposed himself to a female University student in the Main Library April 25. The man was describ ed as 40-45 years old, 6 feet 1 inch tall and 190 pounds with black and grey hair and brown eyes, Tilby said. Marcelino Renteria, 32, and Lance J. Brown, 22, both tran sients, were arrested and charg ed with trespassing April 26. A Cloran dormitory resident said she called the police after the men entered her room and refused to leave, Tilby said. A cassette player, valued at $150, w^s stolen either Sunday or Monday from a car parked in the University Inn parking lot. An undisclosed amount of money was stolen from Yogurt Delight' on 13th Avenue Sunday. Six bicycles were stolen. Israeli celebration planned An Israeli street fair will transform a por tion of Alder Street into a carnival of music, dancing, food, crafts and games Sunday. The fair celebrates Israel’s 37th birthday and is sponsored by the Jewish Student Union/Hillel and The Bayit, a cooperative for students in terested in learning about Judaism. Members of Shivtei Shalom Moshav (a Jewish cooperative near Dorena Lake) and Temple Beth Israel, and Saturday Market mer chants will be host some of the booths at the fair. Local Israeli folk dancers and singers also will bring the Israeli culture to The Bayit at 2266 Alder St. Field day games for children will run through the day. The fair lasts from 12 to 5 p.m. and is free to the public. Today the JSU will have an information table from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the EMU lobby. Below is a list of scheduled activities for Sunday: •1 p.m.: Pop band. •2:30 p.m.: Silent period for Reagan’s visit to Bitburg. •2:40 pirn.: Birthday-cake candle lighting.. •3 p.m.: Israeli music by Ki Tov Singers. For further information, call JSU at 686-4366 or the Bayit at 485-2851. Juice bar celebrates birthday Genesis Juice Bar is throwing a birthday party to cejebrate. eight years of b successful cooperative business. The party will be held at 8 p.m. tonight.at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kin. caid St. . ... . Live music will be provided by Single Mary, Avalon, and » Stick Against Stone. Admission is $2. Genesis Juice Bar members work at a variety of jobs within the company and achieve full membership after paying a *5uu membership fee. The company makes .about 400 gallons of apple and apple blend juices each week as well as carrot, honey-lemon and other juices. CABLES A SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR NEW GRADUATES CAN HELP YOU INTO A NEW CHRYSLER OR PLYMOUTH. With graduation here, you’re probably ready for a for a fraction of the purchase cost, with afford new car. Chrysler Corporation understands the ably low monthly payments. You have six months graduate’s problems establishing a credit history from the receipt of your degree to take advantage and getting together enough cash to finance a of this exclusive program, new car purchase. Now you can afford a new car, Mail the coupon below and get full details thanks to Chrysler’s special p — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — of this special Gold Key Gold Key program for col lege graduates. You can drive a new 1985 Chrysler or Plymouth OUT SEND MY MATERIALS TO THE ADDRESS HE LOW. Name Address City State Zip College or University Graduation Date Mail to: Chrysler-Plymouth College Graduate IV 2751 E. Jefferson Avenue Detroit. MI 48207 program for you, the new college graduate. Act now. Chrysler Plymouth L