EMU Cu fturaT Forum and Food Service join Mecha in celebrating Cinco de Mayo at the BEER GARDEN TODAY! 4-7 Dining Rm FIESTA GRANDE CON GRUPO Palante de Portland ID Required FREE FREE FREE ISRAEL CULTURE WEEK May 1-5 FRIDAY MAY 3 Info/Entertainment Table Come explore Israel through music and literature 11:00- 1:30 EMU SUNDAY MAY 5 STREET FAIRE Come meet the Culture! Explore Israeli music, dance, food, & entertain ment! Enjoy browsing and buying various crafts! 12:00- 5:00 2266 Alder Sponsored by JSU1HILLEI •rid Th* Baylt LIVE MUSIC Craig Sorseth Acoustic Guitar & Vocals 8.00 -11:00 pm Tonite ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1461 16 E. 19th Come have a beer and enjoy the sounds BIJOU LATE NITE STOP MAKING SENSE TALKING HEADS General Admission $4 FRI SAT MIDNITE ADM. S3 Starts Friday May 3rd 7:30 h 8:30 5094:5-3 Cultural Forum Films SATURDAY 7 and 9 pm 180 PLC RaoUL Ealing Raoul is a clever, satirical look at sen. greed and modern limes Paul Bartel and Mary Woronov (both star red in Rock h Roll High School) are a married couple who stumble upon a scheme to raise enough money to open their own restaurant It's sim pie They |ust lure wealthy perverts (via newspaper ads) to their apart ment, bonk them on the head with a deadly frying pan and steal their cash Delightfully crazy Raoul (Robert Beltran) Is a rip-off artist who discovers two victims In garbage bags and wants a piece of the action | ' One of the freshest, funniest com i edies in years " -Bruce Williamson Playboy "Eating Raoul is one of the nicest and gentlest movie of the year Paul Bartel evokes some of the delicious ; complexities of the more recent I Bunuel films I cannot think of higher : praise" -Village Voice ★ ★ ★ ★ SUNDAY 7 and 9:30 pm 180 PLC ONLY TWO SHOWS! NORTE Beginning in the remote mountain lungles of Guatemala, this extraor dinary odyssey focuses on two young people seeking a better life as their world begins to crumble When their mother Is abducted by soldiers and their father killed. Enrique and Rosa are forced to set out for the "promis ed land" of the north — El Norte " k k k it .One of the best American movies I've seen in a long time A beautiful visionary film one of the rare films that grants Latin Americans full humanity." ■Roger Ebert/Chicago Sun Times/At the Movies "Vivid and remarkable...Stunning. It is rare to see a modern movie that has topical pertinence, mythical sweep and also a sense of humor Undeniably moving." David Elllot/USA Today kkkk Amazing unforget table, a fascinating human document " -Gene Slskel/Chlcago Tribune/At the Movies ★ ★ ★ ★ All shows: $2 Adults $1 Children CINCHA7 zr£% ALL NEW COMEDY Lira Comedy on Stage at Cinema 7 Thia Friday at 7:30 & 0:30 ‘3.00 Saturday Matinee only at 2pm -*2.00 No children under 12 admitted MAX’S FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR 4-6 pm *1 Pitchers SAT. MAY 4 CASHIERS Personals Newman Center Roman Catholic Community at the University of Oregon Worship with us Weekdays 5:15pn Sundays: 9 00 am 11:00am • 7:30pm Special Student Worship Wednesdays at 0:00pm 1850 Emerald St. • 343-7021 ITALIAN LANGUAGE Inquire now about PSU a Summon Session Intensive Italian language program-A'l’P'S (Acquiring Language Production Skills) - held et Mt Hood Scholarships available Call or write: PSU Summer Session, PO Box 751, Portland. OR 97207, Z0MML STUDY IN THE SOVIET UNION AUG 11 - SEPT 1,1BSS PSU Russian language program Call or write for brochure: PSU Summer Session, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207, 229-4081. SPANISH LANGUAGE COAST OF MEXICO Call or write tor Information on PSU's Summer Session’s 1985 A’l’P’S (Acquiring Language Proficiency Skills) Spanish language program held in Manzanillo, Mexico - plus PE credit in windsurfing. For details: PSU Summer Session. PO Box 751, Portland. OR 97207, 2294081 MOTHER’S DAY IS MAY 12th WE’RE READY FOR IT! ARE YOU? JABBEBWOCKY 1308 HILYARD MON • SAT 9:30 - 6 SUN 12-5 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days Strictly confidential Call 66M4M3144:tfn FOR ANSWERS TO TOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1 -800-772-9100. 2 p.m MF 3162WHF MAKE MONEY! RAQS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 380 E. 11th 194&WHF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP. Free pregnancy testing. Birthright 687-8651. ■_ 623:F PLANNED PARENTHOOD for PAP smears, birth control methods and counseling. Day and evening appt Call M-F 344-94114115:F PAST LIFETIME REGRESSIONS Spirit Guide Contact $20. call Tom 345-9749 5-8 Learn to Sky Dive Weekly instruction at Discount Prices call 484-9868 _HFM GAMES Super hero and Fantasy Role-playing games at: Emerald City Comics 770 E. 13th 345-2568 4664:HFtfn MAXIE. Meet me at 10 p.m. for a ham on wholewheat at LENNYS NOSH BAR. LUIGI 3905: 4th ANNUAL ALL CAMPUS STREET DANCE with KASMIR 15th & Kincaid this Friday $2 at the door, $1.50 in advance. Contact Phi Delta Theta:5-3 OPEN GYM FOR 4X4 basketball, MWF 12:00, Esslihger.5-3 LOSE WEIGHT • INCHES at a cost of only $3 per pound by using herbs Completely natural, healthy, and guaranteed 9982937 (local)_5-3 Parting Shots ARE COMING I Am The Vine: Estate-Bottled . Christianity Focus tor Worship at Tho Wesley Center Sunday Worship 11 am. 1236 Kincaid Love Class: Wednesdays 5-6pm DON’T FADE! DON’T BURN, GET TAN! Spring Term UNLIMITED $89 ($60.10 with discount!!) SUN SHOWER 10% discount (not including coupon specials) tor students, faculty, and stall (Sacred Heart too!) Across 13th from the UO Bookstore Airconditioned TOWARD NON JUDGEMENTAL THOUGHT- Gatson Cartier's free workshop will be held Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 in 330 Condon meeting through 6(4/85. Sponsored by SEARCH For more information call 686-4305 5107:5-3 AOPi Happy 62nd Anniversary! Jta. GET A JUMP ON THE JOB MARKET. Internships can give you important professional opportunities. The Career Development Internship Pro gram is offering internships summer and tall term for Juniors and Seniors with majors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Sites include the Hilton, WISTEC, City of Eugene, Lane Co. Historical Museum, Cawood Com munications. Eugene Springfield Visitors & Convention Bureau. Red Cross and Erb Memorial Union. In terns can earn 6 credit hours in the summer, 3 in the (all Interview sign ups are May 6-17 In 221 Hendricks Hall. Stop by lor more info.5095:5-14 CELEBRATE! National Dance Week April 29 May S, 1985 Hug a Dancer! Taka a claaa ... FREE) Mon-Fri 7:30-8:30 p.m. Gartlngar Annex and Halt Mon.- Jazz: T. Kramer Tue- Aerobic: J. Johnson Wed.- African: D. Homan Thur- Tap: L. Werner Fri - Folk: S. Bucher FREE Dance Classes 5061:5-3 mcalister 81-82 Dorm Reunion Sat. May 4, 6:00 Randa & Ju-Ju’s lnfo:L 344-2661 To the Person who found the keyring outside science library THANK YOU! You saved my life. USA.5-3 Good LUCK! Jr. Panhellenic Marcia Anderson, Preaidant Theresa Alien, Treasurer Jill Jacobson, Secretary Amy Caster, Public Relations Sarah Lachkar Jana Stuart Christen Brooke Sheryl Hansen Debbie Hardy Sarah Ballen Jennifer Price Let’s get Psyhed for the Greatest Greek week Breakfast ever! 5-3 ' Congratulations! Molly Currie! Panhellenic VP Looking forward to fun times ahead! Love, Jr. Panhellenic 5-3 Interested in getting Involved? The University is looking for student volunteers to serve as hosts/hostesses for the Summer Duck Bash for freshman recruitment The bashes will be held on June 22 at various locations throughout Oregon, the Seattle area, and the San Francisco Bay Area. You are encouraged to at tend an informational meeting May 7 at 9 p.m. in 342 Gilbert.5-6 EUGENE IS INVITED TO PHI DELTA THETA’S STREET DANCE TONIGHT Featuring KASHMIR 7 10, 15th A Kincaid *1.50 advance. S2 entrance 5^ AOPi Deneen Today’s the big day! A member you will soon be I hope you are as sxcited as I am! Love, YOUR BIG SIS. 5-3 SIS Thanks for being my Trip sitter. A Toast to Scizophrenic Sinners M FARTHINGTON, Meet me at 7:30 p.m. tor a noshers delight at LENNY'S NOSH BAR.LOLITA. ZOE Jeremy Dill Happy 20th Birthday Love, Saiiy DEVIN BABY Looking forward to a great Sat night Love, Kelly 5-3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONORA, Big 19th. LOVE HEATHER M.S-3 GPhiB Margie Thanks for everything! I’m psyched to have you as my Big Sis! YLS SUSAN.5-3 THETA CHI RON, I hope you have a hap py birthday. FROM LA.5-3 HERE WE GO. Good luck. SHEMI. 5-3 sieve Kuske Good luck with your recital5-3 JENNIFER PG?E knew what they were doing when they hired you. I’m so proud! Here's to fun times ahead in San Francisco! Love, your old and new roomie. JULIA. 5-3 Tod Kelly I really am looking forward to this weekend Thanks. Love, Jen. 5-3 Sunriver Blowout ’85 Memorial Day Weekend May 25-27. Pre Finals Glow., don't be afraid Buzz Direc tor (C.B.) 343-0565 5-3 TURKEY: The Aegean Heritage. 29 day summer study program includes visits to mosques an® museums, historic sites bazaars, and archaeological sites - with participation in archaeological digs. Call or write: PSU Summer Ses sion, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207. 229-4081.5113:5-3 STUDY IN ISRAEL. 9 credits classes held at Tel Aviv University. Ar chaeological Field camp included June 25 - August 2, 1985 May 10 deadline Call or write: PSU Summer Session, PO Box 751, Portland OR 97207, 229-4081. 5113:5-3 Queebee Smile it’s Friday 5-3 BARBIE Good luck through “I". Love, Your Big Sis, KORI.S3 LYNDA JO FAIRCL0UGH Happy 21st Birthday on Sunday BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed -1 i— ~—i r uiivzr ■ LiJimi.-.vrvsJ nnj A PATE T0NI6HT ANP HE 60THOLP Of A CAP. SOMEHOW / NOt NO/... PONT PANIC ' POST ALERT THE LOCAL cm PEPENSE ' WHT' HUWY ' BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed 11-n ■ ... i souenm's mm. turn's •jh~: mm r* my i socks sm.i f \ NO €Y€N FttA l JT^V mo trtsur/ vo„ trs m mce, 77UNO'S mm” me L 'cumsicis 5H0MN6, am#