sports Pepsi Relays kicked off today I he Uregon men s and women s track-and field teams will take a break from dual-meet action today and Saturday when the second annual Pepsi Relays return to Hayward Field. The meet will feature high school and open events along with some nationally prominent collegiate competitors. Perhaps the most interesting women’s race will come in the four-mile relay. The Oregon contingent of Brenda Bushnell, Leann Warren, Kathy Hayes and Claudette Groenendaal will take on a strong field featuring the University of Wisconsin and a squad from Athletics West. The javelin has an outstanding field as the top three collegiate throwers in the nation will compete. Former national champion Sally Harmon from Oregon (180-2) will be trying to unseat last year’s NCAA champion Iris Gronfeldt, who has the nation’s best toss of 191-1 for the University of Alabama. The University of Arizona’s Martha Hart will also vie for top honors. On the men’s side, the big events should come in the field where the Pac-lO’s top two javelin throwers, Oregon’s Brian Crouser (286-0) and the University of Washington’s Bob Rockett (287-6), will face each other. Also, the hammer should be competitive with Washington State University’s Tore Gustaffson, tops in the. Pac-10 ait 247-8, taking on San Jose State University’s Kjell Bystedt and Oregon’s Ken Flax. The other Ducks in the meet include Dub Myers in the two-mile relay and sprinters Jeff Hoskins and John Frazier taking on WSU’s Lee Gordon and Washington’s Byron Howell. . .. .... Sports Shorts The Oregon softball team tries to stave off elimination from the NorPac Conference playoffs, as the Ducks face the University of California in a 9 a.m. double-header today at Oregon Field. The Ducks, 17-19, must win both of their final NorPac games against the 13th ranked Golden Bears, 29-21 overall, to have a chance of gaining a playoff berth. Cal is 4-2 in the NorPac, while Oregon stands at 2-6. Oregon coach Rich Brooks and the Duck football team will conclude spring drills with an intrasquad scrimmage beginn ing at 11 a.m. at Autzen Stadium. The Oregon men’s tennis team will be at the Pacific-10 Conference Northern Division Championships starting today. Oregon basketball coach Don Monson signed junior college All-American Jimmy Winston to a letter of intent to play for the Ducks next season. Winston, a forward from St. Gregory’s College in Shawnee, Okla., led the National Junior College Athletic Association Region II in scoring last season with a.24.9 average. Winston, a 6-foot-7, 205-pound junior, shot 53.3 percent from the field and was 78.4 percent from the free throw line. The signing period ends May 15. Monson has two scholar ships left to give to incoming players for next season. et ai. • MEETINGS STUDENTS AGAINST APARTHEID will have an open meeting this Saturday at noon in the Koinonia Center, 14th Avenue and Kincaid Street. Everyone is invited. LECTURES DR. MARILYN VIHMAN will give a mini-course on child language titled “Cognitive Style and Language Develop ment” today from 5-7 p.m. in Room 146 Straub Hall. JOHN TRANTER OF SYDNEY, AUSTRAILA, will give a lecture on and reading of Australian poetry at 7:30 p.m. Monday at The Faculty Club. MISCELLANEOUS “RUN FOR THE GLORY JOGATHON” Any campus group interested in raising $40 per person in a fun, healthy and ex citing way, contact Bruce or Joan at 343-0451. The jogathon will be held June 1 at lp.m. XEROX INTERNSHIP Application deadline for the Xerox summer internship has been extended until May 9. Position description available at Career Planning and Placement, Room 244 Hendricks. Call 686-3235 for information. INSTRUCTOR TRAINING IN HOME NURSING The American Red Cross is of fering an instructor training class in home nursing. Nurses interested in becoming a volunteer instructor are invited to take the course. The instructor training will be held Saturday from 9-4 p.m. and Sunday from 9-3 p.m. For more information, call the American Red Cross at 344-5244. Deadline for submitting Et Als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU. is noon the day before publication. Et Als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. Events oc curring nearest the publication date, and campus-originated events will be given priority. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter UO Bookstore Lobby M-F 11-1 EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 For Sale MOVIE POSTERS Call 344-2188 and ask for Dana or atop by Oak at ay Cinema5-3 LARGE SELECTION USEO COLOR TV seta $49 Deka Electronics. 390 W 12th 342- 24BB.4748 3-24 WINDSURFER 1984 Freestyle $725 Evenings, 343- 5213 V3 COLOR TV Excellence color, perfect picture $75 cash. 748-1395 5-3 AQUARIUMS: 1 15 gal.. 2 2V» gal. and set-ups Call 342-3690S3 TV, ZENITH tar Color Great shape' One owner, never been raced 484-5317, Phil Grayson5-7 MOVING SALE SATURDAY. Bed. typewriter, lamp, desk. etc. 337 E 13th 9-4 5-3 Buy & Sell THE SUY S SELL CENTER BuySelHTrade Musical Instruments, stereo, tools, F’hotographlc and Backpacking Equlpement 361 W. 5th. tfn:81S4 LET ME SHOW YOU A SECRET! Orien tal Beauty Secrets distributed by Han Mar Kaur, 344-4885 5-7 $2 SPECIAL Collage Postcards May 4, 1-4 p.m. with Vlctoda Shaw Wood Carving May 4 8 11, 1-4 p.m. wlttisootly Sleeves Mounting Photographs May 4, 1-4 p.m with David Simone Sign up Today! EMU Craft denier 888-4381 __ 5097:5-3 BEGINNING RUNG FU CLASS for women and children May 7-30 Tu-Th nights 345-8490 tor Into. 58 Services • Local • National • Oinksmw • RESUMES $10 & UP To Executive Presentations Writing • Typing • Printing •Fro* Consultation* •Guaranteed Results* A Professional Resume Service 1374 Willamette No 8 343-2782 __ 4S67B:ttn Yogic Body Work lor Stress Reduction and Physical Fitness by Hart Har Kaur. 344-4885 5 7 B&J BOOKBINDING 33714 Peoria Rd Corvallis, Or 97333 Hrs: Mon-Fri 9-5 , 757 9861 THESIS BINDING QUALITY HARDCASE BINDING. PRICES START AT *6.00 Oversewn, large color selection, bookcloth or leather, rapid turn around, personalized service Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Statistical specialist IBM Corr Set Qrad. appro* ad. Near campus. S480786. 3159rt1n TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes. 8 BRANDY 484-6044 WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services Call Karen. 484-1846 314fl:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Word Processing Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 4S6-3S14 3143:tln Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years isperienca Papers, dissertations, idltlng, resumes, mass mailings Graduate School approved. Pickup and lellvery Call Carole at 6S6-3M3. 3157:tfn TYPINO/EDITINQ Call Sara 886-0739 3154:ttn THE TYPED WORO Expertenced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included. 34543703028rtfn WORD PROCESSING TSC Professional Typing Service 647S32S by appointment 3142MWF Graphic Services the professionals resumes: $1525 business cards: $5-10 300 EMU 685-5511 See The Difference tfn PRO TYPING/EIMTING. Guaranteed Close to IIO Graduate school approved JENNIFER. 485-3883 4311UWF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING • EDITING Resumes. Pspers. Theses, Dissert* tlons, Graduate School Approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 485-1473 448S.MWF TYPING I15PAGE, Guaranteed. Carol 686-0134 evenings before 7. 20 yrs. ex perience5-8 ARTISTIC QUALITY Word processing and Editing Harl Har Kaur, 344-4885.4728:5-3 WORD PROCESSING at typing prices call Ruthann 344-0434 5-7 ACCURATE TYPING/ EDITING. IBM Setectrlc/dual pitch Grad School ap proved. Dee 726-5551. (4 mi from cam pus) 5-6 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% off Hal prices •Textbooks«Cllff Notes*Magazlnes* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 788 East 13th 3152:t!n MITSUBISHI 150 WATT AMP. Pre-amp and Phase linear speakers with sub woofer Audio rack Included $1600, of ter Evenings 668-3132 53 AIWA linear Torque Direct Drive New Shure cartridge, $80 OBO Call Kevin at 4852568_ 56 JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1627 Peart Street 3*3-7883 Monday thru Friday 9 am.- 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a m -1 p.m. 3148:5-3 RENTA SPRING DAY ON THE MILLRACE On sunny days rent a canoe) EMU WATERWORKS CANOE COMPANY 1365 Franklin X4398 4668:F THE A WATER (((Jj)) While relaxing in o soothing hot tub at On inn fett assured that the water quality is excellent loch spa e SIHII! ='3 3 = o S2IIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 o^iec*iv>»i7R -1 an > HONDA 360 TWIN, excellent eondi ?n, extras *500 or best offer. 484-6226 5-3 0 HONDA PASSPORT: great condition ust sell to pay bills. S450. Matching ilmet $70 485-7483 5-3 1 MQA Solid and sexy. $3995/offer 15-5698 or 746-2836. Keep trying. 5-3 DNDA CB 125S, Great campus bike. iss than 3000 miles. Must sell. $375. 6-9905.5-7 ■LLOW TOYOTA CORONA. 1971, 2 T. stick. Looks good, runs good. Like * tires. $800 Julie, 683-2335 tfn s< $3 sc U CM oc »'re looking for someone who wants M blowout all over the U.S. this summer a 25 ft. RV. We're going coast-to- _ ast from 7/19 to 8/19. Interested? Call § 4-2678, ask for Matt or Jay 5-6 TO MALE TEACHERS SEEKING to usesit June 15-August Good with ts and plants. Non-smokers, erences. 342-2044.5064V5-3 ACHER'S FAMILY (4) WANTS MJSE to sublet 4 weeks in July gust. Write: Barbara, 11087 Pipeline, mona CA 91766. WF5-6 kRRIED PROFESSIONAL COUPLE I houseslt while attending UO sum ir school. No children, no pets, non okers. References. 459-1379 even s, 459-2597 days. 5-9 PLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE positions on the 1965-86 Oregon mmentator Staff, Including Editor plicants should have knowledge of malistlc and polemic techniques I the University of Oregon. Editor st be enrolled as a full-time student :he University. Position of Editor re res an average of 20 hours per week h no salary. plications are available at the igon Commentator office, 203 EMU, I are due before 5 p.m. Wednesday, y 7. For more information, call -3721.57 SUMMER SESSION STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Conference Desk Assistant June 15August 31, '85 Salary: Single room/board 20 hours weekly Flexible hours Applications Available Housing Office. Walton Hall Deadline: Friday May 10 506556X ( D< 66 UP! ty i E.S 6/21 tlor f ice 686 ATi tior wet OK anc Eu« ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA PHI ETA SIGMA phomore members are eligible for a 90 scholarship that Is based on holarshlp, involvement with Alpha mbda Delta/Phi Eta Sigma, and other mpus activities. Pick up applications tside of Rm. 202 EMU. Deadline is nr 20 1985. 4741:4-29X EMU Cultural Forum APPLICATIONS STILL NEEDED FOR CONTEMPORARY ISSUES COORDINATOR EMU CULTURAL FORUM adline May 6th. For more info call 5-4373 or stop by Suite 2 EMU. GET INVOLVED! - 5078:5-6 HARD BOUND PROGRAM. Universi >f Oregon. Opening for Instructor: L., $1400 for Summer Session -8/18. Training 5/10-12. Job descrip and application: Upward Bound Of . 1859 E. 15th, Eugene OR 97403 3501. Deadline: 5 p.m., May 7. 5074B:5-3 ILETIC CLUB FRONT DESK posi . part-time Opening, closing, and kend hours. Must be eligible for :C Service permit. Submit resume cover letter to: 4242 Commerce, ene Oregon. 974025-3