Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1985, Image 20

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An affirmation 1s a stronq, positive verbal
statement that somethin'? 1s already so. It Is a
way of “making firm" that which you want In your
life. Some examples are:
- I am relaxed and centered
- I love and appreciate myself Just as I am
- I connunlcate clear and effectively
- I am sugar free
nosi or us are aware or tne ract tnat we nave a
nearly continuous “inner dialoque" qoinq on in
our minds. What we are “telUnq ourselves" in
fluences and colors our feelinqs and perceptions
ahout what's qoinq on in our lives, and it is
these thought forms that ultimately attract and
create everything that happens to us. The prac
tice of doing affirmations allows us to begin
replacing some of our stale, worn out, or negative
mind chatter with some positive ideas. It is a
powerful technique, one which can help transform
our attitudes and expectations about life, and
thereby change what we create for ourselves.
Here are so.se Important thinqs to remember about
1. Always phrase affirmations in the present
tense. It's important to create it as if
It already exists.
?. Always phrase affirmations 1n the most
positive way you can. Affirm what you do
want, not what you don't want.
3. In qeneral, the shorter and simpler the
affirmation the more effective.
A. Always choose affirmations that feel riqht
for you. What works for one person may
not work for another.
5. Write, print or type affirmations on a
piece of paper, and read them each evening
before you go to bed, and the next morning
when you get up.
6. Paste the affirmation on your mirror, car
dashboard, telephone, billfold, and any
where that you might see it during the day.
Select a five-minute period 1n the course of
you*’ day when you will be free of distractions and
interruptions. Find a quiet spot where you can
either sit comfortably In an upright position or
lie on your hack. Close your eyes and take a deep
full Inhalation. Mold your breath for a count of
three, then let It out with a long sigh. Mow sim
ply allow your breath to come and go effortlessly
on Its own. With the next three breaths, release
any tension remaining 1n your body.
Mow picture, 1n your mind’s eye, your favo
rite nature spot. It can be a beach, meadow, a
mountalntop, a stream, or any place which has mean
ing for you and which you feel very peaceful.
Imagine, 1n detail, all the special things about
your favorite place—the colors, smells, textures,
sights and sounds.
Take a look at yourself. Note the ease and con
fort In this special spot.
Now think of a time earlier In life when you
were at the apex of well-being. Recall a period
1n either recent or distant time when you felt
fully alive. Joyous, and hlqh on your natural
powers and Innate fifts. Envision the little
things about yourself - the bounce In your step,
the sparkle In your eyes, the comfort and ease
that permeated your thouqhts and actions. Re
experience for a few moments the sense of pow»r
freedom you owned during these splendid inter
ludes of enhanced functioning. Enjoy a minute
or so of pleasure recalling the real you, the
person you are at your best.
Why hold back, why settle for less? Be the
best you can be. If 1t feels so good 1n memory.
Imaqlne the rewards of reaching these hlghts 1n
the present. You can do 1t.