Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1985, Page 2A, Image 2

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Wednesday’s sit-in
came from the heart
Why wmM-1 peace. wfibzagjsy sapper: sc i
ps&Seai canae'
If* 4 gmBffjse “Ear ias see® sparged by '»'* ecuesuri t ar
mtft uf ansae "3am. 'H9 lageoe ssuaasi AH .wo* fortHting
-ausK segriae dbai sageatssai* 5©®ei Africa.
wtsr, Swell par* it sr«6-ia * tike 3laa&m Fedeoi 3ta.;,jC..-aif. Tut
*at-bi -uiaut afcsr as early aftarBoea oapw ■ sally tasr.
cshssaBated w^Se * . sarcs. 3© "3* steps 'i the F*cera_
itebMasg. A-awaR wi of daeae wfc© »« tofaC were rifisrBss
el tfe* protesters speasC 15' Is 26 less* i* esiter tit Lane
Cjmssstj jaS or the Stopmmfk Juwes&je Haase
Whr wmsM. m many wMzmgfo speoc * ss#£ ~j& pal'"
Sometimes perfrioas *uc is—ass ism ocey r. ws far
femrmrm*. yead sessizeaSS- *8 ftrir«d wrfearagVsw' -.XJ 3t2f
also have their limn*. When cosjcessed csfrae®* he&ewr that
ov ^mxmmxti is not ksteaiag. they ©fees fet. it as ~:sae is
dc more — is make a mare diectzre RalemeaL iter toac
tsreaes* deessT atssts vtoiesce.
.Uadafcasa Geadki hemrje&zii&&i the power of passive
seifessaac* as a protest stares"? through its use m India dur
:ag the 192*1* aad 30» Tks^art die 1956b ad 60* U.S
siri! riga** ami amri-war actridos* showed the eilsdtivsiess
of Ctrl! dasdbedasse* by protests* U-S- pyverm&esct
prjade*- to bath instances csrotester* przrr&d ttjc a peaceful.
degasaasizaekm is am effective tool for
The Wednesday arrests were both peaceful ^sd orderfy.
Eogeoe police carried the demonstrators off. ixsdfrkhailly. to
a waiting police van. Bat the anesa were truly dramatic.
■ The protesters sat inside the Federal Bmkfag, bcemti
together io groups a# free to 10 people, awaiting arrest.. They
sang, they cheered for one another and they spoke words of
reassurance to their fellow protesters. Through it ail they
chanted slogans against the- racist regime in South Afnca.
And they denounced Presides^ Ronald Reagan’s sop-poet o#
Sooth African President P.W. Botha.
. The protesters went to jail in order to show their hatred
tor a Sooth African government that treats -is black and col
ored citizens as if they were dirt. The protesters went to jail
in order to teif an American president that his policy toward
Sooth Africa hi morally refwehensible- The protesters went
to Jail in order to tocos local media attention on the issue.
Were they effective in getting their message across?
They have caused the local media to concentrate on the
issue of apartheid- They have spurred campus- and
community-wide discussion on the issue. And they have
shown that today's college and high-school student does
care about important world issues
It would be a mistake for anyone to believe that the pro
testers were just out tor fun and excitement. And it would
also be an error to think that those who were arrested w ere
taking a nostalgic trip back to the protest marches of the 60s
We must all understand that the true message of the pro
testers was, and remains to be — Dow n with Apartheid!
Only time will tell whether this protest, along with
others nationwide, will bring about change in U S. policy
toward South Africa. But in the meantime, the Reagan ad
ministration must realize that Wednesday’s rally and arrests
were jus* one indication of America s grow ing impatience
with South Africa and its immoral government.
So* >j***4U ns&tfs visrr, acva^aaan worn i£PT**JjJ$5
-Gj£ '<**?£'<* HUM -4c PKe*r*6*X£ PR flRM or TEINOTN.COmGN AND W&nBE&G
A idled smoke and no finr. my
response to Mr. Leong's com
ment os "The blatant
d iscr i m ination against
minorities in Malaysia.” (ODE.
April 301
I ask yon. Mr. Leong, a
Singaporean I presume, what
do you know about racial
discrimination when you are
not a minority?
I am aware that opening up
old wounds makes for juicy
election manifestos for your
protege, but at others’ expense.
By doing so. you selfishly
turn the dock back on a nation’s
efforts to improve itself.
1 am a minority Singaporean
and Mr. Leong can look me up ii
be wants more juicy informa
tion about discrimination in his
own backyard.
We have racial harmony
because I choose to work
towards it and overlook in
stances even a 9-year-old
International studies show
that only when minorities work
with the majority can a nation
Mr. Leong should research
this if he should ever think oi
visiting Malaysia where he is
definitely a minority.
1 applaud people like Sit;
Mohd Nor whose positive at
titude towards racial harmony
gives hope for all even if it take:
20 years
Learn Mr. Leong, go hom<
and practice what you preach.
fesudas Menoc
Physical Educatior
Poor attitude
I guess you really can’t get
something for nothing — if a
deal looks too good to be true,
you just aren't seeing the whole
What I’m referring to is an of
fer in the Campus Coupon Clip
per for a "Free 5x7 print" (on
Tuesdays only) from Agate
Video on 19th and Agate Street.
I used one coupon successful
ly last Tuesday, so I was op
timistic about trying again this
I had asked the last time if
there was a limit because none
was stated, and was told it was
"two per person." So this time 1
went in with a friend. each of us
with two coupons.
When I went to pick up the
prints, the manager informed
me it was only "one coupon per
person.” I wondered why 1
wasn’t told this in the first
place, and why the limit had
It was becoming increasingly
not worth the hassle, so when
she asked if I still wanted one I
said no, and she angrily ripped
the order envelope in half,
which contained the 5x71 got
last week.
When I told her she ripped up
my 5x7 she said “So what?" 1
said "Don't you care?” and she
said "No!”
I thought the idea of the
coupon was to bring in
customers and create goodwill.
I don't think a poor attitude and
rude way of treating those
customers is the way to do
leff i.an/.u
oregor dotty
Tne Oregor Oas*y Emeratc » pco v'-eo Monday
twougi P'>cay eicW during exan-- week arc .avar v i
t» the Oregv Daffy £m®ra>d fletUNMeg Cc at the
Unwersrfy of Oregor Eugene. Oregon 9T4S3
The Emeratd operates independently ot the Oowewt
ty ariOi echoes or* the M<4 f*oor <ff the Erfc Memorial
Union and is a member of *r«e Associated Press.
General Staff
fc5»e"'V'g Director Susan Tne>er
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©aesrfied AdrerhSMig /mce Adairs
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Nancy Nielsen. Brett Picaman, Ten Swn!<oge*. Laura
WMougmby - intern, Dario Wood
Pro due Son Keffy Corny, Stormi Dykes, Manuel Plores.
Kathy Gallagher, Dean Guernsey, Jackson Haring, Susan
Hawkins, Kirk Hi rota Grant Kettner. Rob Kraft Ross Mar
tin, Karin McKercher, Lauri Neely, Keffy Nett, Kara Oberst,
Curt Penrod, Michele Rose, AJyson Simmons, Peg
Sotonika. Karen Sta)h»ood, Tim SwiKinger, CoHeen Tre
maine, Hank Trotter, Mary VanCura,
Managing Edwor
Hew* Editor
Editorial Page EOrtcr
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f m»/ Eddie* byi's
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t*#gm Editor
MUcftete M^.sssa
Mte Suns
M«cnae’i Kutaga
■Costas Chris*. Da»e Bems
Brian £rt>
Blent De La Paz
Sheda Landry
Kim Carlson
Mrohaei Duncan
M*ohete Msr.as.sa
Associate Editors
Higher Education
Student Activities
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PaM Ertett
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Dsana EKaoB
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Reporters Sean Ajrmafcer Kirsten Bodat. Macnerfce Bremoe
Dare Carlson, Robert CoMtas Thomas Henderscr Roo'
JoarwxJes. Attan Lazo, Capi Lynn
Photographers Dean Guernsey. K»* Haota. «jru
Roes Martin, Karen Stariarood, Hank Trotter
Thank you
On March 14. 1985. the light
of my life went dark, my belov
ed son. Mick Russell, passed
He was not only my son, he
was my partner, confidant and
all around best friend all the
years we shared together.
His final gift to me was the
friends he left behind, so many
who gave unstintingly of their
emotional, physical, and finan
cial resources, especially |euny
and Scott
Mere words could never con
vey the thanks I feel in my heart
for all the wonderful things
everyone did.
By giving of yourselves to
Mick, you were all part of what
made him the person be was.
Thank you to Ms. Bunny
Nosier. Mick's counselor. Dr.
Paul Olum. University presi
dent. and to all the instructors
that allowed Mick's friends to
postpone or make other ar
rangements for their finals
when they needed to.
You're all welcome to keep in
touch with me if you’d tike; we
share him in our hearts
Bet moot CA
In the {ODE April 25th)
Lloyd Atbeam was reported as
saying. “Jackson is the only
(IFC) committee member to
have missed one-third of the
scheduled meetings in a three
week period..."
That is not true.
Ryne Jackson was accused of
non-fuilfiliment on April 18th
During the same three-week
period prior to that date. Lloyd
Atheara and Mary Kay Menard.
as well as Ryne Jackson, missed
2 of 6 1FC meetings
During the three-week period
between Jan. 27th and Feb
17th, Lori Lieberman also miss
ed 2 of 6 meetings
Finally, between April 3rd
and April 24th. 1 have missed 4
of 10 IFC meetings.
Yet Athearn charges that only
lackson has missed one-third of
the meetings during a three
week period.
Lloyd's approach to this mat
ter typifies the petty and vindic
tive nature of these attacks by
the instigators of this action.
1 have lost all respect for these
small-minded individuals and
am greatly disappointed in the
other misguided IFC members
who wont along for the ride.
Athearn was recently elected
In light of his lack of respect
fur the truth, and the pettiness
of hts politics, 1 wonder how he
will ever gain enough of Presi
dent Paul (Hum's respect to be
an effective representative for
the ASUO.
I.lnyti and the IFC should
forget uhout personal vendettas
anil concentrate on their own
Harris Rowell
IFC vice-chair