Friends can be good medicine. "Social Support" Is the term used to describe positive Interactions among people. It 1s the evi dence that someone out there cares about you... and that you care about someone else. Social support 1s getting a lot of attention these days because of the new evidence that shows Its profound Impact on our mental and physical well being. Host of us have experienced the positive Influence friends and family have on resolving our mental anxieties and depressions. Now the new re search shows that there 1s also a correlation be tween the quality of our relationships and our physical well-being. The case for social support has been made In a variety of recent scientific studies that docu ment the mental and physical health Implications of social support. In one Investigation of older people, researchers found that having a confidant significantly helped people avoid psychiatric symptoms. In a large study of approximately 7000 California adults between the ages of 30-59, a strong correlation between social "connectedness" and length of life was documented. Other In vestigations have demonstrated a dramatic Inter play between stressful life changes and health when undergone In the relative absence of social support. Finally, more evidence for social support comes from comparative health statistics that consistently show an excessive death rate and higher rates of numerous diseases among single, divorced and widowed people as compared to a married population. While soda! Isolation appears to be a pre disposing condition for health deterioration, the result of Integrating friends Into our lives 1s enhanced well-being. I Iclp! I need somebodv Help' Not put anybody Help! I need someone Help! When I was younger, mi much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way. But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured, Now I find I’ve dunged my mind, I've opened up the doors Help me if you can, I’m feeling down, and I do appreciate you being 'round Hein me get my feet back on the ground Won't ymi please, please lielp me’ And now my life has changed in oh, so many ways. My independence seems to vanish in the haze Hut cv'rv now and then I feel so insecure, I know that I (ust need you like I’ve never done before IOIIN I I N NON ram m.i uinii MO J&A k/jdinl*' *>*71 aoci»p5^ Gs4m 7, KANC •*•»"■ .1 ' I SMILE! Can people really smile their troubles away? That's what one study suggests. The authors found that Just posing the facial muscles Into character istic expressions of happiness (without even thinking happy thoughts) can trigger the same nervous system effects that occur when people are actually feeilng happy. And conversely, "putting on" a sad, fearful, or angry face will produce the heart-rate and skin temperature changes that are associated with negative emotions. So, It seems that smiling really 1s_ good for your health. (Science, Sept. 1983)