& sports UCLA shoots past golfers for PaolO title By Brent De La Paz Of th« Kmrrald The clock struck midnight Wednesday for the Oregon golf team in its Cinderella bid to win the Pacific-10 Conference Championships. UCLA, ranked second nationally, roared backed from a six-stroke deficit to claim the tournament at the Walla Walla Country Club in Washington. Oregon saw its margin vanish as UCLA, led by Duffy Waldorf’s 4-under par 67, pushed the Bruins past the Ducks. UCLA topped the leaders with a three-day total of 1,448, while Oregon claimed second place (1,454), one stroke ahead of third place Arizona State, which had 1,455 in the 72-hole tournament. UCLA shot a one-day round of 356 on Wednesday, while the Ducks could only muster a 368 total on the par-71 course. Second^year Oregon coach Scott Krieger felt the pressure of leading the tournament on the first two days had a negative effect on his team. “We played well, we came out a little bit nervous and tentative this morning,” Krieger said of the Ducks’ final 18 holes.“It ended up costing us our lead.” “By the time we got our act together, it was a little too late." The 12-stroke turnaround cost the Ducks a chance at winning their first ever league championship in the sport, but Krieger was pleased with his team's performance. “It was an excellent tournament for us,” Krieger said. “I think they (UCLA) really struggled the first three rounds. We were kind of waiting for them to shoot a good score and they did.” Despite not taking the team champion ship, one Duck increased his value — and probably earned a trip to the NCAA Golf Championships in Grenelefe, Fla., on May 22-25. Junior George Daves was the catalyst of Oregon’s surprise showing in Walla Walla. Daves nailed a blistering 3-under par 68 on Wednesday to finish second in the tournament’s individual rankings with a 282 total. UCLA’s Waldorf, a can didate for NCAA player of the year, posted a round of 67 to beat Daves by three strokes with 279 score. Southern California’s Sam Randolph, the low-amateur champion at the Masters Tournament, ended up in third with 283, one behind Daves. “He (Daves) had a great tournament,” Krieger said of the junior from Medford. “When you are sandwiched between Duffy Waldorf and Sam Randolph, that is pretty good company.” Krieger said Wednesday’s first nine holes hurt the Ducks. “We were 14-over on the front and 1-under on the back nine,” Krieger said. “I think they (Oregon) got caught up in the excitement. 1 think they were looking around too much than concentrating on what they were doing.” Daves was the only Duck to keep pace with UCLA. Oregon’s Rob Huff turned in a 2-over-par 73, while John DeLong shot a 73. Freshman Croy Cochran finished with a 75, and Gerry Norquist ballooned to a 78. Oregon is in District 8 where five golf teams and six individual at-large-berths are awarded to the collegiate golf cham pionships in Florida. With his play at the Pac-10 tournament, Daves has a good chance of being nominated for an NCAA berth. The District 8 selection commit tee, composed of three coaches, selects the team and individual berths on May 13. Krieger thinks Daves was worthy of going to Florida in late May. ‘He should go (to the NCAAs},” Krieger said. “He deserves to go and hope it (his play) makes it official.” The Oregon coach thought the Ducks’ second-place finish was helped by the team’s familiarity with the Walla Walla course. “It was a short, tight course with a lot of rough,” Krieger said. “The rough is so high, you couldn’t scramble out of it.” "We lost to the No. 2 team in the coun try,” Krieger said. “We have nothing to be ashamed of. I’m proud of my players.” Oregon’s finish was its highest in 14 years. The Ducks took second in the league championships in 1970 and 1971. Photo courtesy of Athletic Department George Daves shot a Goal round of 68 to pace the Oregon golf team to second place in the PaciGc-10 Con ference Championships in Walla Walla, Washington Wednesday. et al. MEETINGS LESBIAN DISCUSSION/SUPPORT GROUP will bp meet at GA1.A office at 8 p m. tonight. CIRCLE K SERVICE CLUB is holding a special meeting tonight at 6:30 for new in terested members. Check today's schedule in the EMU to find out which Century Room we will meet in. JEROME FRANK of John Hopkins University will meet the public at a reception in Koinonia House. 1414 Kin caid St. from 4-5:30 p.m. today. LECTURES SALLY WOODBRIDGE an architectural historian from UC Berkeley, will speak to day at 5 p.m. in Room 177 Lawrence Hall. The slide discussion is titled ‘‘The Bay Area Tradition, An Overview”. ALAN ROWE Canadian Consul for political and economic development in Seattle, will speak today at 12:15 p.m. on “U.S./Canada: The New Relationship from Fish to Rain,” at the Black Angus Restaurant, 2133 Franklin Blvd. J. W. SCHOPF will speak on “The oldest fossil cells and what they mean” today at 12:30 p.m. in Room 307 Volcanology. MISCELLANEOUS “INTERESTED IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES?” Workshop will be offered to day at 3:30 p.m. in Room 164 Oregon Hall by Academic Advising and Student Ser vices. Learn about academic and career op tions in the International Studies major. PREVENT BURNOUT PRESENTATION by Robert Sanford at 8:30 p.m. in the EMU Dad's Room. Refreshments will be served. Deadline for submitting Et Als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et Als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not he considered. Events oc curring nearest the publication date, and campus-originated events will be given priority. 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