Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1985, THE Friday EDITION, Page 6B, Image 13

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    —UO Bookstore=
Eligible Voters: Current UO Students, Faculty, Classified Staff/Management Services Personnel.
Current ID is required at Polling locations.
Purpose: The Board of Directors’ purpose is to maintain the Bookstore’s responsibility to its
members. Alt Directors are elected to serve two years.
Faculty/Officer of Instruction
One to be Elected — Vote for One
C.H. (Toby) Edson
How we maintain a "proper" balance between academic and non
academic books in the general book department is one ot the most com
plex and persistent questions facing the University of Oregon Bookstore
Over the past several years, many people have commented on the
decline in the quantity and quality of scholarly titles available in their
disciplines To attack this problem, management efforts already under
way to improve the general book department's scholarly offerings need
the full support of the Board of Directors and the bookstore membership
To fulfill its important educational mission, the bookstore must seek fur
ther ways of accomodating demands for expanding the size of academic
inventories without jeopardizing the financial health of the institution To
do so may require careful reassessment of merchandizing and discoun
ting priorities.
The University Bookstore justly deserves its fine reputation; few’
bookstores in the country can boast of a better record of service and
economy, especially while maintaining a liberal discounting program on
all books sold to its members If the bookstore is going to maintain that
reputation and also contribute to the strengthening of the intellectual life
of the University community, then major attention needs to be paid to im
proving the general book department s inventories in academic areas
Freshman Position
One to be Elected — Vote for One
Kari Kemp
My name is Kari Kemp and I am running for the freshman position on the
Bookstore Board of Directors
I feel I am a worthy candidate because as an interested member of this
university, I would like to represent any concerns of bookstore members
and help to fulfill those desires. I am open to any suggestions or com
plaints you have, and I will do my best to be sure you are heard
I feel I have the experience necessary to be a trustworthy, dedicated
representative of this university I was a fair and active member on
numerous committees in high school and feel this experience has con
tributed to a true sense of responsibility and has given me organizational
and leadership qualities
If elected, this position would not only help me over-see the important
decisions made by the Board of Directors, but it would also give me a
chance to gain experience in my field of management
I hope you will strongly consider me for the position of Freshman
Representative on the University of Oregon Bookstore Board
Dean Sidwell
The University of Oregon Bookstore is in need of reform We must imple
ment a policy which will create a new and more fair used book, buy and
sell system The prices we pay for books now is outrageous and the
amount of return we receive from our books is disgraceful
I will be looking into cutting out the middleman in our used text book buy
and sell process, and as a result students will save money
I am endorsed by the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and
Students for a Progressive Agenda As a team, the other SPA candidates
and I will provide the leadership that is necessary to make the bookstore
responsive to the needs of the students. I will need your WRITE-IN vote
for the freshman board position.
Sophomore Position
Two to be Elected — Vote for Two
Ken Turton — no statement
Dan Mark — no statement
Allen Ricks — no statement
Dan Goulet — no statement
Debra Liebowitz
The University Bookstore is designed to benefit its members and should
be responsive to their needs. Although the Bookstore is currently working
to meet student needs, room for improvement exists
At the present time, the Bookstores used book policy is in need of revi
sion Not only should students be paid more for their used books, they
should also be able to purchase used books at a lower price
In addition to cheaper used books the Bookstore should be better equipt
to handle the general book needs of the students Because simple quan
titative increases do not necessarily mean qualitative increases, a facul
ty advisory panel needs to be established The Bookstore's ordering staff
should work with these faculty members to insure that the books, impor
tant to all students are available in the Bookstore
Finally, the textbook ordering process should be such that required
course books are in the Bookstore
I am endorsed by the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and
Students for a Progressive Agenda I think that the other SPA candidates
and I, as a team, will provide the leadership that is necessary to make the
U of 0 Bookstore responsive to the needs of its members
Sophomore Positions
Kirsten Beck
As a member ol the University of Oregon Bookstore Board ot Directors I
(eel I can aid the members in expressing their ideas to the rest ol the
board through proper channels ol communication and openmmdedness
I have the insight to recognize a potential problem and the initiative to
begin processes to correct any irregular situation
I am open to new ideas and will bring in a Iresh new attitude and a new
way ol looking at things because ol the lact that I am in contact with a
wide variety ol people on this campus
I think the bookstore needs a representative who recognizes the needs
and requests ol the rest ol the student body and who is responsible and
efficient enough to motivate people in the right direction
I am a cooperative team member as well as an individual with leadership
abilities and experience in working with and on various committees
I honestly leel that I am the sophomore you would want to-represent you
on the University of Oregon Bookstore Board of Directors
Lisa Douglass
As a student, taculty member, or classified stall member you are a
member of the University Bookstore One advantage of being a member
is the opportunity to select Board directors who will be serving your
As an active undergraduate student I would do my best to represent
member interest One growing interest is the availability ol used tex
tbooks Lobbying to professors to re-use textbooks when possible would
increase the number ot used books available to University students
I have contributed much in the way ol community service In high school
I received an award lor Outstanding Business Education Student l have
also volunteered as an accountant for a Portland hospital
My experience as an accounting major will be beneficial in overseeing
the finances of the Bookstore while allowing mysell the opportunity to ob
tain practical experience in my field
If elected. I would take this position seriously and do my best to remain
available lor input by Bookstore members I would encourage members
to attend monthly Board meetings in order to obtain a better understan
ding ol Bookstore operations as well as encourage letters to help the
Board betler serve the concerns of its members
Now is your chance to become active Voice your support — elect Lisa
Gwen Roedel
Like every other student at the University, I am a member ot the
Bookstore The Bookstore is a non-profit corporation designed to
enhance each students education
Because students operate on a tight budget, books should be sold at the
lowest price possible The present U of O policy of a 10% discount is a
good one However, other means can be established to further reduce
the price of both new and used books
The Bookstore s used book policy needs to be improved Students should
be paid more for their used books and should be able to purchase used
books at competitive prices
In addition to cheaper used books, faculty input should be utilized in the
purchasing of general books This input would enhance the quality of
books available in the Bookstore
Finally, required textbooks should be available in the Bookstore by
I am endorsed by the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and
Students for a Progressive Agenda I think that other SPA candidates and
I, as a team, will provide the leadership that is necessary to make the U
of O Bookstore responsive to the needs of its members.
Darryl Joannides
As a business on campus serving students, the bookstore has the
responsibility of providing teaching materials to students. Unfortunately,
we have few alternative places from which to purchase texts in Eugene,
but if we could, should we go elsewhere?
It appears not The U of 0 Bookstore, a non-profit organization, sustained
a loss of 1 % for the fiscal year 1984-85. The reason for this loss? Our
bookstore offers its members textbooks at the lowest possible price by
charging higher prices on non-book items, sinking revenues earned into
a 10% discount offered on textbooks
Although prices are competitively low, as students we can do something
to bring prices even lower by encouraging professors to use the same
book for more than one term each year, the bookstore would buy back
more used books and, by reducing ordering expenses, reduce costs of
books to students
If elected to the Board of Directors, my efforts will be directed not so
much at cutting expenditures, but at improving the quality of our
bookstore by strengthening communication between the store and the U
of 0 faculty If you're interested in reducing your book expenses while
you go to school, vote Darryl Joannides,
Sophomore Positions
Diedre Piccione
The University ol Oregon Bookstore is here to serve a (unction and
that is to provide you. its members, with a service at the lowest possible
cost However, in order tor this to happen the Board ot Directors needs
responsible, concerned members who are willing to work to achieve Its
members' goats
Having been active in nigh school, and currently serving in dorm govern
ment. I would like to become turther involved with the campus
As a pre-dental and Spanish maior. I otter diversification from the many
Business majors presently serving on the Board This diversification will
allow me to represent a wide variety ol students
My primary goal as a candidate tor the Bookstore Board ot Directors is to
turther bookstore membership participation by more actively informing
bookstore members ol policies and decisions which allecl the bookstore
and ultimately, you1
Begin exercising your voice now — elect Dierdre Piccione
raduate Position
One to be Elected — Vote for One
Kim Thwaits
I am running tor the graduate student position on the board ot directors at
the U of O bookstore As an MBA student, concentrating in finance I will
bring to this position my knowledge ol business finance and accounting
This background. I leel, will enable me to make better decisions and sug
gestions to improve the bookstore
My dedication as a student is demonstrated by my high academic stan
ding at the U ol O and my past position as vice-president ol me Xi Sigma
Pi National Honor Society at the University ol Washington I will apply
similar dedication to this position
The bookstore is a non-profit organization trying to meet the needs ot the
University students Complaints occur when the bookstore runs out ol re
quired textbooks and because the selection of non-required books is
weak in many topics The bookstore is instituting new programs in an at
tempt to improve these situations and I will continue to support etlorts in
these areas
Joern Wettern
At the recent U ol O Bookstore membership meeting there was
widespread criticism ot the availability ol books in the Bookstore The
Bookstore has to make sure that all important books can be purchased I
don't understand why the textbook section was cut
Cheap textbooks have to be the number one priority It is a scandal that
the Bookstore pays less for used books than its main competitor while
selling them for more money The money that was spent last year tor
remodeling the Bookstore could have been used to increase the discount
on books We need a bookstore and not a department store
The outreach to the Bookstore members has not been effective The new
Board of Directors has to develop a strategy to obtain more input from
students, faculty and staff
I am a Graduate Teaching Fellow in the Political Science Department I
am endorsed by the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and Students
tor a Progressive Agenda I think that the other SPA candidates and I, as
a team, can provide the leadership that is necessary to make the U of O
Bookstore responsive to the needs of its members
Tom Ryan
My name is Tom Ryan and I'm running for a graduate seat on the Univer
sity ot Oregon Bookstore's Board ol Directors I am a first year law stu
dent and have a wide variety of management experience
In serving the University Community the bookstore's overriding ob)ective
and philosophy should be to SELL ALL BOOKS, BOTH TEXT AND
goal should be to offer tor sale as many books, and as diverse a selec
tion, as shelf space and fiscal responsibility will allow A bookstore
should be for books
Recently the bookstore spent $350,000 on a renovation project which
greatly enhanced the appearance of the store In completing this
beneficial project over one thousand square feet ot book selling floor
space was converted to office space The bookstore also purchased new
warehouse space last year More office space, more warehouse space,
less book space If elected to the bookstore board ol directors, books will
be my top priority
The bookstore must, and does, serve other university needs For exam
ple, the store has recently initiated a successful personal computer dis
count marketing program The bookstore is generally well statted and
Bookstore elections are Thursday and Friday April 25th and 26th Voting
is at the EMU, Main Library and Bookstore Please Vote A vote for Tom
Ryan is a vote for books in the bookstore