Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1985, Page 4A, Image 4

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    Id beat
Albanian leader Hoxha dies
VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Enver Hoxha. whose 42 years
as Albania’s Communist Party chief made him the world's
longest-ruling communist leader, died Thursday at 76, the
state-run news agency reported.
Under Hoxha, Albania spurned both the Soviet Union
and China, and became a virtual hermit nation, cut off from
the rest of the world.
No announcement on a successor has been made.
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Shultz urges trading partners
to join global economic effort
Secretary of State George Shultz
continued the Reagan ad
ministration’s low-key response
to trade tensions with Japan
Thursday by warning against
protectionism. Shultz said all
U.S. trading partners should
work toward sustained world
economic growth.
“We — and other countries —
share a responsibility to make
some hard political decisions,”
the secretary of state said in -a
speech at Princeton University,
his alma mater. He called for
reducing global imbalances in
trade, investment and
Shultz, an economist, gave an
address that was partly a basic
economics lesson and partly a
preview of the position Presi
dent Ronald Reagan likely will
take next month at the seven
nation annual economic sum
mit in Bonn, West Germany.
The secretary of state said a
program of international action
to protect the current recovery
and sustain growth should
• Reduction of the U.S.
budget deficit. \
• Stimulation of , Western
Europe’s stagnant eCpnomy
through' “policies that reduce
the obstacles to change and in
novation, .. that attract capital
and that stimulate domestic
•Action by Japan to reduce
the impact of its high savings
rate, “including liberalized
capital markets that interna
tionalize the.yen and measures
to stimulate investment in Japan
by Japanese and foreigners
•Moves by developing ,na
t.ions to stabilize their
economies, expand their trade
and stimulate growth.
•Action by all nations to sup
port freer international trade
arid prepafatioris for a new in
ternational trade round.
A text of the speech, to the
Woodrow Wilson School of
Public and International Affairs
at the New Jersey university,
vyas made available in
Schultz warned against turn
ing Jo protectionism in the face
of growing trade tensions,
especially moves in Corigress
and elsewhere to force Japan to
shrink its trade surplus.
“Protectionism is not the
remedy to an illness/' Shultz
said. "It is itself an ill
ness .... Protectionism keeps
prices up, reduces living stan
dards and stifles growth.”
He added,. "We should not
delude ourselves into thinking
that a lowering of foreign bar
riers will have a decisive. . . im
pact on the trade deficit.”
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