letters Bitter harvest There you go again, Mr. President. You claim the Soviets are bent on exporting revolutions throughout the world and yet you demand we fund the contra rebels in their rebellion against the Nicaraguan government. You condemn the cowardly act of state-sponsored terrorism in Lebanon, yet you insist that the mining of Nicaragua’s har bors is acceptable policy. You cry foul when the San dinistas refuse to recognize political parties allied to the contra rebels, while you ra tionalize our endless support of Pinochet in Chile, Botha in South Africa, Marcos in the Philippines, and a global litany of other repressive governments we support. Historical blindness seems to be your most consistent short coming, sir. It was our handr picked capitalist-sponsored Somoza dictatorship which the Sandinistas overthrew. Still, they have” requested aid . .repeatedly from your ad ministration and • the previous one,.but all pleas have fallen on •deaf ears-. A war-torn nation requires a willing benefactor. 'If we.refuese •..to help them,' other nations are . waiting to supply, the capital.: •The soil .is fertile for Marxist revolutions in -Latin America, due to economic and political “fertilizer’-’ we. have spread there-during the. last. 85 years. The endemic poverty, of most people in Latin America is a bit-' ter harvest.-Without the most basic recognition of these realities, we are doomed to . watch the Nicaraguan situation repeat' itself many times. Un checked, your very policies may ultimately create a lasting Soviet presence in Central America. . .everyone will be a loser. Michael Sheehan Biology Job list Efforts to assist students iden tify companies recruiting on campus have been less effective this year because the Briefs sec tion of the Emerald has not in cluded the full list of recruiters. Students may acquire a recruiting schedule at Room 244 Hendricks Hall, across University Street from the EMU lot, for 25 cents. Copies of the recruiting schedule are also available for viewing on depart ment bulletin boards and at the Career Planning and Placement Service. Lawrence Smith Director CPPS Who are you? 1 wish to address Jeffrey Bissonnette’s letter (ODE, March 14) concerning my arti cle in the ASUO publication “Off the Record.” He states I “grossly misrepresented the philosophical standpoint that's held by OSPIRG.” Before I res pond to him, I must ask: Who the heck are you? I don’t recall interviewing you. If I did, you did a terrific job of imper sonating the person I did inter view, Carol Benedick. If my story caused such a ruckus, where is she instead of some “designated hitter?” In my story, Benedick said OSPIRG is anti-Reagan in the area of environment. Not foreign policy or Medicare, but only environment, it says. Her words, not mine. You also say I contrasted OSPIRG with a “self admitted partisan student organization.’’ If you read the entire article, I wrote about four, not two organizations. In journalism, a story must be fair ly balanced. I believe I gave each group equal space. The reason I followed OSPIRG with a description of the College Republicans was for a paragraph transition. Most readers would detect that. I sure hope you didn’t mind me men tioning the College Republicans — just like OSPIRG, they have a right to be heard. Furthermore, I didn’t inten tionally imply anything about OSPIRG’s political stance or any conclusions from Benedick’s words. If I did, you win. Like any decent journalist, I wrote what was said. I don’t deny what I wrote, Mr. Bissonnette. I just think your excited finger should be pointed at the.person who said ' those words, and not at me*. -. .. Randy Choy journalism Ban gay blood Imagine this: ;You get intOi your car to go to work or school, . then unexpectedly, an oncom ing car veers into your lane. You swerve off the road and luckily avoid .a Head-on, colli-. •' . sion! But unfortunately, as you. hit a tree,■ you get a cut on your head from .the steering wheel: It's not that bad, but you need to go to the hospital and the doctor feels you need a small amount of blood. But guess what? The blood doner was gay, had been exposed to AIDs and now you, a normal, moral heterosexual have AIDs and a. life expectancy of less than two years. This could happen to anyone. But there is a way to protect yourself,, your children, and the rest of society. Write your con gressman today and demand that a law be passed that homosexuals be barred from giving-blood. We need to make it a federal crime or else we take the chance of hundreds, maybe thousands, of people dying from blood transfusions. Over 3 million people needed blood last year. It's not fair to society to. allow AIDs to con taminate the blood supply when such a simple prevention is available. How many must die of AIDs or from conditions that require blood operations (some people will put off medical care for fear of getting AIDs) before our representatives act for the public’s interests? Lori Parkman Eugene Give warnings We are not perfect drivers. Each of us at one time has made a mistake while driving. Thus, we have a police force to correct us when we make a traffic error. Most police organizations give warnings to people who make unintentional traffic violations. But not in Eugene, It is the Eugene police depart ment’s policy to issue no traffic citation warnings. However, the opposite is true in Springfield; they do give traffic warnings. So if your blinker goes out in Springfield, you’ll get a warn ing and they’ll tell you to fix it. In Eugene, you’ll be fined! What is the purpose of the law in Eugene, to correct the driver or make money? If the police chief were to change this policy, the city may lose money, however, they will gain dignity for a more fair legal system. Dean Sidwell PPPM Quite absurd The idea that most women see abortion, a relatively traumatic and expensive option, as a con venient means of contraception strikes me as patently absurd, yet this seems to be the position of most anti-abortionists (whom I refuse to refer to as “pro-life”). While I agree that it is the responsibility of a couple (and not just the woman) to use some form of birth control prior to in tercourse if conception is not desired, this assumes a volun tary, healthy situation. What of rape or incest? Why should a woman be compelled to suffer for nine "months., at least, or-a lifetime at - worst, from the ' results of ah assault" by some sick person? What . if* the . '• woihain’s life can only be saved. . '.through abortion:; must she die. . in a.-futile attempt to give .birth? , Shouldnltshe at" least have a choice i n the • matter of her own . life and death? ; O' These last two' issues are rare- - ly. addressed by anti abortionists.who prefer .to blow the first out of proportion. True, abortion is a right which rtiay. be abused by some but for. that matter,. so is free speech (pornography), or - the right to bear arms (Gpetz). The j fact that a right can be abused ' does not justify its curtailmerit. It is the task of educators, begin ning with parents and continu ing through college, to teach people: the responsible use of their rights. The alternative is no rights at all. Hiawatha Graduate, Music Chinese Restaurant BMddd PMLtffl 1275 Alder SI. 683-8886 mm-K % Serving: Fast Lunch, Best Chinese Food, Inexpensive. Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs Hours M-Th 11:00-7:00 F-Sa 11:00-4:30 Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours Su-Th 4:30-10:00 F-Sa 5:00-10:30 UO STUDENTSk Because the Oregon Daily Emerald became an optional student fee last spring, we are now .offering refunds to students whb have paid unwill ingly for their termly subscrip tion.to. this newspaper Students who do receive this refund are stating their intent not to read the Emerald spring term. Th'ro.ugh Friday April 5, we will be refunding Si-78 to. students in room 300 of the EMU. . But remember: The small cost of an Emerald subscription — 3.23C per issue per day — buys 3 months of news about your education, your administration and your weekend entertainment. |l 1 NOTICE In accordance with regulations promulgated under the Family Rights and Privacy Act (Public Law 93-380 as amended, ORS 351.065, and Section 580-13-030 (2) of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education Administrative Rules), the University of Oregon has designated the follow ing information about its students to be Directory Informa tion: “(The) student’s full name, the fact that the student is or has been enrolled, local and permanent address(es) and telephone number(s), participation in officially recognized activities, dates of attendance, class level and academic major, number of credit hours (not grades), and degrees, honors, and certificates awarded.” UOO OAR 571-20-010 (1) (9). Directory Information may be disclosed by the institu tion without the student’s consent. All other educational records concerning a University of Oregon student shall not be released to other persons or organizations without the student’s prior written approval. A student may request in writing, to keep confidential the information designated as “Directory Information”. This option can be made by completing and filling a state ment entitled “Request to Restrict Directory Information Form” with the Office of the Registrar, 220 Oregon Hall by no later than April 5, 1985. This filling will remain in effect for the remainder of the academic year, but will not affect directory information already released or published.