“ When we left the mountain it looked unchanged. No difference. None of us could say the same about ourselves.” "And to all you folks out there who think you'can I do d-l did'" At Outward Bound' it's not just w hat you do, but how you feel about it afterwards that counts. ()ur courses are tough-they’re meant to be-butnot beyond the reach of anyone who tries. I'hey’re fun. And safe as human ingenuity and experience can make them. At Outward Bound we teach you outdoor skills From rock climbing to canoeing. But we’re also something of a course in self-reliance (a course in self reliance where you also have to learn to trust the group). Outward Bound will not teach you to be a man. Nearly half the students, for one, are women. Few are really athletes. Lots are over thirty. What you need is a bit of pluck, and the yen to spend some time in some of this coun try's most spectacular settings. Everyone brings something different to Outward Bound and takes something different away. But whatever your experience we guarantee it won’t be trivial. ^^Outward Bound! For information and brochure: 800-243-8520 Outward Bound is a nonprofit, nondiscriminatory organization. Outward Bound National Office, 384 Field Point Rd., Greenwich. CT 06830.