editorial State divestment bill merits firm support IE's called 'comaerwctzve emgageaseBfc.'’ a poke* by which the Umfced 'States g-'jverasaesg wek> to weal pse most swstess of apartheid in Seeds Africa. This Idea » aot sear. For over half a centers. the U S Goterament am pace " *^GOCC ^hs^i&ttKtCW 109 f SfelfeES kflS C9BHH9B0^ ggj c.:. r,.i. witb apartheid- The result of this policy is dear: Apartheid Isas condoned to entrench itself, leaving Macks h Sands Africa, blacks cadnse to be i— persons. ed. thousands feu—■ been jail—I for j—twriag apagtsesd iiwi, atofs uaewasasaos More d©c© SQRJDcy avw trass <3B9^ 1%&9C&Si^fS%jt 380681®-*^ ^bCGQBCEBB^^ Sooth African Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1964 Nobel Peace Prize recipient. mote blacks have died at the hands of the South African police since Reagan began his policy of con structive engagement than during the previews decade, fat the last three weeks alone, 80 blacks have been killed in clashes with police and 29 major black anti-apartheid organizations have been banned from holding meetings On Wednesday, the Oregon Legislature will begin hear ings on whether or not the state should divest ail financial holdings from organizations that do business with South Africa. House Bill 2001 is an attempt by Oregon legislators to offer more than just anti-apartheid rhetoric in the struggle for justice in South Africa, ft deserves everyone’s farm support. Bishop Tata has repeatedly declared that western economic pressure through divestment is the only alter native to a violent uprising in Sooth Africa Cedi Ramaposa the leader of South Africa's largest black trade union, has also stated his support for divestment. Asked by ABC News if divestment would only make blacks suffer more. Ramaposa responded that the economic effects of divest ment on Macks will be minimal compared to the daily suffer ing they now endure under the apartheid system. Other black South African Leaders, including Dr. Allan Boesak. President of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Albetina Sisulu, co-president of the United Democratic Front, and Winnie Mandela, wife of jailed African National Congress president Nelson Mandela, have all declared their support for divestment. Only Chief Gats ha Suthelezi. whom many Mack South Africans consider a traitor because of his collaboration with the apartheid government, speaks out against divestment. He is a lone voice, but one often quoted by those who claim South African blacks are anti divestment. Neither should Americans be fooled by the Sullivan principles. These voluntary rules require U S. corporations in South Africa to practice non-discrimination between black and white workers. While a good idea, the Sullivan principles have had minimal impact on South Africa's apar theid system. Outside of the workplace, the violence of apar theid continues. Black South Africans have called upon the United States to join in the struggle to end apartheid. Divestment is the way to do this. Join the fight against apartheid by sup porting the Oregon divestment bill. Write to the House Human Resource Committee, State Captital Building, Salem, OR. 97310 and make your feelings known. There is no more time to waste. ! letters On abortion Is mpcrading to Tint Swill isuer's letter ODE March 11) I. wnU ijfce to nod taa that 9S percent of abortions have ab nhtdf to do with cap*, must, health of the ■Cher.' or de&irmitv of the Md. Furthermore. rape rarefy . resaits is pregnancy. Studies sorest that a variety of phyrioinglc it factors inhibit fer tilaafion and or implantation even if spent is ejaculated into the vagina by the rapist ln towtiegh enough, the people who say rape is violence, not sex, point out that rapists usual ly don't or can’t ejaculate dur ing rape, which substantiates the claim that rapists are motivated by hatred. Of coarse, there are creeps who coerce their girlfriends to engage in sex. which often does result in pregnancy. After all. the woman probably didn’t use birth control since she didn’t expect to have sex. But who benefits from abortion in that case? The - guy. because he knows he can fence himself on a woman and if she gets preg nant then that’s her problem. Let her get an abortion will be his attitude. He had his fun. I know women who’ve been in this situation. None wanted abortions, but their boyfriends threatened they’d leave them otherwise In every case, the guy coerced the woman into an abortion, the woman regretted it, and the guy dumped her afterwards. From what 1 unders tand, that’s usually the rule — not the exception. emerald The Oregon Darty Emerald » published Monday throufpi Friday except during exam week and racations tw tt»e Oregon Dady Emerald Publishing Co , at me University of Oregon, Eugene. Oregon. 97403 The Emerald operate* independently of the Universi ty with offices on the third floor of the Erfe MemortM Union and is a member of the Associated Press. General Staff Advertising Director Susan Thefen Advsrttsinfl Seles Laura Buckley, Tim Clevenger, Jen nifer Fox, Marcia Leonard. FBck Martz, Nancy Nietsen. Laurie Note*. Roberta CHner Brett Pickman Intern, Dadd Wood Production Keffy Cornyn. Stormi Dykes, Julie Freeman, Kathy Gallagher, Dean Guernsey, Susan Hawkins, Rob Kraft, Ross Martin. Karin McKercher, Latin Neefy, Kelly Neff, Kara Oberst, Curt Penrod. Michele Ross, Alyson Simmons, Peg Sofonifca, Tim Swilfinger Colleen Tre maine, Hank Trotter. RusseM Steele Vince Adams Jean Ownbey &trtc*r Manageg Editor Mcwt ^HOf Etmonat Page EdMor Photo EdNor Sports Editor Sidelines Editor Friday Et*t»or Edrtor Entertamment EtJrtor Might Editor BwtOeUFaz Ssesta Landry Kim Gartsor Mieftaaf Duncan jwBe Sritotr Administration Higher Education Politics ASUO Student Activities Community Features Sean Axmafcer, Dare Seme. IGrwen So ^ Michetie Breoce. Dare Carlson Robert Comas. Thomas Henderson, Robin Joannides. AJtan Lazo Capi Lynn Scott McFetrtdge, Stasia Scarborough aotayne Hontz Pant Ertett j«Ke Sbwoen Diana BftoR Cyntfua Whrtfiefc* tort Let’s face it. abortion hasn’t benefitted Women, but it has liberated males from respon sibility. if anything, : if eur courages men to take advantage: of women. Michael Cross History/Political Science EMU display 1 would have liked to’view the . so-called “pornographic display” offered by the Women’s Resource and Referral Service in the EMU. It deprives me of' my right to an .equal education when women are not allowed to express their views. I have heard men complain bit terly of the humiliation of living off the "Welfare tit.” Women are entitled to express the same feelings in their own imagery'. I searched the EMU for the controversial display, but found instead two displays, both of fered by men, showing naked women. I could not discern any important social statement in either display. I enquired at WRRS and they said the EMU felt pressured to remove their display early. About the "Penk" decision: it is laughable that the judge re quired the women to show a "pattern” of discrimination. Discrimination is not a pretty piece of embroidery or quiltwork. Your Honor. Perhaps the message you meant to con vey is that we should all go back to our sewing. Mary Berman Law Ignorance Weil, once again I find myself roused from silence by another wonderful display of malicious ignorance on the part of America's less-conscientious "majority. ” I just flicked off the Phil Donahue show, after being told "the solution to the pro blem of teenage pregnancy is premarital abstinence.” Sow don't get me wrong; I’m all in favor of marriage. I think M is of utmost importance to provide each new generation of American youth with a Mommy and a Daddy who love each other, and the baby they've created. (The fact that the ma jority of marriages in this coun try don"! meet this criterion is a subject for a tangentially related investigation.) , I feel ft necessary, however, to make an observation or two at this point. First arid foremost Homo sapiens is a sexual animal. Secondly, this twisted . fantasy that teenagers are will- . ing. or indeed capable of abs- .. taining from premarital sex is rank and cruel absurdity. When' two people are attracted to one another, the old endocrine . system cuts in. and that's all she wrote. 1 feel that it’s a'waste of time .' to hotly debate the abortion - issue when we still haven't ad dressed the foundation of the problem. .. It's the 20th century how, folks. We have cars, lasers, and. yes, even birth control. Cod didn't specifically allow it' because it didn't exist when the Bible was being written — it's a bunch of weird old men who : say birth control is bad . not God Almighty. And birth control ob viates the necessity of premarital abstinence. 1 rest my case. Jonathan Z weig Concerned hedonist Street vendors Recently, the city circulated petitions to local restaurants regarding the street vendors on 13th Avenue.. In its wisdom, the city neglected to provide a place for signatures and chose to distribute the questionnaire to only a few selected businesses in the area. Understandably, the questionnaires returned with a negative response; one of the coffee vendors, as a result, has been denied a permit and is no longer in business. The same questionnaire is being distributed by the remaining vendors and l urge the students to stop and sign them. Street vendors offer a needed service to the student community; not only in terms of their products but also for their contribution to the liveability of our streets. The city and local businesses could learn a lesson from Portland, which has encourag ed street vendors; they con tribute to the economic vitality of the area by offering a variety of services and they attract customers to all local establishments by the activity level they generate. The last thing this area can af ford to lose Is any kind of varie ty that draws customers; street vendors Increase rather than in hibit local profits. Bjorn Olson (.andacape Architecture