ROCK MUSIC THU TIMM HISTORY OF ROCK I WEO EVE 18 30 JHX* HARRY OAYS blues ctvm CHUCK BERRY BUDDY HOLLY STATICS STOMES WHO HISTORY OF ROCK II TXUHS 1S XM * 00 the «r» to new music oylan HENDRIX JANI3 DEAD RUNUNCW .NEWCOURSE. BRITISH INVASION TUES EVE 183M100 INTIMATE LOOK AT BEATLES STONES WHO KINKS. ANIMALS OTHERS REOISTEK AT MUSIC MUS 1M CLASSES OPEN TO 4/12 Guitar Program BEG. GOIITAR 1 MuE IN TWO SECTIONS: »JSMO S J JO 4 20 MW a*gmn*n, only! Loam to road muMc. accompany tong* ploy molodlw ano understand »nal yOuiedomg INSTRUCTOR- DAVID CASE BEG. GUITAR 2 MuE in 14MJ0 UH i Emptiest* on playing skills Finger ; p*ctung. song accompaniment, solo : i PUry*ng reaping music interpreting i . I pop song notation INSTRUCTOR OAVIO CASE 342-M26 PREREQUISITE FOR FOLLOWING: BASIC CHORO FLUIOITV ROCK, JAZZ BLUES GUITAR MUS IN TWO SECTIONS: TUES J » 5_20 WEDS S^OB^O Lead guitar, improvisation rythm styles cnorO techniques Clapton Garcia. Hendrti. Beck. Met hen y Benson, many others CONTEMPORARY ACOUSTIC GUITAR MUS IN 3 30 5 20 M Featuring Fingarstyles Mat picking, accompaniments, solos, slide Jom Teytor. Beanes. Voung. Dylan. Kot tka Cooder Watson, many others INSTRUCTOR: ALEX 2EOICOFF in gspt ALL COURSES SSB FEE J CREDITS REGISTER AT MUSIC I_SCHOOL TABLE_ Song Writing and Improv MUS 199 3 credits Wednesdays 15:30-17:20 MS Develop your ability to write songs and Improvise In the tollt, |az/, and rock idioms Learn to compose in the styles ot Jom Mitchell, Paul Simon, Fleetwood Mac. Steely Dan as wall as the jau styles of Herbie Hancock. Chick Corea. Pal Metheny, and Earl Kiugh Learn how to build an Im provised line Develop your own style Learn Unas, application of ap propnate melody to harmony, com monly used chord progression, and thematic davalopmant will be discussed Class is open to all mstrumen tallsts, vocalists, and non instrumentalists as wall ALEX ZEDICOFF INSTRUCTOR For more Into call 4S4-S404 Register at Music Table 4484:tfn I'Mjootaoixov ».»« * cupatlons ri0* to tree iWaWBOOO E«l W QUJ FARM MOMfy AMO wvn S00 Companies nwtttng campus Part-time .•>»> t*+ Mm < sssa APPLICATIONS AM MOW AVAILABLE Pot the position ot 1*“ m *• ly editor i ot naltam and ihe University o> Oego-, J"*- “ r tiMnino and salary begin May . Tam> of oWtce la Juno 3. IMS through June B ISM I^Wot mutt ba enrolled tar at most an Ctadlli during three ot tour Unm at me Uni vanity of Orogon a hue m ottlca ttaalllon roqulna work Sunday through Friday and minimum ot 3SO0 noun pan Applications an available in me Oregon Dally Emerald offices and must bo tatumad to the ODE Board ot Owoctora. MO EMU PO Bo. 3150. Eugene Or. W403, botore 5 pm April IS The Emerald la an Equal Opportunity Affir motive Action employer trial operates under the team management concept Women, minorities and the handicap pod are encouraged to apply *15 i EMU ^ CRAFT CENTER SPRING WORKSHOPS MEMBERSHIPS Fibers Woodworking ^ntajpaphy Ceramics Metals Bikes SIGN UP TODAY! 0ROUND FLOOR EMU MS-4M1 Help Wanted Airlines hiring 614*39 000 ■ Stewardesses, reservationist! WofWwW*1 Call for guide directory newsletter 1(916) 944 4444 > ; uoregonafr.___/ 4-2 Cruiseihips luring, 616-630.000! CarrL • Dean Hawaii world! Call for guide directory, nawslattar 1016) 944 4444 > ■ uoregorvcruiaa ' 4-2 WORK STUDY SUPPORT WORKER, to ■ teacn MR/00 adults creative use of tree lime Ability 10 work independently with clients living in apartments' 10 hours weekly 63 40 3 8S/hr Evenings and some Saturdays Apply 1893 Alder weekdays 9-3 4085 4>5 . LOOKING FOR A.OOOO JOB m an ex citmg office? OffCampus Housing is now hiring-for office staff, positions Work Study Applications and - job descriptions available in Suite 3 EMU Applications’deadline April 4th An af firmative aclion/equal opportunity a m ploy e'r .-4 3 9 9 :-4 ’4 THE BEST. ASSET YOU HAVE IS YOU! What better way to develop that asset - ■ than through ESCAPE’ Earn upper divi sion credit working in the community or public schools For more info call 686-4351 or 327- EMU . ; 4486 4-2 WORK/STUDENTS: DO Library has fobs available • Call Tom Stave Ext 3056 4487 4-12 NOW is the time to apply for Cultural Forum Positions Beginning Spring term applications are now be ing accepted for Contemporary Issues Film & Video Visual Arts General Programming Popular Concerts Jazz Concerts Performing Arts Heritage Music Application! will be available in the Cultural Forum Office. Suita 2, EMU Deadline Friday April 12 ForRentwb Chelsea House- A Roman Catholic Coop Has openings tor 1 female, 2 males Call 343-ao»« > leave moeaaoa. *-4 fgTBOW a*«jrlaBa«t Ca 1*Jt*S QUADS »Y» BLOCKS TO __ Furmshad prisste basM ;•,« isMqacaMes. o«-s«jasr m m laundry lacunas 563 E IBPt |iX Saa no, 7 to mow linningi M fy Fiapw »7 Managaaiaat lac MS 2271 ««tnoa NEWER OURS. (8 , Near UnnarWy. 18 or 3*4-89*1 FREE UTIUTES! FREE CABLE For Only S159 SPOTLESSLY CLEAN, campus quads Completely nest to U of O shopping Laundry factfrhes maintananca GUARANTEED! n rata-it management STOP IN TODAY! ALDER STREET QUADS (1360 Aldan 343-3599 PRIVATE BATH! EXTRA LARGE baautituMy twrmnae deluxe campus quads condmo FREE CABLE. FREE UHjneS. Uw' dry facilities, retngensor m < GUARANTEED! , ■ From Only *179 ■' vj bides to campus A shooomg Saa .'Oar goads br*pr* you ram arrywnwa alse YOU u. BE GLAO YOU DO* campus Quads' (TSt Eaat i6mi 345-1272 • • ' ‘ : • - .4488 4-5 • ' BEST FOR LESS . , PLUS ....... FREE CABLE! . ’ DELUXE ■ BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED . QUADS: ppen'cour tyard mt conditioned, laundry faciM-es COVERED FREE PARKING, and FREE •* .UTILITIES. Prompt 'maintenance "guaranteed- exceelent onsite , management ., ALL THIS FROM ONLY $159 Vi BLOCK TO U Of O 10 rrwrx on busline to LCC Stop in TOOAY and see - WHY this-is such a GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! WOODSIDE MANOR (18lh l K is) 683-3005 __■ ' ' A48B4LS DARE TO COMPARE! TOP OF THE LINE DELUXE QUADS t block from UotO library Free utMtaea. tree cable ■ Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! Excellent management FROM ONLY $179 HURRY A SIGN UP TODAY! CAMPUS COURT QUADS (1544 Aider) 344-5713 44BBAS | FREE CABLE! BEAUTIFUL QUADS with private vs baths, sundeck. completely furnished with individual refrigerators FREE utilities, laundry facillttas Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED! FROM ONLY $169 , Across the street traei U ot O 1 SEE US TOOAY! ALDERSGATE j (1436 Alder) 344-8302 i Fqqd&Drink§ ifai.i creek— ] BAKERY WWXWMWMywawiwIVVVVW 4*4 1*82 Continental Breakfast *1 FEATURING. Croissant or cream cheese pastry, coffee lea. or tresh juice j MONDAY FRI JAY 8 10 30 am _ I Now Serving Breakfast 8 am • 1 pm * EMU CRAFT CENTER SPRING WORKSHOPS MEMBERSHIPS SIGN UP TODAY! irombk jKT|yHMfufyK <*-*'»• «»?a» Mwa KtAK>^ 'mom# program *1 LME TO WATCH!” Tharsdays-- A tHtcopI WuST Be Must End April 4 Qwm -'•- am Bnad eaaati • and anaawod «ttWhr ■Amt >»-«KaicWwg andmaa »xa renew «d soato »ary mag . ' ■” IMAMMA aad liwng in 625 A MS Starts Friday Stanger than Paradise PROBLEMS? Crisis Cantor. U ol O tetopftone hottaia. 2*.Inara- 7 oars Stncttv canMontiar Cad It I ml 3144 t«n FACE AMO WITH CARING “regrvano tasting M BittnngMt 6S7-86S1 6*111 WANTED •don's and Woman's dotting For Con signment Mane eitra money FAST at SECONO THOUGHTS. T20'-i E 13th For apoointmenr 343-1312 11-6 Mon-Sal 3744 M ★ ASTROLOGY ★ .m * , ROSEANN 344-2188 _ 396&tfn MAX IE. Moot mo at 1C p.m lor a comae) Doe! on light rye at LENNY'S NOSH BAR LUIGI 3905 [ awj* to Sky Ohm wen ** *W m» at kOTICS OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS T>» - GET TAN! SwtStwww '■1711 >UOI «*77-tte • * 2 32 mm •or « mount! few ao«e * J9WS *»asw SAC lout*. ** e»n haatorr on cNH ana s aermes wo heap you TMowgh »■» rknesW Me SJtictf* mgM <81* 781-3858 coWect anytime «,i Don't < Single Mothers Earn up to ‘250 L\ • » you (MM a Hoy S to tl wars aj (X* shuts 0* your aOfUsnnemr af»*r *•"*» Oraakuc •* oat you as bkbc* as *250 •: CaB JuOy at M Oragoh Social caar , r»r»5 Cantor s85-2?tt EASTER Cards • Candy • Baskets • Bunnies • Basket Stutters JflEBEKWOCKY CARD5 • GIFTS MONSAT 9:30-€ SUN 12-5 **c»oas Iroaa Oaay Ouaant EMU CRAFT CENTER SPRING WORKSHOPS MEMBERSHIPS Fftaas Woodworking Graphics Glass BtSos SIGN UP TODAY! GROUND FLOOR EMU «MX1 $ SAIL ’85 :**u«£0 C uaa 1^S %LOW «am WOULD YOU BUY THE COMMENTATOR? ‘ frC gam '">• Csmmiv’ l «3» sr nm April 3rd at 4:30 at KOINONIA 1414 IGncaid UO II right in Spring of ’85 Advising Outreach 105 Esslinger Monday April 1 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and Tuesday April 2 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Have your pro gress towards graduation asses ed. Help with Math and Language Re quirements. General Advising and help with Course selection _available israen BLOOM COUNTY so aeaa m ouno ms LilA bFXKS, MVS Ot )®K5 nMMwy *vmeum COUNTY, m YOfVS 6 CBUmtTMb 7b STTMNT MONTHS OF tMtmrep^_ mxLomw' TM&imr ho* nt mck you nxecAsr by Berke Breathed norm/ MCE or