calendar For the week of April 1-4 DANCE Youth Dance Theatre of Santa Barbara, directed by David Nelson. Community Center for the Performing Arts, 8th Ave. and Lincoln St. Thursday and Friday. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. $2.50 students, $3.50 general. All ages welcome, wheelchair accessible. Advance tickets available at EMU Main Desk, Earth River Records, Balladeer Music, House of Records, the Literary Lion, and the CCPA offices. Call 687-2746 for further info. FILM MONDAY, 4-1 Cinema 7: “Variety” at 7:30 p.m. “Choose Me’f at 9:20 f.m. $3.50. UESDAY, 4-2 Cinema 7: (See Monday’s listing) WEDNESDAY, 4-3 Cinema 7: (See Monday’s listing) Welcome Bach; Wm. Verdi interesting. Great Britten. Mozart department. Franck, in earnest. The unsinkable Mahler sound. Solid Gould. On with the Chopin: Classically yours on m9i FINE ARTS PUBLIC RADIO FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON n. -lAR THURSDAY, 4-4 Cinema 7: (See Monday’s listing) MUSIC TUESDAY, 4-2 Chamber Music Series: Tokyo String Quartet. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. $9, $7, and $4, University student discount available at box of fice on night of concert. Call 686-5678 for further info. WEDNESDAY, 4-3 Committee for Musical Arts: Chicago Chamber Brass. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Call 686-5678 for further info. THURSDAY, 4-4 Brass Day. Beall Concert Hall. Call 686-5678 for further info. THEATRE “True West” by Sam Shepard. Stage Two Produc tions, South Eugene High School. April 4, 5, and 6. Call 683-4368 for reservations and further info. Live Stand-Up Comedy. The Factory. Monday. 8:30 p.m. Cover charge. The Clown Company’s Saturday Matinee. McDonald Theatre, 1010 Willamette St. Saturdays. 11 a m. $1.50 and 75 cents. Call 726-4709 for further info. RADIO K W A X - F M , 9 1.1: Weekdays Legislative Up date at 6:30 p.m. Weekends Morning Edition at 6 a.m. Morningsong at 8 a.m. All Things Considered at 5 p.m. Friday: University Street at 4:30 p.m. Lord of the Rings at 7:30 p.m. 20th Century Music at 8 p.m. Music from Europe: Berlin-Ludwigsburg Festivals at 9 p.m. Saturday: Verdi’s “Rigoletto” perform ed live from Lincoln Center by the Metropolitan Opera at 11 a.m. “The Empire Strikes Back: Episode 1, Freedom’s Winter” at 4:30 p.m. Carnegie Hall Tonight, conducted Dy Kurt Masur at 7 p.m. Cleveland Orchestra, con ducted by Christoph von Dohnanyi at 8 p.m. Sunday: San Francisco Symphony, conducted by Jahja Ling at 2:30 p.m. “Lord Peter Wimsey” at 4:30 p.m. Jubilee at 6:30 p.m. Monday: An Oregon Evening with the University Speaker’s Bureau at 6:30 p.m. Ex Libris: Oregon Poet Laureate William Staf ford at 7:30 p.m. Music in Oregon: Oregon Bach Festival, conducted by Helmuth Rilling at 8 p.m. Tuesday: Keeping Current with the League of Women Voters of Lane County at . 4:30 p.m. CD Showcase, laser compact discs from the classical catalog at 6:30 p.m. The Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Riccardo Muti at 8 p.m. Wednesday: Art Ac cess at 11:45 a.m. The New York Philharmonic, con ducted by Andrew Davis at 8 p.m. A Night at the Opera at 10 p.m. Thursday: Communi ty Focus at 11:45 a.m. Passover Special featuring Jewish Liturgical Music on . April 4 ait 5- p.m. Chicago Symphony, conducted by Sir Georg Solti, at 8 p;m. KLCC-FM, 89.7: Weekdays: Morning Edition (news) from 5-9 a.m. The Wireless (jazz) at 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. All Things Con sidered at 6 p.m. Mondays: Women’s Music at 9:30 p.m. WednesdayFocus on Jazz at 7:30 p.m. Thursday: The Cabinet of Dr. Fritz at 7:30 p.m. New Acoustic Music at 8 p.m. Jazz Album Preview at 10 p.m. Friday: Black Is at 9 p.m. Air Jamaica at 11 p.m. Saturday: Saturday Cafe at 9 a.m. Blackberry Jam at 6 p.m. A Prairie Home Companion at 7 p.m. The Thistle and Shamrock at 9 p.m. Music from the Hearts of Space at 10 p.m. Sunday: Mist Covered Mountain at 9 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Jazz at 3 p.m. A Prairie Home Compa nion at 6 p.m. Ahora Si (Latin music) at 8 p.m. Another Green World at 11 p.m. KRVM-FM, 91.9: Weekdays: Churchill Morn ing Show from 8-10:15 a.m. Highlander Sounds from 10:15 a.m.-noon. South Sounds from noon-1 p.m. Sheldon Airline from 1-4 p.m. Evening Jazz from 4-6 p.m. Big Bands Plus from 6-10 p.m. Radio Classics (old-time radio theatre) at 10 p.m. Radio ’80s from 10:30 p.m.-midnight. Saturdays: Definitely Dixie from 10-11 a.m. Radio Classics from 11 SLm.-noon and at 10 p.m. Doc Holiday at noon. Bluegrass from 1-2 p.m. Goin’ Back from 2-4 p.m. Radio Free Eugene from 4-6 p.m. Big Bands Plus from 6-10 p.m. Radio ’80s from 1u:30 p.m.-midnight. Sundays: Radio Free tugene from 8 FASTEST DEVELOPING IN TOWN* *No, not really... except by request on Ektachrome slide processing, 35mm Kodacolor developing and enlarging which I takes 6 hours (Pick-up time is 10:00am). We like to take 2-4 days for print developing and up to two weeks! for enlargements and other work. We frequently find that an order needs to be printed more than once tol satisfy our lab’s quality control inspector, and boy, is he picky! Other labs give you the first printing! regardless of quality. By the way, all of your 35mm color negs come back in individual protective sleeves.! CHEAPEST *No, we’re not that either but... ❖ you really don’t expect our kind of quality to be at discount store prices. Most of Eugene’s professionals! use our lab. P.S. We’re not too expensive either - $4.99 for 12 exposure Kodacolor II, if they all turn out ! from Kodocotor Vfc ond other C 41 type Mm*. «O400ond 1000 SOI oddmoftoi 4/7/85 n«i»cir» A r-j- - - [ir - ^ \-r Jr 24 exposure process G print *4.69 *3.79 for 20 »«povj.» Mrm tortoM ten* mone pnnn from Kodocotor V* ond other C-41 type Hrm 60 400 ond 1000 50* oddmono* 36 exposure process b print *6.69 OordeHest semr-moee pare* from Kodocotor V* ond other C-41 rype Mm*. ISO 400 ond 1000 S0< oddmonal [__\ J erlach’: CAMPUS STORE 849 E. 13th Eugene SPRINGFIELD STORE 651 W. Centennial Springfield a.m.-noon. Cruisin from noon-2 p.m. Modern Mono from 2-4 p.m. Radio '80s from 4 p.m.-midnight. MISCELLANEOUS MONDAY, 4-1 Audition cassette tapes for this year’s Willamette Valley Folk Festival must be delivered to the EMU Cultural Forum by this Fri day. Call 686-4373 for further Expansion Arts Classes. Community Center for the Performing Arts, 8th Ave. and Lincoln St. Some classes begin today. Classes offered are Children’s Modem Dance Performance Workshop, African Rhythm Ensemble, Beginning- . Intermediate Modern Dance, Intermediate-Advanced Modern Dance, Mind Moves Body (Modern Dance and Im^ provisation), and Work Your Buns Off. Call 687-2746 for further info. ' TUESDAY. 4-2 . Artists-ln-Education . Pro- . gram Meeting. - Eugene; Public Library. 4-5 p.m. All af- . tists interested irv applying . for the .’S&’Se season are en couraged to attend. Ac-' .. tivities will be covered, as well as guidelines for ap plication and evaluation criteria. Call 485-2278 for fur ther info. WEDNESDAY, 4-3 . Celebration, of Unity. Ananda Marga Center, 1802 Lawrence St. 6 p.m. $2 dona tion requested. The. program includes a vegetarian dinner, songs, music, stories and more. Everyone is welcome. ART, ON EXHIBIT Aperture Gall e ry: Photographs by Eric Perkins. Through April 13: New Zone Gallery: “Diverse Works” mixed media silkscreen prints by Ardas; mixed media Ehotographic installations y David Joyce; mixed media metal sculpture by Dan White. Through April 25. Maude Kerns Art Center: Paintings by Sandra Janeen Howe; photographs by Devorah Rubin; ceramics by Bea Garth; prints by Coral Mack. April 5-26. Opening reception April 14 at 2 p.m. Book and Tea Shop: "Pastels and Etchings" by Julia O’Reilly. Through May 3. University Museum of Art: "28 Years: Metalsmithing with Professor Max Nixon" and “Northwest Vision: Juried Photography Exhibi tion” Through May 5. Willamette Science and Technology Center: "Yester day’s Tomorrows: Past Vi sions of the American Future” traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian In stitution. Through April 14. University Museum of Natural History: “Raven’s Cousins: Traditional Arts of the Native Northwest.” Through June. Compiled by Bob Webb 686-INFO Tape 651 The Calendar normally ap pears in The Friday Edition. The deadline for submis sions is Monday at noon.