sports_ __ Duck women highlight Oregon Open By Robert Collies Of (In Kmrrald For Kathy Hayes and Leann Warren the opening of the 1985 Oregon women’s track season on Saturday may have seemed like an impossibility not so long ago. However, both seniors made their 1985 debuts in style as they battled head-to-head in the 3000 meters in the spotlight event of the Oregon Open Women’s Track and Field meet at Hayward Field. Not too long ago. both were doubtful as to whether they would make it to Hayward to compete on Saturday. Hayes was ill for a good part of the week, but she decided to run anyway Saturday morning. ‘.’1 had a cold all week, and I was going back and forth on whether to run or not,” Hayes said of the race, which she used as a warm-up for next week’s World Cross Country Cham ’ pionships in Lisbon. Portugal. .. Hayes' sickness didn't seem to.bother her too she .stayed on Warren's heels for the • first part of-the. race. Then the senior from Newberg raced past Warren to win the a Na-' tional Collegiate Athletic Association qualifying-time of 9:12.22. Warren finished se cond in 9:24.47, also qualifying her for the NCAA's. For Warren, the race was part of a longer journey. Saturday's meet was the first outdoor com petition for her since 1982. The three-time NCAA champion (1,500 and 800 meters) has been hampered by knee injuries that have kept her out of competi tion. She has made a comeback as evidenced by her second place finish in the 1,500 meters at the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships earlier in March. After Saturday’s race, everything appears to be falling into place for Warren with the 1985 season on the horizon. “I felt a little flat today, but it is good to be back on the track,'" Warren said. Oregon coach .Tom Heinonen was pleased with Hayes arid Warren, as well as the other per formances by the Ducks. "Hayes and Warren both ran well.-but our throwers were the . ones' that got* us ’rolling,” .Heinonen said. "Cathy Gran got - things, -started" with. a’ .19 .foot •. • »' * Photo by Hank Trotter The Ducks' Leann Warren (front) took the early lead over team mate Kathy Hayes in the 3,000 meters, but Hayes rallied and passed Warren with three laps to go to win the race. Hi snail & Hendricks 747*1356 * Corporation Personal j Injury Attorneys • No Chart# Per Initial Conforonco • No Poo Unlo«» • ocovory Iffoctod William WUwoll Karon Hondrlck* WOO Cantonnial Slrd., Suita 1 tprin«li.ld, OK 97477 personal-record in the javelin, and things just started falling into place after that.” Gran’s PR of 153-10 placed her second behind Sally Har mon, former national cham pion, who won the event with a toss of 170 feet and one inch. Harmon is coming off a redshirt year last season because of elbow troubles. But Harmon's winning effort showed she was healthy for the upcoming season. In the other throwing events, Quenna Beasley was a double-winner for the Ducks as she won the shot put with a heave of 49-8 and then added a first place in the discus with a toss of 169-9. Beasley was one of only three multiple-winners in the meet. Cam Talton won the 100 (12.31) and 200-meters (24.94) and ran a leg on the Ducks’ vic torious 400-meter relay team (46.80): Janell Thorsland was a double-winner as she won the long jump. (18-9) and the "100-meter hurdles (14.65). . * Shari.Collins, a redshirt from a“;year. ago, won the high jump .'with an'effort of 5-8, arid Sharoft Johnson captured " the' triple .. jump at 37'feet and'two inches. - ‘Heinonen • said that . S.atur- ! ■ day’ 'was an attempt to • 'qualify, 'as; many1 athletes as •• possible for NCAA competition. •Hayes'and-Warren, ; the- 3000 ’ meters and* . Beasley. • • qualified in the discus. Beasley , had earlier- qualified for the • _ NCAA .s.hotput-with a mark-'for the - indoor' season. Harmon’s. . mark- would have qualified for . the NCAAs. however, she is not currently/enrolled but will be spring term. ' Birgit Petersen ran an. in spired race in the 10,000 meters, but fell short of NCAA ffcoto by Hank Trattar Oregon ’s Quenna Beasley heaved the discus 169-9 to win the event Saturday in the Oregon Open Women’s Track and Field Meet Saturday at Hayward Field. qualifying-mark with a personal record of. 35:01.' The qualifying mark • is • 34:30; but Petersen’s run was a.gUtty one because she ran with, little competition. Defending NCAA 1,500 meter champion Claudette Groerien daal took command early and led from wire-to-wire as she won her specialty in 4:19.17. TRIVIAL PURSUITS CONSUMING YOUR TIME? 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