et al. MEETINGS GTFF GENERAL MEETING today at 12:45 p.m. in Room 108 EMU. All GTF’s welcome. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHIRST will hold a special gym night tonight at 7:30 at First Baptist Church (Broadway and High Street). Come for a great time of fellowship and fun. LECTURES DR. RICHARD KENNAWAY visiting from University of Canterbury, New Zealand will speak on “Small Powers in Alliance with Big Powers: The New Zealand Experience” today at 12:30 p.m. in Room 905 PLC. MISCELLANEOUS UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY ACTION fUCA) Program is now accepting applica tions from, and interviewing junior, senior, and graduate students for placements in Portland, Eugene, and Springfield for the 1985-1986 school year.For more informa tion call 686-3813. INTERFAITH SANCTUARY NETWORK and Clergy and Laity Concerned are spon soring conference for the religious com munity entitled “Central America: Justice, Peace, and Us.” It will be held Sat. March 16 from 9-4 p.m. at the Unitarian Church, 40th and Donald St. TERM ON-CAMPUS INTERNSHIPS: Earn academic credit while gaining valuable career-related experience. For more information call 686-3216, Room 364 Oregon Hall. For Sale BROTHER ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER, excellent condition Electronic correction 686-9667 8 & 7 pm_ 3-15 QUEEN SIZED, bed extras, almost new 485 9364, message tor 0,3-18 COMPUTER, KAVPHO IBM, 2 Epson printers 1200 each Call Dave 8 am.-noon. 344-7894 4428:3-18 FLY EUGENE TO LA. Sat April 8. 1965, IMonejeayCall Grant 345-1791 3-15 OBOE, Cabart special New cork, polished keys, no leaks. Beautiful, ask nfl 1400 3430437 318 MOVING 3/31, Sell everything. King size bed w/hd board. 19" color TV (cheap), 2 sofas, coffee table, desk and oak chair, picnlc/kitchen table 8 2 chairs Make any offer 6837081, Roman 318 MOVING: MUST SELL framed poster art (nice) *25 *35 Stylish wood bench *35 Oak framed couch, $40 Large grass mat. $35 New balance high lop. size 8to, $35 Call Doug 345-8680 and leave message. 3-15 INS YAMAHA RX80 Still under warran ty. Less than 1000 miles, $425. Call 342 77103-15 SMITH CORONA ELEC. TYPE. Cleaned UKe new, $150. 342-3395 eves 3-18 REMINGTON ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, *90 Brother electric typwrller. *95. Tel. 344 1874 _IM5 ADVENT SPEAKERS. $50 each Beautyrest queen mattress with Douglas fir frame. $200 19 Inch color TV, *100 8 foot couch, *125. 42 Inch diag pedestal table $60 Must sell Im mediately Call 9-5 Sat. Sun. 345-2555 S15 EUQENE-S.F. PLANE TICKET, R/T, leaves March 21, 7:05 p.m. Best offer 34341198 3-18 GRADUATING SALE! Color TV *130, electric typewriter *120. mini cassette recorder *35, lady's bike *30 683-6395 3J5 GARAGE SALE, 1186 Ferry St., Satur day 9-5. Furniture, kayak, and lots more. 3-15 MOVING SALE Sat 9-5, Sun 12-5 1884 Garden no D (behind Wendy's on Franklin.) Dressers, desk, chairs, dishes, recliner, all under *25! Much more!_ 3-15 Girl’s Bicycle 1 Speed $50 _ 683-5211 _ JOGGING TRAMPOLINE, New. *25. Craig stereo, AM/FM, 8 track *45 344-4752 3-18 SEARS ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, Good condition. *100 o.b.o. 3-speed bike, with lock, *25 344-1735. 3-15 i® Typing jj PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Set Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 344-0758. 3159:ttn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes, & mass mailings, Grad. Sch. approved. WordStyles A Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-8044 3150:tfn -THE TYPED WOR& Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included. 345-437P._3028:tfn Resumes & Typing Composing, Editing, Accurate Sheila 345-4530 3437:tfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen, 484-1646 _ 3146:tfn HUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 3145:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Word Processing Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 _ 3143:tfn Word ProcessingSTyping: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings. Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 688-3983. _ 3157dfn TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 666-0739 3154:tfn PRO TVPING/EDITING. Guaranteed. Close to UO. Graduate school approved. JENNIFER, 485-3883. 4311:UWHF PROFESSIONAL TYPING Term Papers, Resumes, etc. Fast-Accurate 854 Dbl. Sp. Page 344-5856 4309:3-15 SUPER TYPING Fast, accurate, profes sional Word Processing, Editing 345-6005.3704MWF ARTISTIC QUALITY Word processing and Editing. Hari Har Kaur, 344-4885.4459:3-18 THOROUGH, PROFESSIONAL EDITING. Includes improving exposi tion and organization and correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation. B.A.. M B A. $10/hr ; 3-hr. minimum. 343-0399._ 318 $1 TYPING 686-0812 318 DflAflNlG THRASH POP Beer Gardens TODAY! EMU Dining Room Music at 4:45 No Cover i.D. Reouired <* I Free Delivery (After 5) Free Delivery (After 5) Free Delivery (After 5) The Best is at your fingertips... JUST CALL! 343-8023 1473 E. 19th Open Sun.-Thurs. Noon-Midnite Fri. & Sat. Noon-1 a.m. (One coupon per customer per day at The Big Dipper) Buy any size Pizza and get your choice of one FREE topping with the purchase of one topping or 1473 E. 19th _____ 343-8023 two FREE toppings with the Good through April 4, 1985. purchase of two toppings Oreson Daily Emerald "I Bl Buy one slice With one topping and get */2 SCOOp of Prince Puckler’s Ice I473E i9th ... ... Cream FREE 343-8023. Good, through April 4. 1985 Tired of big name delivery places? We recommend you give the Big Dipper a try Quality pizza at affordable prices! Try our free delivery 343-8023 and receive sl00 OFF 1473 E. 19th 343-8023 Good through April 4. 1985.. —————————— Buy a slice and a softdrink and get a FREE salad Lunch or Dinner special Good between noon-3 p.m. 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Good through April 4. 1985. 1473 E. 19th 343-8023 ■ i Fresh hot coffee to help you through finals 25* a cup Good through April 4, 1985. II