Revival effort fails: Seat belt bill is dead SALEM (AP) — A bill on mandatory seat belt use ap peared dead in this year’s ses sion of the Oregon Legislature, after House backers couldn’t muster enough votes to revive it Thursday. The House defeated the bill 30-28 Wednesday. Sen. Rod Monroe, D Portland, chief sponsor of the measure, said he would give up on it if the House didn’t salvage the measure Thursday. The Senate-passed version of Senate Bill 355 would have re quired motorists to use seat belts starting next Jan. 1 or face fines of up to $50. A House committee watered down the bill to merely put the proposal on the ballot, but even that version couldn’t make it through the House. Lawmakers reported a flood of mail from opponents of the bill. Two states, New York and New Jersey, have mandatory seat belt use laws in effect. Foes of the Oregon proposal to require belt use by all motorists said the public is tired of government mandates and that such a law would be dif ficult to enforce. Some lawmakers said the public outcry against the measure has been so great that it would be foolish even to put the proposal on the ballot. BRAIN FOOD Hitting the books? Then hit Godfather’s Pizza for a luscious, meaty, cheesy pie. It’ll nourish those brain cells in nothing flat, and it couldn’t be easier to get. There’s nobody’s pizza like Godfather’s Pizza. Put one to the test right now! Any single topping of your choice smothered with nearly 1 full pound of 100% real pure mozzerella cheese Godfather's Pizza. EUGENE 2175 W 11th 345-4545 SPRINGFIELD Mohawk Plaza 1410 Mohawk Blvd 747-6844 L Not valid with any other coupon THIS COUPON GOOD THRU APRIL 5. 1985 J TEXTBOOK BUYBACK EVERYDAY IN THE BOOK DEPT. LOBBY TURN YOUR UNWANTED BOOKS INTO CASH! Wholesale Book Buyers will be in the Bookstore FINALS WEEK MARCH 18*23 Come in early for fastest service and best prices. Plus you will receive a 20% off coupon if you sell your books to us during this week. ‘Nuclear winter’ issue debated WASHINGTON (AP) — Pentagon officials agreed with critics Thursday that an atomic war would cause a “nuclear winter” which might wipe out all life on Earth, but told Con gress that’s all the more reason to continue President Ronald Reagan’s weapons build-up and try to win arms cuts. “The administration accepts that a nuclear exchange would produce a nuclear winter ef fect,’’ assistant defense secretary Richard Perle told a pair of House subcommittees. “We are persuaded that a nuclear war would be a terrible thing,” Perle said, “but we believe that what we are doing with respect to strategic nuclear modernization and arms con trol is sound and we believe it is made no less sound" by the nuclear winter phenonenon. But astronomer Carl Sagan, one of the chief authors of the nuclear winter theory, said the concept “has policy implications at variance with current nuclear doctrine” of planning to respond to attack with nuclear weapons. The nuclear winter concept holds that even a small-scale nuclear war would cause such tremendous firestorms and clouds of dust and debris to be thrown into the atmosphere, that light and warmth from the sun would be block ed and all life would die. Nuclear winter advocates contend that means atomic weapons thus have no military utility and their use would be suicidal. They argue that the only way to avoid nuclear winter is to eliminate atomic weapons. Sagan testified that a recent Pentagon study of nuclear winter had caused “no agonizing reappraisals" within the administration about plans to use nuclear weapons to retaliate against a Soviet attack. Sagan and Perle were testifying before the House Interior environment subcommittee and the House Science and Technology natural resources subcommittee. Traveling Spring Break? We Pay To Help You! There is no other way. We heed plasma and we will pay to get it. Without plasma we could not r make the life sav ing products you need. Learn more about why we pay. Contact: Hyland Plasma Center New Donors and donors who have not been in dur ing the past six months, bring in this ad for an ad ditional $5 bonus on your first donations. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 6 AM - 5 PM Wed. 6 AM - 2:30 PM Olvlng Coma* From THo Noort HYLAND PLASMA CENTER 40 East 10th Street Eugene 683-3953 for appointments e m Half the world is hungry for your experience. As .1 Peace Corps volunteer, you could help people in developing countries obtain the skills they need to grow their own food. 'Flu Peace Corps trains volunteers with agriculture degrees or experience. Call toll-free 800-424-H580. And put your experience to work where it can do a world of gtxxl. U.S. Peace Corps. The toughest job you’ll ever love. Many positions available now for any degree and an interest in agriculture. Call 686-3235 soon.