police beat The following is a list of area crimes that have been reported to the Eugene Police Depart ment since March 6: Two backpacks were stolen from the Univer sity Bookstore. One, valued at $45, was taken March 0. The other, valued at $80, was stolen March 13. The rear tires were stolen from a vehicle parked in a lot at East 15th Avenue and Moss Street between March 6-11. One hundred and fifty dollars was stolen from Collier Hall between March 2-7, $2,555 was stolen from the Burger King on Franklin Boulevard March 10 and $500 was stolen from Parsons Hall March 13, Three wallets were stolen. One, valued at $15, was stolen from the main library March 7. Another, valued at $20, was stolen from Science I March 12. A third, valued at $27, was stolen from the University Bookstore March 13. Sporting equipment, valued at $65, was stolen from Hayward Field Feb. 12, but was not reported until March 8th. Glass was broken out of a door at the Univer sity Inn March 8. A wrench set, flashlight and coins, with a total value of $16, were stolen from a vehicle parked at 1736>/2 Moss St. between March 12-13. A wing window, valued at $40, was stolen from a vehicle parked in a lot at East 15th Avenue and Moss Street March 7. A Hawthorne Hall room window was broken between March 9-10. Officer Bill Jennings of the Eugene Police Department said the resident of the room found a large rock inside the room. Damage is estimated at $70. A purse and contents, valued at $115, was stolen from 117 Fenton Hall March 4. A white male was seen masturbating outside the main library by a female University student." The student said he followed her down the stairs toward the student lounge and began mastur bating, Jennings said. He is described as about 20 years old, five feet eight inches tall and 135 pounds with an orange coat and blue jeans. A skateboard valued at $100 was stolen from Oregon Hall March 6. A car parked at East 15th Avenue and Kin caid Street received $1,000 damage to the paint job Feb. 8. The incident was reported March 6. A motorcycle, valued at $450, was stolen outside Esslinger Hall between March 5-6, and a motorcycle, valued at $600, was stolen from the Campbell Club between March 9-10. Vinyl dividers were damaged in DeCou Hall between March 1-6. Damage is estimated at $500. Nicholas Stepps, 31, no permanent address, was arrested and charged with harassment March 5. Jennings said he grabbed a female University student by the arm twice and in the neck once, while she struggled to get away. He was then sub dued by a police officer, Jennings said. A doorbell and a window screen were damaged at the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority house March 6. Jennings said an intoxicated man became upeset when he was refused entrance into the house. The next day, the doorbell was found damaged and the foreleg of a goat was found in side the house in the same room as the damaged window screen. Damage is estimated at $28. Identification and $10 were stolen from the EMU Ballroom March 9. A female University student was followed in her car by two men in a reddish-brown compact car March 6. She said she saw the headlights flash at her as she left her parking spot near Science II, and she became afraid when the car followed her around several comers. She then stopped at a friend’s house at East 19th Avenue and Harris Street, Jennings said. She said the car passed by the house several times before disappearing. Eight bicycles were stolen. One .bicycle was recovered. Compiled by Michelle Brence Szymanski tribute slated Saturday A memorial service for sociology Professor Albert Szymanski will be held Saturday at 1 p.m. in Room 167 EMU. Szymanski. 43. died sometime during the weekend of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The public is invited to attend both the memorial service and the reception to be held in the Faculty Club following the service. The University flag will also be flown at half-mast today as a memorial to Szymanski. Some of Szymanski's students have established a memorial trust fund. Checks can be made out to the McKen zie River Gathering, says Jim Salt. Szymanski’s friend and a teaching assistant in one of his classes. “Students told me time after time that Al was the most vigorous lecturer in the University, even if they disagreed with every single thing he said," Salt said, adding that many people came to the University sociology department express ly to study under Szymanski. Szymanski is survived by his parents and a sister. Salt said funeral services for him will be held in Rhode Island. Corrections: The Oregon Daily. Emerald reported Tuesday that the play. ‘^Excursion Fare” will compete for national honors at the:Ken-', nedy Center for the Performing Arts. The play is riot being per-. formed for competitipn, but is being'showcased- to honol- its selection as best original play • by the American -College Theater Festival, a national award; .• And on Wednesday; the Emerald erroneously gave Paul Zadoff the title of Jewish Stu- " dent Union director. Kim ' Fuson, a University junior stu dying sociology, is the director , of that group. We regret any inconvenience these errors may have caused. * - £y YAMAHA Motor SPECIAL SALE PRICES SINCE 1947 j, 20th South "A" & Main Springfield 74 7 QK4 OPIN Mon Sat 7*t/ - / 9am 6pm ®T®1 f Tin Ask About Our Credit Terms » v V S.s \ S V S.N.N \ S \ \\ \\ WWN \ x \ v N \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ \\N 50% Off AU shampoo && Wo/nein £e.g..S!l$.(k>; fiff AD PeritlS - miudes bafrcutXstyi* reg‘$40:00 Restaurant G<*xf\thtu fyii -aj5 HEW RESTAURANT OM CAMPUS 854 E. 13th • (Mext to Kinko's) • 342-2241 FEATURING THE BEST HAMBURGERS AND OMELETTES ON CAMPUS OPEN 8 DAY5 A WEEP spaghettiTeed EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK ONLY *295 ALL YOU CAM EAT Choice of meat or mushroom sauce — French tread, soup or salad /Served 4 pm to closing, 8 days a week, 854 E. 13th The ASUO needs YOU Positions • President • Incidental Fee Committee (IFC) • Student University Affairs Board (SUAB) • EMU Board • ODE Board • Associated Student President’s Advisory Council Come to Suite 4, EMU for Candidate packets, election petitions or call 686-3724 Filing Deadline: April A, 5pm RUN FOR OFFICE