WORKSTUDY POSITION AVAILABLE. Student Office Worker, Office of Academic Affaire and Provost $5.08fhour; fO hours/week, flexible time schedule. Contact Jon Rlvenburg Ext 5539 4440: B31f | Roommates SHARE TWO BED ROOM apartment St 17 SO Including utilities S 75 deposit No smokers 344-9089 3-13 ROOMMATE NEEDED; 3 bdr. 1290 E. 18th St. Hayward Townhouses No pay ment Jor June 344 2868 3-13 Luxurious House Non smoking male Grad/older 3 bdrm washer! dryer, dishwasher, bus-stop, no pets $160 month Ask for Dave. 484-0219 3-15 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house short wal/ bike to cam pus Spring Term. Call Mark 485-2982 3-18 MALE ROOMMATE WANTEO. Spring qtr $142 50 mo. Oulel apts 485-0289 .,... For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility of immediate occupancy or place yourself on watting list. Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $ 142/mo. 1 bedroom $113/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo Furure openings expected, all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept , 886-4277_ 4043 tin FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment. Cempus $21018250. No pets 485-2823 4128 tin SMALL TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE near tsth 8 City View refr.. range, carpeted, fenced yard, pets ok $215fmo plus deposit 683-3999 days. 4858989 eves. _3-14 STUDIO APARTMENT, all utilities pd No bath/shower $100/mo near 16th 8 Jefferson 1st $ last 683 3999 days. 4858969 eves_ 314 . EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom apt Excellent' location, freshly painted, new carpet, drapes Campus 10 Mocks, unfurnished Laun-. dry. parking No pets, no children 2045 Willamette $250.3457987 4034 tin THE HAYWARD HOUSE . 1290 E. tSth Ave. - Furnished 3 bedroom t Vi bath townhouses Appliances, underground parking, and laundry Across from • Hayward Field $495 Call 344-3713 or Jennings i Co. Property Management.. Inc- 683-2271.4389.318 THE STUDEMTS COOPERATIVE ASSN OFFERS low-cost room $ board lor Spr • ing Term Single or Double, rooms now available tor man and woman . Cali Meilsa or Kim at 6833454 44113-18 PARR TOWER CO OP Has openings'for Spring Term Just $575 covers room'. 21 meals per week and extras like roof parties beach ■ trips, cable TV and the New York Times Call 3459163 (John) lor an ap plication and a complimentary meal • 3.18 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED APTS avallabi* April 1*1. Closer to campus 547-556 E 14th St Contact Mgr be tore ■ 3120. •. 3-18 JANET SMITH COOPERATIVE oiler* low-co*t room and board lor men and women Single & double rooms available lor Spring Term Call Lisa at 663-3777 44363-18 SOUTHEAST HILLS 3 bdrm. 215 bath, tamilyroom, custorrl draperies, new carpet DW, 2 car. garage, wooded lot. nice neighborhood SS95 Call 4852650 eve* 3-18 Dorm Contracts UO DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE. Call ot leave me»*age 342-4669 3-18 A CASE OF BEER il you'll buy my dorm contract' Mlscha 345-2090 . 318 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE, starling . Spring Term Call Heather 485-9844 4-3 U.l. CONTRACTS FOR SALE REWARD Call Eric 3430565 314 Food & Drink 11:30- 2:00 Students Welcome FACULTY CLUB Collier House ll 70 East 13th FALL (REEK BAKERY PVWUVWWtMWVWVWWWWWWII NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW! Introducing... Marco’s Gelato Ice Cream of Italy 7 different flavor*! Welch for our coupon at reparation Hour#:M-F S-S AND SATURDAY 8-3_ TODAY’S SPECIAL SPAGHETTI Fresh spinach or spaghettlnl pasta, meat or vegle sauce made daily with fresh vegetables, served with garlic bread *1,85 * Just a tew clouds above the EMU main desk. FRESH HOT CINNAMON ROLLS with your morning coffee 8-11 a.m. while they last! At COLLIER HOUSE CAFE, The Faculty Club- the big yellow house across from EMU- Yes. students are welcome! 4348:3-18 Real Estate DELINQUENT TAX PROPERTY. Call 805-687-6000 Ext DT 9642 for Informa tion. 4-3 Lost & Found LOST & FOUND SALE WED-FRI Dead Weak MARCH 13-1S 10 a.m -4 p.m EMU REC CTR Lower Level, EMU X3711 ' ' 4412:3-15 Entertainment [• THE BIJOU : “mV " "h" ~ aa.. •,^-kzam ' . Morri ton's • moil* review program “I LIKE TO WATCH!" Thursdays 8:50am A . A wonderfully funny and wistful adventure begins when a coke bottle falls into an idyllic tribe of Kalahari -■ ■ busnmen^andcauses strife When. XI, their gentle chief, decides to take the evil 6b|ect to the end of the earth and throw It off. he'runs headlong into a -herd of "civilized" people- including a bumbling micro • biologist.'arr idealistic school. teacher and a band of card-playing, communist revolutionaries. It's a glorious blend of slapstick humor. - romance, sly-political commentary and astute .anthropology -. ■SF 'Chronicle FRI SAT 7:15 A 9:35 SUN.THURS 6:25 A 8:45 .Miser Monday ‘2 50 SAT SUN BARGAIN Matinee 4pm Support Artistic Freedom Not Coercive Utopianism . This film was made by an indepen dent production company (based in South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most of us lind very repugnant. Jamie Uys. the . - producer/dir ■ tor/writer is in NO WAY PRO APARTHEID. The-film was made as tribute to the Kalahari peoples. If you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture it's your loss. But don't pretend that by doing so you are in any way fighting ■_Apartheid._• «CHUSM. MuSTjf MAX’S THURSDAY NITE HOLLYWOOD HEP CATS SATURDAY NITE BILL ROADES BLUES BAND St. PATRICK’S DAY LOS FALCONS OFFICIAL St. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY HQ LIVE MUSIC Girls With No Necks Acoustic Guitar S Vocals 8:00 • 11:00 pm Tonite ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 14611Y E. 19th Come have a beer and enjoy the sounds SPRINGFIELD SPA’S RELAX otr an hour in your own private open HOT TUB WITH HYDROJETS at Springfield Spa's, tor only $6 DAYTIME S9 EVENING (2 p#op|<) 1100 MAIN ST. SPFLD 741-1777 12 p.m. 1 a m SUN THURS 12 p.m. 3 a.m. FRI SAT Events “SUBJECTIVITY AND SELF-REFLECTION by Professor John Verhaar. S.J , St, Michael's Institute. Gonzaga University, Spokane. Wednesday, March 13. at 9:30 a m,, in 167 EMU _44388:3-1' OPEU Contract Pre-ratification Meeting March 14 NOON l-MII Pnrnm D.U.I.I. Drinking & Driving In Oregon Leam all about HELD OVER SAT. MARCH 16 Robinson . . Theatre 8 PM ■ All seats reserved Call 688-4191 tor ticket information and reservations Presented by special arrangement with. Dramatist Play ' Service, Inc __ : ■ -.*251.3-131 Council lor Human Rights in Latin America presents: CHILE: The Struggle for Survival of the Mapuche Indians direct from Chile Sofia Painiques MARCH 14 THURS Froum Rm. 7:30 P.m. 464-5867 MAKE MONEY! RAOS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing tor men and women For appt: 344 7039 360 E. 11th Was Syrus of Persia God’s Person? Find out at the Wesley Center Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Next to UO Bookstore 1236 Kincaid 4362 3-8 Don't get burned this Spring Break TAN!! B 4 U TRAVEL SunShower -«373tfn PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days Strictly confidential Call 888-4488.3144:tfn FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1-800-772-9100 7 a.m.-2 p.m. M-F. _ 3162:WHF GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) for students, faculty and staff (Sacred Heart, tool!) Across from the UO Bookstore 887-1711 1st visit FREE ___4241 Ifn BUGSY, Meet me at 8 p.m for a chop ped liver on sourdough at LENNY'S NOSH BAR, LUIGI3905: HOW ’BOUT THOSE WIZARDS! Intramural champs, 1985 3-13 PRiNCE PURER. Two years of P.C.E. would have worn us out. It must be love! Always be my baby.3-13 CATHERINE & JACK Amazing you are really graduating. Now who’s going to waste time with me. Miss you already WAGS.3-13 CREW MEN AND WOMEN MEETING WED 13th 7 p.m. EMU Rm. 112 Sacramento Trip info, and questions CREW BAKE SALE TODAY U of O BOOKSTORE _ 4457:3-13 WHEELS: You said you wouldn't, but you did. If this isn't getting involved. I don't- know what is! Business and pleasure fust don't mix. THE STRANGER.__3-13 CHRIS GRAM You are the man... the myth! JOE SAMPLE ■ _3-13 HONEY: As the eagle leaves the nest, got so far to go ."I'm getting there but I far to.go..." Thanks for helping me when I need it the most. Don't forget "Mountains crumble to the sea, it will still be you and me" All my love, TANGERINE EYES._ 3-13 B.B BUCKWHEAT: I was wonderin' I want a new boat! C.B. ALFALFA,■ ' 3-13 D, Yes. I have decided to take him seriously. Look forward to seeing you both soon , LOVE, S. ~, 3-13 FR. DUNCANS EVIL MAGIC SHOPPE: Potions prepared, Curses Cured. Poison . Poured. and, Weapon Dear mored. Cut throat prices, "If I have it, you don't want it." Vita and Mastersoul welcome ' , , - , , ' 3-13 KEY LEFT IN RED AERO 80, To who ever returned them to the bookstore there is still honesty in our world. Thank You MATT MATSUSHIMA. 3 13 Sittin andStarin out of the hotel'win dow, got a'tip they're gonna kick the' door in again I like to get some sleefl before I travel, but if you got a warrant I guess you're gonna come in. 3-13 Now Serving Breakfast 8 am • 1 pm 790 E. 14th 14th 4 Alder B&J BOOKBINDING 33714 Peoria Rd. Corvallis, Or 97333 Hrs. Mon-Fri 9-5 757 9861 THESIS BINDING QUALITY HARDCASE BINDING. PRICES START AT s6.00 Oversewn, large color selection, bookcloth or leather, rapid turn around, personalized service EROTIC EDIBLES- Adult novelty chocolates are the perfect gifts for Iriends, lovers and others. For unique catalogue of over 40 items, send $2 to Sheer Delight enterprises. 3875A Telegraph Rd. Rm 348, Ventura, CA 93003. 3-15 HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE ANSWERS TO ESSAY QUESTONS. A free seminar offered to UO Students. Sponsored by the Learning Resources Center. Wednesday, March 13, 3:30 p.m., Room 341 Gilbert.4415:3-13 WHY WORRY WHILE YOU'RE AWAY? Personalized Pet Care in your home by an experienced Veterinary Technician Katheryn Lane. V.T. 726-1097 •"Stu dent Discounts Available* * *3-15 JUNIORS Any questions about Mortar Board? Slop by the info table outside Fishbowl from 10:30-1:30 Tuesday and Wednes day;3-13 FRANK’S 30 3-13 TO BEANIE BAG: Happy Birthday to a girl who always find her way into the U.l closets?! LOVE, SHARON. 3-13 A/MIA V/VJINVjnH I o Ar TAMI PHENICE IX SWEETHEART I LOVE YA. JEN £13 TO THE TALL GORGEOUS, MISUNDERSTOOD MAN...You are sen suous, ecslacy. Be mine.313 HOMECOMING '85. The search is on for a sophomore or junior intern to chair the Student Homecoming Committee. Responsibilities include communica tion, programming and leadership duties. 34 hrs credit. Interested? Pick up a position description and applica tion at 221 Johnson Hail. Deadline: April 5.___4087:315 Happy Birthday Trice Ann You're 22 and ancient! Oh sure, get a job! Get ready for California and marguaritas! I'm freakin out! LORI OR LOU.313 ETES-VOUS PRETS? Join us at our CREW BAKE SALE After our morning row Today in front • of Bookstore PARTEZ! ' ' • . • 313 SAIL ’85 classes offered by U of'O '• Club Sports Sailing Team 6 Labs (Fern Ridge)' 5.lectures .. Register April 1-5 Club Sports, EMU Rm 5, X3733 4439:4-5 TO THE ONE ANO ONLY, Janet Happy Birthday!" LOVE. THE THINKER. 313 BECOME AN ACTIVE MEMBER of the ASUO RUN FOR OFFICE IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT Positions: ASUO President Incidental Fee Committee Student University Affairs Board. EMU Board, ODE Board Associated Students Presided1' Advisory Council Get Candidates packets Election petitions, and information in ASUO Office, Suite 4 (686-3724) Filing Opens: 8 a m Wed March 13 File petitions in Suite 4 Deadline: 5 p.m. Thurs. April 4 4420:2-11 IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright. Free testing. 687-8651. 623:W ★ ASTROLOGY ★ by Appointment ROSEANN 344-2188 LANCE, Meet me at 12:30 a.m. for a al mond cheesecake at LENNY'S NOSH BAR LOLITA. ROBERTA OLIVER You're such a loser. Taking a job with a scummy, disreputable company of devil worshippers. We've lost allrespect for you, RIGHT. No one , deserved it more than you, Kiddo. j Your former coworkers at the lowly I Emerald.3-13 I ANNETTE MOELLER My sister, but most of friend. Happy Birthday! I__3-13 I JAMES (not Huey) You are so SWEET! When do we get to go for some owsome hottubbing? ANNE 3-13 LAMBDA CHI’S Bob Macgallan Arthur Gamboa Mike Watson Jeff Stone Mark Hutchinson Greg Paseka John Lawrence Lance Clark Come to 1313 Pearl this Thursday at 7:30 for a wild and crazy night at the zoo. Your LiL’ Sis’s -i--2d3-l SUE BELL With every step you take i'll be wat ching you YOU’LL SOON FIND OUT. __ ; '_3-ia.J ST. PATRICK’S DAY AND EASTER Cards • Gifts • Wrap JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS MON-SAT 9:30-6 SUN 12-5 (Across from Dairy Queen) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERYL ISRAEL SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Are Your Friends Worth 25*? Then get with THE BEAT For 25* have your friends’ B-day printed in the Emerald's Birthday Beat. Your buddies will then be entitled to various tokens of fered by the Emerald end Campus Businesses. For now. put a name In the Beat and your pal will get a free Personal In the ODE (15 words limit). Donor must show l.D. to place name; Recipient must show I D. to redeem. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ... ■■■ esaPLcatums/ mhZlms rnw imWtRSHMZ BOWTUPHU. OUK stock' imrmvmj 1 SHALL LCfif Tom&mvorme WORTHS mSKTCAN PUBLIC teUML.