world beat New evidence will send Goetz case back to court NEW YORK (AP) — A judge on Tues day authorized the Manhattan district at torney to resubmit the Bernhard Goetz subway shooting case to a grand jury. District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said Acting Supreme Court Justice Stephen Crane signed the order after pro secutors presented new evidence in the case. Morgenthau said the case will be presented to a grand jury next week. Morgenthau refused to say what the new evidence was. A grand jury in January refused to in dict Goetz for the attempted murder of four teen-agers he shot on a subway train in Manhattan on Dec. 22. He was in dicted only on weapons charges. “1 don’t want to go into any detail. This will be a secret proceeding and I don’t want to influence it,” Morgenthau said. He said his office had applied to resub mit the case to a grand jury on March 6, but withdrew the application the next day. Prosecutors submitted the current application “in its final form” Tuesday, and Crane approved it, Morgenthau said. A grand jury indicted Goetz in January on charges of weapons possession rather than more serious charges such as at tempted murder or assault in the shootings on a Manhattan subway. Goetz said he shot the youths after they demanded $5 of him. None of the four victims in the Dec. 22 shooting testified before that panel because Morgenthau refused to grant them immunity from prosecution on possible charges stemming from the incident. Since then, officials have released tape recordings in which Goetz said he fired a fifth shot at one of the four young men after telling him: “You don’t look so bad, here’s another.” .....—■ eagan-Mubarak talks end WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ronald Reagan said after a meeting with President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt today that Mubarak’s efforts to get Middle East peace talks underway are encouraging, but haven’t gone far enough. In an apparent rejection of Mubarak's proposal for the United States to meet with a delegation of Jor danians and Palestinians, Reagan said the parties to the Middle East conflict are “still a long way from the negotiating table.” Reagan did not refer specifically to Mubarak’s proposal as the two leaders delivered their departure statements on the White House South Lawn. But Reagan's reference was clear when he said, “Let us hope that the positive trends that have recently begun in the region will be strengthened-” Mubarak came to Washington to ap peal to Reagan to approve a high-level U.S. meeting with a joint delegation of Palestinians and Jordanians as a first step toward direct peace talks between the Arabs and Israel. But senior administration officials said they were worried that Mubarak’s strategy was aimed at promoting back-door contacts between Washington and the Palestine Libera tion Organization. The senior officials said the ad ministration would have no part of that, and Reagan’s statement in dicated Mubarak was given no reason to believe such a strategy would work. But Mubarak said the administra tion shouldn't miss "a golden oppor tunity for peace.” urging the United States to act "to keep the momentum going' ’ from recent peace moves. Traveling Spring Break? We Pay To Help You! There is no other * way We need .. plasma and. we will pay to get it Without plasma •. . . we could not •. make the life'sav-’ jng products you ; need. Learn more, about why we .. pay. - Contact: . Hyland Plasma Center New Donors and; donors who have not been in dur ing the past six months, bring in this ad for an ad ditional $5 bonus on your first donations. Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 6 AM - 5 PM Wed. 6 AM - 2:30 PM diving Com** From Th* H*ort HYLAND PLASMA CENTER 40 East 10th street Eugene 683-3953 for appointments ' I] j jl: —J How to Write Effective Answers to Essay Questions A SEMINAR- OFFERED TO UO STUDENTS Wednesday, March 13 3:30 p.m. Rm 341 Gilbert Sponsored by. Learning Resource Center . 5 Friendly Hall 686-3226 HAIRCUTTING TO PLEASE YOU this coupon Expires 3/30/85 HAIR FAIRE • 1410 orchard • 342-2165 i i 1 1 1 1 1 Travel Europe with Harvard Student Agencies “LET’S GO EUROPE” 1985 Edit ion m $ :A\ SPECIAL PRICE MARCH 4-16 $T77 ■ REG Ltv)Ps oe Aw*-*’'**’ 37 A*0 HCt O 0o<*,e evV-0' • te AO 3J " ,ueA so' \e Ct»e' O' >4. lA ¥ Y o r*1 ■ P 1 ' T . 9 Tr;u REG. $9.95 ^ $} A 'C>¥* '<3$» v v $ no other discounts apply • limited to stock on hand • cash register sales only (K0|)6, WlfyMm, (kA and tmd cmwm available at Ik Book Stole. 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 BOOKSTORE Supplies 686-4331