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Rent a VCR i I ONLY 6.95 | When you rent 2 movies j Expires 3-21-85 L 0DE -“COUPON ‘-1 i ► ( AMERICAN | FAMILY ; -video i OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK North Eugene 1520 Coburg Road 683-1477 South Eugene 2570 Willamette 485-4608 ★★★★★★★★★ ooooooooooooooo » AHMHMMMHHHMMT- * * 4MMM7 Ducks win ’84 title Lacrossemen start on top 2*g mm Photo by Tbn Joan Oregon j- men s lacrosse club will haw its work cut out far it as it defends it s newly-won Northwest college division championship. By BUI SchaUer Of the Emerald Not every team opens their season with a champion ship win. But the Oregon men's lacrosse club won a mini-playoff meet against Lewis and Clark College and the University of Washington last Saturday in Portland that gave them the 1984 Pacific Northwest Lacrosse Association's college divison championship after an ex tended season which lasted over nine months. When the three teams tied for first place with 7-1 records last year, league officials decided to break the tie at the beginning of the 1985 season instead of at the end of the 1984 season. The Ducks lost to Lewis and Clark 6-5 in the first match, then faced a do-or-die situation against Washington. The Huskies had beaten Lewis and Clark 7-4 earlier in the day. Oregon showed no sign of elimination pressure when they took on Washington and beat them 8-1. That gave the Ducks the league championship and the right to represent the Northwest league at the prestigious Western States Lacrosse Tournament in Stanford, Calif., April 13-14. Unlike the present team’s play, the history of the lacrosse club has not been quite as consistent. After having a strong season in 1973, the club went into a tailspin, losing more games than it won. Finally, the program itself was lost. The team reorganized, and an evolution process seemed to take place as the team began to win more games. Rising from a 3-10 record in 1981 to last year’s 14-4 record, the team has steadily improved and become one of the best college teams in the Northwest. A game originally played by North American In dians, lacrosse has changed from a no-rules competition to the death into a controlled game of finesse. There were numerous Indian names for the game, but when European settlers in Canada noticed a resemblencc between the sticks the natives used and a bishop's staff called a "croisse” the game was then call ed lacrosse — the stick. The Indians played on huge fields in games that would last for days. Today’s version of the game is divided into IS-minute quarters and is played on a field measuring 110 yards by 60 yards. Oregon began claiming respect in the league when it won the college division championship of the PNLA Invitational Tournament in Portland last April. After a first round loss to South Fraser, a Canadian team, the Ducks went on to beat Washington, Whit worth College, and Western Washington University in the championship game.. Coming from behind to beat Western Washington for the championship cup was special for the Ducks because they won the college division of the largest lacrosse tournament in the nation. According to Andrew Moore, the club’s coach, the team’s success is due to many different reasons. “The success is partly to Jay Jollon, last year's coach, for in stilling his good nature and experience into the team." Also responsible for the club's winning is last year's manager Dan Jensen. Moore says that Jenson’s strong Continued on Page 8B • Italian Entrees • French Dip Sandwiches • Greek Gyros Sandwiches • French Roast Coffees • International Desserts International Cuisine on Your Mind? Take a Trip to the SKYLIGHT REFECTORY! Featuring a touch of Italy with delicious calzone, pasta and lasagne. 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