FULL OR PART TIME second Income opportunity Weekly paychecks Home based work Send a sell addressed stamped envelope lor details to "Mainline Distributors" 2616 Dixon Street Apt. 106 Stevens Point Wis, MARKETINO COMPANY SEEKS tn dlvidual to work one to two days per week assisting students applying lor credit cards Earn $30 *60 per day. Call 1800-932 0528 V3-12 NOW is the time to think about applying for Cultural Forum Positons Beginning Spring term applications will be ac cepted for Contemporary Issues Film & Video Visual Arts General Programming Popular Concerts Jazz Concerts Performing Arts Heritage Music Applications wflf be available in the Cultural Forum Office. Suite 2, EMU Roommates SHARE TWO BED ROOM apartment. $117 SO including utilities $75 deposit No smokers 3444009. 3-13 ROOMMATE NEE DEO 3 bdr. 1290 E 18th St Hay war Townhouses No pay ment lor June 344 2888 3 13 Luxurious House Non smoking male Grad/older 3 bdrm washer/ dryer, dishwasher, bus-stop, no pets $160 month Ask for Dave. 484-0219 _ 3-15 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bedroom house short waP bike to cam pus Spring Term Call Mark 485-2962 3-18 For Rent UO FAMILY MOUSING, pois.twiity ol immediate occupancy or place yourself on wafting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment 2 bedroom *142/mo t bedroom 41 t3Tmo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom SI I Sr mo Furure openings eapecled. all areas Contact UO Hous •ng Dept , 686-4277 4043_lfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment Campus 4210IS2S0 No pets 486-2823 4126 tin GARAGE 1 V> blocks from campus, electrical outlet. MOT mo Call 3458493 4012 tin SMALL TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE near 18th & City View refr.. range, carpeted, fenced yard, pets ok S215Tmo plus deposit 683 3999 days. 4858969 eves _ ___3 14 STUOIO APARTMENT, all utllllles pd. No bath/shower StOOTmo near 16lh A Jefferson tsi 4 last 683-3999 days. 4868969 eves 3-14 EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom apt Escellent location, freshly painted, new carpet, drapes Campus 10 blocks unfurnished Laun dry, parking No pets, no children 2045 Willamette 4250 345-7987 4034 tin M7 PATTERSON 4280- 2 bedroom vintage charmer. Fireplace, hardwood floor, appliances No pets Laundry, off-street parking. For appointment. Joy. 686 1130, Lam son Assoc 40964In 1414 E. 18th- One and two bedroom un furnished 3 blocks from campus From 4205 Call Sabin 683-2180 4372 3-18 THE HAVWARO HOUSE 1290 E. 18th Ave Furnished 3 bedroom 1 vk bath townhouses Appliances, underground parking, and laundry Across from Hayward Field 4495 Call 344 3713 or Jennings 4 Co. Properly Management, Inc. 683 2271. 4389:3-18 THE STUDENT'S COOPERATIVE ASSN OFFERS low-cost room S board for Spr ihq Term. Single or Ooubie rooms now available lor men and women. Call or Kim at 683-3454 4411:3-18 HESS 3 BEDROOM corner apl, available spring term, furnished 1390 Alder no. 302. 485 3091 info, 3-12 PARR TOWER CO OP Has openings for Spring Term. Just 1575 covers room, 21 meals per week and extras like roof parties, beach trips, cable TV and the New York Times Call 345-9183 (John) for an ap plication and a complimentary meal _ 3-18 Dorm Contracts UO DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE. Call of leave message 342-4669. 3-18 A CASE OF BEER II you'll buy met dorm contract I Mischa 345-2090 3-18 Real Estate DELINQUENT TAX PROPERTY. Call 805-687-8000 Ext DT 9642 lor Informa lion 4.3 Lost & Found LOST & FOUND SALE WEDFRI Dead Week MARCH 13-18 10 ajn.-4 p.m EMU REC CTR Lower Level, EMU X3711 " __4412:3-15 Entertainment KUGN WELCOMES JOAN BAEZ SATURDAY Mar 23/8 PM HULT CENTER RESERVED SEATS $13 & $11 AVAILABLE G.I.JOES EVERYBODY’S HULT CENTER BOX OFFICE PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE 4334312 MAX’S THURSDAY NITE HOLLYWOOD HEP CATS SATURDAY NITE BILL ROADES BLUES BAND St. PATRICK’S DAY LOS FALCONS OFFICIAL St. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY HQ Vry SUNDAES EVERY TUESDAY rninctrflciaurc All SPRINGFIELD SPA’S RELAX ofr an hour in your own private open HOT TUB WITH HYDROJETS at Springfield Spa's, for only *6 DAYTIME - $0 EVENING (2 people) 1100 MAIN ST. SPFLD 741-1777 12 p.m.-l a m. SUN-THURS 12 p.m.-3 a m. FRI SAT 2078.UWH * THE BIJOU 492 r 13th 686-245* » »?KZAM Morrison's w . movie review program "I LIKE TO WATCH!" Thursdays 8:S0am A THE SOW MU$TB# A wonderfully funny and wistful adventure begins when a coke bottle falls into an idyllic tribe of Kalahari bushmen and causes strife When Xi, their gentle chief, decides lo lake the evil object to the end of the earth and throw it off, he runs headlong into a herd of "civilized'’ people, including a bumbling micro biologist. an idealistic school teacher and a band of card-playing communist revolutionaries It's a glorious blend of slapstick humor, romance, sly political commentary and astute anthropology •S.F Chronicle FRI-SAT 7:1S A 9:35 SUN THURS 6:25 A 8:45 Miser Monday '2.50 SAT SUN BARGAIN Matinee 4pm Support Artistic Freedom Not Coercive Utopianism This film was made by an indepen dent production company (based in South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most ol us find very repugnant. Jamie Uys. the producerfdirector/writer is in NO WAY PRO APARTHEID The film was made as tribute lo the Kalahari peoples. It you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture it's your loss. But don’t prelend that by doing so you are in any way fighting Food & Drink DINING ROOM SPECIAL: Small 3 item Southsider pizza and a pitcher of beer or sdoft drink only S5 50 EAST BROADWAY PIZZERIA 652 E. Broadway Pizza delivery: 345-4114,4421:3-1*2 FRESH HOT CINNAMON ROLLS with your morning coffee 8-11 am while they last! Al COLLIER HOUSE CAFE. The Faculty Club- the big yellow house across from EMU-.Yes, students are welcome! 4348:3-18 r TODAY’S SPECIAL FREE SPECIALTY COFFEE Your choice of French Roast, Costa Rican, brewed de-cat, or black tea with the purchase of any entree Refills half-price with the sales slip • Just a few clouds above the EMU Main desk. I FALL CREEK BAKERY WWAW^mWMWfWVWWWi NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Turkey & Cheese filled croissant • Spinach A Cheese filled croissant • Cheese A Herb tilled wheat croissant • Straight from the oven 1 f :00 am • r : ARNOLD’S ^ HIDEAWAY TACO TUESDAY 35* ■ - 9 pm. 1461Vi E. 19th 19th and Agate Nicaraguan Educator and Political Leader from Miskito Region RAY HOOKER speaking on “Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast Peoples an the Question of Regional Autonomy” 7:30 pm Tuesday, March 12 Rm 167 EMU University of Oregon Free Amission Director of the institute of the Allan tic Coast and recently elected member of Nicaragua's National Assembly. Mr Hooker was kidnap ped by counter revolutionary guerrillas last September and held for two months before being released Presented by the Council for Human Rights in Latin America and the UO Latin America Support Committee ARE YOU MAD AS HELL AND READY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT? JOIN US IN THE FORUM ROOM TODAY AT 3:30 4422:3-12 OPEU Contract Pre-ratification Meeting March 14 NOON EMU Forum GuHn (NT, Meet me at 12 midnight for a fruit cheesecake at LENNY'S NOSH BAR. LOLITA A WAY TO SAY THANKS TO YOUR PROFESSOR Do you have a professor who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to learn? Count your blessings and nominate this person for either a 1985 Ersted or a Burlington-Northern distinguished teaching award. Two Ersted awards and three Burlington Northern awards will be made al June Commencement It only takes a mo ment but it makes a great difference to the professor It says. "Keep up the good work!" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office, EMU office. Library, Student Services, or Pro vost's office The deadline is Friday, March 15. _ 4358:3-12 Don't get burned this Spring Break TAN!! B 4 U TRAVEL SunShower 4373:ttn HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE ANSWERS TO ESSAY OUESTONS. A free seminar offered to UO Students Sponsored by the Learning Resources Center Wednesday, March 13, 3,30 D.m.. Room 341 Gilbert 4415:3-13 EXAM ANXIETY? Try Hypnosis! Karen Bain Wright, R.N. 343-8202 _3rt* TRISHA WILL. Congratulations "Sissy"! We re so pro ud of you. LOVE YOUR O.G. SISTERS 4424 3-12 CONGRATULATIONS COLLEEN SAHLIN for making UO rally! Way to go! Love your D.G. SISTERS _4424:3-12 ~ D.G. TAMI PHENICE Congratulations to the new Sigma Chi Sweetheart - a very much deserved honor! D.G. LOVE, your sisters 4424:3-12 ZWEB- Be prepared for anything now that you have too Hazrds in the family! The weekend was too much fun Here's to stupid jokes. crazy driving and ex cellent foot massages! HA2ZY. 3-12 TO MY SIGMA CHI PUDDY BEAR: Slip me a rye, pour me a brew I wanna dry G S T with a twist and a double screw, a shot of whiskey in a dirty glass, rum & coke till I'm on my ass, slug champagne til I'm inssane. gimme that wine, drunk all the time! Thanx for a wonderful evening! LOVE, YOU PI PHI UH UHHHH, 3-12 TO THE PAC 10 CHEERLEADER who's "O'' so fine. Thursday night we had a great time. Were buying season tickets, we know where to sit. cause we want to watch you shake your i lOve. Laur, Brig, and Hoi. 3-12 MISCHA May 18th is just around the corner The keg and millrace are calling my name LOVE, ISH _302 MOSES & DAN Beware fo the Ides of March! Love, the friends of Opus _ 112 A. is cheap LA BOOT tROTIC EDIBLES- Adult novelty chocolates are the perfect gifts for triends, lovers and others For unique catalogue of over 40 items, send 12 to Sheer Delight enterprise^. 3875A Telegraph' Rd Rm 348, Ventura. CA 93003 _ 3-15 WHY WORRY WHILE YOU'RE AWAY? Personalized Pet Care in your home by an experienced Veterinary Technician Katheryn Lane. V.T 726-1097 •”Stu dent Discounts Available'**3-15 CONGRATULATIONS SUSIE SHAUBE on your pinning with your Bedtime Storyteller Love. YOUR SISTERS AT TAU COLONY.112 MAY THE DAYS AHEAD be as speciai as these have been. I love you Laurel! JOEL__3-12 Happy 19th Birthday to the biggest LITTLE DICK I know. Love Julie 3-12 GORTHAUR, Into the foulest depth of Durthang I will pursue thee. Through thy ranks of Udun-spawn I will find thee. Thy black blood upon my hammer, outer dark upon you. Barak Khazad! Khazad almenu! BOLTAR, COM MANDER, 66th PAOORiM3-12 DEAR LORD OF WEREWOLVES, He's just kidding Honest. SINCERELY, DIP PER, SON OR PURAB3-12 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential Call 686-4488.3144:tfn PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free pregnancy testing. Birthright 687-8651 EXAM ANXIETY? Try Hypnosis! Karen Bain Wright, R.N. 343-8202 _112_ GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) lor students, faculty and staff (Sacred Heart, tool!) Across from the UO Bookstore 687-1711 1st visit FREE 4241 rtf n CONGRATULATIONS 1985,88 RALLY SQUAD. Scott Miler, Rick Schaufier, Shane Burrows, Peter Yonan, Kasey Brooks, Kelly Clarke, Chrisanthi Hat zatonis, Rhoda Hopkins, Nancy Loo, Colleen Sahlin, Vanessa Sykes, Lisa Wilson.3-12 TO TOE-HEAD AND FUZZY, I'm glad we finally celebrated! Good luck on your rhetoric trial- I'll be watching! IALY, POOKIE.____3-12 rB CONGRATULATES ITS NEWEST Pledges: Lisa Held Kari Kemp Krysse Tagmyer Susan Gisler Lisa douglas _4425:3-12 Since il costs alot to win, and even more to lose, you and me bout to spend some time wonderin what to choose 3-12 Hey Jaques, I’m Mad As Hell and I’m gonna do something about it! Meet me and Jeremy in the Forum today at 4:30 - Scores 4414:3-12 KAO Good Luck on Finals Love, Your Secret Sorority __4426:3-12 WANT TO BE INVOLVED ON CAMPUS? Apply for Student University Relations Council today through March 22, 202 Johnson Hall.4427:3-12 xn Our secret we’ll keep ’til the end of the week! Good luck on studies, Love your Buddies and secret friends 4419:3-12 JUNIORS Any questions about Mortar Board? Stop by the info table outside Fishbowl from 10:30-1:30 Tuesday and Wednes day 3-13 MICHAEL B., Meanwhile back at the ranch ..Never mind Thanks for a fan tastic weekend! L. 3-12 LEFTY, Meet me at 7:30 p.m. for a chicken salad on dark rye LENNY'S NOSH BAR LUIGI 3905: ST. PATRICK’S DAY AND EASTER Cards • Gifts • Wrap JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS MON-SAT 9:30-6 SUN 12-5 (Across from Dairy Queen) HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERSATILE COWo MIS ww' HlSHtim M MOOLAH, WE (OH mp, m^HED ! *tfl %i WITH 'mW, IKWLUKm two PRirpiNfr iMNHIr •iLi/ff V V " by Mark Lakeman A FAINT KOumoH I’/WAJS, JW A SHE SOUlMM EKTlttLS m run it a m*mmi wmi m , rent hi f mirr A \ukvk mf BLOOM COUNTY Cim.fBUM' tfrs&rmts steam ernoti me srneers' 5 1 veu. sun mm SUMS1' 'lessttf sir.i see nee?nee' im mete's chock AFuumee FULL OF aOSe-VFFHOW ueem. of rm niwers sms' uFsoNmeedve by Berke Breathed so. SONtCOUU? vexymiBe ctexrm a MNeMTlON OF HwvuYPemiT rnsms. HOE,. m COLOR. \ SIR... MANY Rpouscenrs new our ptpeR.