sports_ Rasmussen is Oregon’s MVP Oregon center Blair Rasmussen capped off his senior season by winning the Steven J. Award as the outstan ding member of the men's basketball team in the group’s awards banquet at the Valley River Inn Monday night. It was the third straight year Rasmussen has won the award, which is voted upon by members of the team. Rasmussen, who made the All Pacific-10 Conference team, started 114 games and ended up as the fourth leading scorer in Oregon history with 1,554 points. The 7-foot senior from Auburn, Wash., led the Pac-10 in scoring this season with an 18.4 average. Senior guard Chris Harper was voted as the most inspira tional player for the Ducks and collected the John Warren Award. Harper scored 596 points in his two-year career at Oregon and posted an average of 10.1 points per game. The Carl Greve Award, presented to the team’s top player based on athletic and scholastic ability, was given to senior forward Mike Matheson. Usually the first man off the bench, Matheson transferred to Oregon after a season with the University of San Francisco. Oregon, 15-16 overall, finish ed in sixth place in the Pac-10 with an 8-10 record. Besides the three senior award-winners, seniors Greg Bell, Greg Trapp and graduating manager Kevin Ohanesian were given special recognition for their efforts to the Duck program. Rasmussen will play in the Aloha All-Star Classic (April 11-13) in Honolulu and will participate in the Elks Hall of Fame Game (April 27) at Indianapolis. Paxson’s out indefinitely; Blazers play Kansas City KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) — Portland Trail Blazer guard Jim Paxson underwent surgery for a dislocated finger Monday and will be out of the National Basket ball Association team's lineup indefinitely, a team spokesman says. Paxson injured his right ring finger Monday during practice in Kansas City, where the Blazers will face the Kings tonight, team spokesman John White said. He underwent surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center and will not play Tuesday, White added, •‘Beyond that, we really don’t know at this time,” White said, adding that Pax son will return with the team to Portland on Wednesday. The Blazers are 2-2 so far on their five-game road trip after falling Sunday to the Milwaukee Bucks, 110-94. et al. MEETINGS CANDIDATES FOR STUDENT ELEC TIONS: Activists interested in forming a coalition to run candidates in student elec tions in April meet from 3:30-4:30 p.m. to day in the EMU Forum Room or leave note in the SPA mailbox. Suite 4, EMU. ASKLEPIAD MEETING tonight at 7 in the University Inn lounge. Election night — all members please attend. ASUO CONSTITUTION COURT HEAR ING today at 9 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. There will be an interpretation of Sec. 6.1^ of the ASUO Constitution relating to OSPIRG’s funding. LECTURES JAMES O’FALLON, law professor, will speak on “The Constitution of Tolerance: The Intellectual Background to the Bill of Rights” tonight at 8 at the Eugene Con ference Center at the Hilton Hotel.. RAY HOOKER, member of the National Assembly of Nicaragua, will speak on "Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast People and the Question of Regional Autonomy” tonight at 7:30 in Room 167 EMU. Deadline for submitting Et Als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et Als are run only once, depending upon space availability. CLASSIFIED ADS ODE Otfico, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter UO Bookstore Lobby M-F 11-1 EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 NEW SWEATS 3.99 See our selected table Fatigue pants, khaki pants, wool pants, and camouflage. Tents, duffle bags. ACTION SURPLUS 4251 FRANKLIN 746-1301 MON-SAT 9:30-6 _3-18 Vacationing in the sun? Shop tor colorful sun-wear at OLD FRIENDS 1128-A ALDER Monday Saturday 11-5:30 4321:3-18 MATTOX OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS NEW SPRING ARRIVALS: C.B Sports wind breaker jackets and pants Men's and woman's style. Assorted sizes to choose from. Phone 686-2332. 3-13 KING SIZE WATERBED, Includes everything. $120, OBO. 485-0269 3-12 HANG GLIDER 1980 U P 687-2876 : _812 YAMAHA TURNTABLE P-180, $109. Yamaha Deck K500 $179. Techniques tuner/amp $105. Owner leaving! 484-9598. 3-13 FOB SALE TWO TYPEWRITERS, one manual one electric S30 each or best of • ter. Call 686-6042 evenings.3-12 HONDA NIGHTHAWK 650 7000 miles $1800 Green couch $30 Wicker chair $15 Call 344-7600 303 BROTHER ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER, excellent condition. Electronic correction 686-9667 6 & 7 p.m. 3-15 PHONE ANSWERING MACHINE, only $29 99 Call Sam 344-9330 302 QUEEN SIZED, bed extras, almost new 485-9364, message for D. 3-18 THE BUY ft SELL CENTER Buy*Sell«Trade Musical intruments, stereo, tools, Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W. 5th. tfn:81S4 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST; Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Sel Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 3444)759. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes. & mass mailings.Grad Sch. approved WordStyles ft Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-6044 3150dfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen 484-1646.3146:tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selestric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 3145:tfr DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE WORD PROCESSING Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 3143:tfn Word ProcessingfTyping: 15 plus years experience Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 688-3983. __ 3157 tin TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 3154:tfn -THE TYPED WORD Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates Editing included 345-4379.3028:tfn Resumes & Typing Composing. Editing; Accurate Sheila 345-4530 3437:tfn DEADUNES ALWAYS MET Typed copy always proofed Ruth 345-5614 ;322%:UH Graphic Services the professionals resumes; $15-25 business cards: *5-10 300 EMU 686-5511 See The Difference tfn GUARANTEED TYPING 6 EDITING Self correcting electronic 20 years secretarial exper Call Anne 343-6122. 3-13 PRO TYPING7EDITING. Guaranteed. Close to UO. Graduate school approved JENNIFER. 485-3883 4311UWHF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Reasonable rates, experienced editor available. Call any time. 344-6502.3-14 TYPING S1/PAGE Guaranteed. Carol, 686-0134 Evenings until 9 3-18 THOROUGH, PROFESSIONAL EDITING. Includes improving exposi tion and organization and correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation B.A.. M B A. JKVhr.; 3-hr. minimum 343-0399. 3-18 H Books 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% oM list prices •Textbooks»Cliff Notes'magasines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13tt) 3152 Tin 8 Bicycles PARIS 10 SPEED, 22' frame Good con dtlon, extras. $100 OBO 4856269 3-12 PAULS BIKE SHOP Opening March 12, 2480 Alder Watch lor our Grand Opening.‘3-14 RALEIGH GRAND PRIX, Men s 26”. ex cellent condition with Blackburn rack, *150 o,b.o 683-4964 3:15 Cars & Cycles FIAT 128, 1974, Perfect condition. *1200 Tel 343-2801 3-16 ASPIRING JOURNALISTS! The Oregon Daily Emerald is hiring now for Ihree spring term positions: Higher Educa tion Editor, Photo Editor, and part-time Editorial Page Editor. Job descriptions and applications available at 300 EMU Return applications, clips, and references by 5 p m. Wed , March 13. Applicants should have some prior ex perience and must be very hard working. The Emerald is an Equal Op portunity Employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply 3-13 GOVERNMENT JOBS. $15,000 *50,000/yr possible. All oc cupations. How to find Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9642. 4-3 QTF POSITION AVAILABLE FOR SPR ING TERM. "Excluded" GTF, 30 FTE. duties will Involve gathering ot Informa tion related to administration ol the bargaining agreement between the U ol O and the GTF; consultation with departments on guidelines lor workloads reappointment criteria, etc Preference given to individuals with some background knowledge of coflec live bargaining, contracts, etc Contact Ms Toby Oeemer Graduate School. 686 5128 lor position announcement and application forms Application deadline March 22. 1986 Salary for term: $1116 to S1332 dependent on GTF level. 4410 3 12 BECOME AN ACTIVE MEMBER of the ASUO RUN FOR OFFICE IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT Positions ASUO President Incidental Fee Committee Student University Affairs Board. EMU Board. ODE Board Associated Students Presidents Advisory Council Get Candidates packets Election petitions, and information in ASUO Office. Suite 4 (686 3724) Filing Opens 8 a m. Wed March 13 File petitions in Suite 4 Deadline: 5 p.m Thurs April 4 _4420:2-11 Auto Repair tune-up $10 I'll tune up any car ter $10 if you bring the parts Ken's S10 Tune up 689-7170. 3-18 Travel PLANE TICKET: Round trip to San Fran cisco. *135 Leave 3 23 Call 343-2971 3.13 Help Wanted Airlines h i r i n g . '$ 1 4 *39 0.00 1 Stewardesses, reservationlsl I Worldwide* Call lor guide directory, newsletter 1 (916) 944:4444 x lioregonalr. _4-2 Crulseships.hiring. (16-630,0001 Card-' . bean Hawaii, world! Cali lor guide, directory, newsletter. 1<916)-944-4444 x .uoregoncrulse _•4-2 • ANIMAL CARETAKER. <9 02/hour Must have current workstu’dy certifies lion Basic care ol laboratory-animals Including amphibians, birds 4-20 hrs/week Call Greg or Doug X49S7 The University ol Oregon is an allirmalive action/equal opportunity employer ___43963-13 LOOKING FOR A GOOD JOB in an ex citing office'' Oil-Campus Housing is now hiring tor office staff positions Work-Study Applications and job descriptions available in SuitiS 3 EMU Applications deadline March 13 An af tirmalive action/equal opportunity employer .4399:3-12 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS College students as sub)ects for experiments in judgement and decision-making on Thursday of this week Native English speakers only $6 for about 1 Vr hours Open to people who did not participate In our January experiment Call Jerl 485 2400 from 9-5_ 4402 3 14 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES PRO GRAM is looking for work-study qualified individuals lo fill the following positions One Receptionist/Clerk, and one Typist. 14 90/hr, Tutoring Coor dinator. and Tutors In all subject areas. $5.32/hr Give us a call or come by 207 Emerald Hall. 686-3232 4417-3 18 NEED EXTRA CASH? We need peo pie to work on our phones Hours to fit your schedule. 345-2878 3-13 Doonesbury 'v#ARewmw\ i „ r* mmmoNes.." BY GARRY TRUDEAU w QUINCY, mmn -mumy./ “Y0UANP1" JWT 3BM0RB \ 6RAMMAKAL? suuem rm..u Rent an Electric Typewriter. Rent now! Availability limited. At your Bookstore.