beat Soviet delegation cuts tour short in San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A high-ranking Soviet delegation unexpectedly cut short its visit to the United States, and was leaving for Moscow Sunday night, a State Department of ficial in Washington said. “They have requested that they be able to leave early,” said Vivienne Ascher, a State Department spokeswoman. Ascher declined to comment on speculation that the delega tion’s sudden departure, two days before it had planned to leave for the Soviet Union, may have been be prompted by death or critical illness of Soviet leader Konstantin Chernenko. Chernenko, 73, head of the i 100 Years of Training Actors. Americas first conservators lor “those who tlesire to make actinjr their profession. Alnmni of the American Academy have won or Im-cii nominated for 80 Oscars. 02 Tom s and 95 Einmys. For Admission to Study at the Academy in California or New York: Die Jlmemm. Jlcademud untfmnc Jlrts Sinn• ISS4 ROBF.RT RKI)F< >RI) Auditions in Portland-April 27 Auditions In Appointment—Call for Information Toll Free (800) 221-3895 Mondav thru Friday — 10:00 a.m.-5:00 pan. Communist Party and the government, is known to have respiratory problems and has dropped from public view for lengthy periods in recent months. “We confirm that they are leaving, but we have no com ment on the reason why they are leaving,” Ascher said. The group of 30 Soviet leaders, led by Politburo member and Ukrainian Com munist Party head Vladimir Shcherbitsky, had been scheduled to take a yacht cruise on San Francisco Bay Sunday afternoon. But Darcy Fallon, a reporter for the San Francisco Examiner, Lawmakers dislike Hanford waste site SALEM (AP) — Several Oregon legislators say they’ll try to block any attempt by the federal government to bury highly racioactive wastes at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state. Because the Hanford site is in a geographically unstable area, storing high-level radioactive wastes there would pose a potential threat to people in the Northwest for thousands of years, they said. "It’s a terrible site,” Sen. Bill Bradbury. D-Bandon, said at a news conference Friday. “There are probably many sites that are more suitable” in other parts of the country. Bradbury was joined by Democratic Reps. Shirley Gold of Portland, Mike McCracken of Albany and Wayne Fawbush of Hood River, in announcing a legislative effort to try to block the waste site. At their news conference, the four legislators said they hope to win passage of a non-binding resolution urging Con gress to give veto power to Oregon and other bordering states if the federal government decides to bury the wastes at Hanford. UOBookstore Travel Europe with Harvard Student Agencies “LET’S GO EUROPE” 1985 Edition ,w SPECIAL PRICE MARCH 4-16 61 V.V' ot 6eV»'%tHOHC^ o #*<***/ te AO r* Or <' 37 1 '\U . 9 Tc- U !&* 7.00O. REG. $9.95 V*'**1" (W, CflW|Wm ■V • no other discounts apply • limited to stock on hand • cash register sales only (Ktcfo ad hovel acmtim available at tk Book Stete. 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 BOOKSTORE Supplies 686-4331 Page 4 said the group eluded the press during a tour of the city and never arrived for the scheduled yacht cruise. The delegation arrived in San Francisco by air, amid tight security, earlier Sunday. It was the highest-ranking Soviet group to come to the United States in more than a decade. Through an interpreter who could barely be heard above plane traffic. Shcherbitsky said. “I am hoping to learn more about the American people, and 1 hope they can learn about us.” He added that he was "very happy” to be in San Francisco. The Soviets had been scheduled to talk with business and political leaders, and take a brief look at Silicon Valley and Stanford University Monday before leaving for New York and the end of their tour. Israeli soldiers killed by bomb (AP) — A suicide bomber in a truck detonated his load of ex plosives as an Israeli army con voy passed by Sunday, killing himself and 12 soldiers and wounding 14 soldiers, the Israeli military command in Tel Aviv reported. The bombing occurred in southern Lebanon at a military checkpoint just north of the Israeli border town of Metulla at about 2 p.m.. the command reported. It said the official announce ment was withheld until relatives of the victims had been notified. Witnesses said the destroyed army truck was in a convoy transporting soldiers to the north. Israel television quoted Prime Minister Shimon Peres as ex pressing “profound horror” at the; bombing and saying Israel would not relent in its "war against terror.” In Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, an anonymous caller told the leftist radio station Voice of Arab I^ebanon that the pickup truck was driven by a member of the Lebanese Na tional Resistance. It said the at tack was in revenge for a car bomb that killed 75 people and injured 250 on Friday near a mosque in predominantly Moslem West Beirut. Israel has repeatedly denied accusations in Lebanon that it was reponsible for Friday's bombing in west Beirut. Clark to appear at flasher forum PORTLAND (AP) — Portland Mayor Bud Clark, whose elec tion boosted sales of his "Ex pose Yourself to Art” poster, will appear next week at a Portland State University forum put on by a women’s group pro testing campus incidents of in decent exposure. The forum on exhibitionism, sponsored by the Women’s Studies Certificate Program, is intended to focus attention on a problem the women's group believes is not being taken seriously ontcampus. Monday, March 11, 1985