letters Not justified In responding to William Moore's letter (ODE, March 4), 1 would like to remind him of other acts of violence besides abortion; those that leave women pregnant with a rapist’s child. I, too. find the right to live as one chooses to be one of the most cherished rights we have. Every child bom should be wanted, nourished, loved, and clothed by caring parents who want the best for their child. Unfortunately, the number of unwanted children born daily help to create a sad population of people who have never experienced parental love, a crucial aspect of the childhood experience. I believe birth control methods should always be used to guard against unwanted pregnancy before the option of abortion should be considered. But let’s face it. it’s men out there doing the raping, and it’s men who are making the laws, so until ail men learn not to rape, how can we justify a law against abortion? Timothy Swillinger English Work together Studies in criminology and psychology show a strong rela tionship exists between por nography and sexual deviance such as rape and child molesta tion. Michael Cross listed, several studies and the , testimony of psychologists in his article, “Pornography Link ed With Sex Crimes" (ODE, Jan. 14), so 1 won’t bother wasting time refuting Wilmer Boesel’s-. . letter (ODE, Feb. .16) by listing dozens .of studies .showing this link does exist. The point I’d like to make is . this: if people truly desire, to • . combat pornography., then they • must learn to work together. • After." all, pornographers ' are . small in number, but they have money and can also count on so-called “civil- libertarian”. • groups to come to theft defense. Rhetoric like "pornography is men exploiting . women’" will only polarize the sexes • and . work to the benefit of defenders of pornography.. Ever hear the term “divide and conquer”? We must be cognizant of the fact that pornography exploits both sexes. Successful movement resulting in laws to protect the Te«r ftesfourem* Szechuan/Hunan Stir-Fry Cooking QUICK LUNCH 11:30 am-2 pm Mon.-Fri. COMBINATION PLATE (Choose from 10 items) 2 items.$2.00 3 items.$2.50 "WORTH THE WOK" 343-5866 • 786 E. 11th St. —lust 3 blocks from campus (Next to Mayflower Theater) public’s interest while upholding the original intent of the Constitution have generally started on the grass-roots level and have stressed the involve ment of men and women. Since the Supreme Court has made it clear that local communities have the right to restrict por nography, let’s have some con structive ideas and proposals put forth and then unite behind them. By working together against a common threat we can make our community a better and safer place to live. Kevin Wesner Students Against Rape, Porn, and Exploitation of Children More aware Perhaps it is healthy that we have been reminded, recently, of diversity and variety of par ticipants in certain aspects of campus life. The response to the display in the EMU emphasized the fact that young children are a part of the University com munity. As one who is concern ed about quality of experience, especially as it relates to this population, i would hope that what children take from and give to this place can be as positive as possible. 1 do not believe it is a ques tion of right to speak out or display an individual's or group’s concerns. 1 would ask, however, that the campus . population be more fully aware of where, when, and to what au dience you may choose to ex press these concerns so that the content of expression reaches an audience that is equipped to understand and evaluate such exposure. Mary-Curtis Gramley Child Care Coordinator . Harmless: Is pornography harmless? These quotes from the citizens for Decency Through Law, Inc. newsletter might provide an answer,,' Detective lieutenant Darrel Pope, vice investigator of the Michigan State Police Dept, stated, “So we went to the com puters apd. in fact, we did some research and this is what we found: In 41 percent of all sex ual assault cases...pornography was involved just prior to the act, or during the act. That, ladies and gentlemen, is fact, not fiction.” Lloyd Martin of the L.A. Police Dept, stated, “Por nographic material depicting i 11 fttl ii children involved in sexual ac tivities is frequently utilized to stimulate the child (who has often been lured with promises of friendship and reward) and lower his/her inhibitions. The suspect continually provides encouragement to the victim by telling him there is nothing wrong with it. If they (the children in the pornographic pictures) can do it, you can too." (July/Aug. 1981). Sociologist Murray Straus of the University of New Hampshire stated, “West Coast states tend to be high in sex-magazine readership and rape.” (Jan/Feb. 1984) Sorry 1 can’t list more authorities, but space limita tions prevent this. But 1 can assure you, the evidence that pornography contributes to sex crimes is overwhelming Bob Wagner SARPEC Discrimination ? I was troubled by a certain let ter to the editor (R. Harper, ODE, Jan. 30). It was written by someone who believed in She women's movement here on campus. Someone who was concerned enough by the issuer involved to try and volunteer their help in the Women's Task Force. Yet, the offer was refus ed. Why? The person was a man. Do we, therefore, infer that men are not supposed to be concerned with the problems facing women,’ which is what the task force was organized to combat? Does it mean we don’t need their input and support in the struggle for equal rights and privileges? The fight against discrimina tion based on sex and its. associated difficulties cannot begin with discrimination. Mr. Harper's willingness • to help was, in effect, .slapped down: (just as women- have been slap ped down in the past?}. Change for the. better. has. to start somewhere. Why did it not Start with the organization whose purpose was to begin bringing about such change? The exam ple this action sets for future ef forts toward equality is poor. The message it sends out to men is that their help is unwar ranted; their concern, un necessary. I, too, like to be self sufficient, but when I’m strug gling, I am not so foolish as to refuse someone's offer to lend a hand. Karla Voget Business Adm. MOLIERE’S TARTUFFE IS A RARE COMIC TREAT! The 17th century comes to life with period gSh sets, lights, and brilliant costumes! SATURDAY, MARCH 16th ROBINSON THEATRE 8 p.m. Call 686-4101 for ticket reservations. 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