NEW SWEATS 3.99 Sm our ••looted table Fatigue pants, khaki pants, wool pants, and camouflage Tants, duffle baas. ACTION SURPLUS 4251 FRANKLIN 746*1301 MON-SAT 9:30*6 3-te Vacationing In tha son? Shop tor colorful sun wear at OLD FRIENDS 112$-A ALOE* Monday-Saturday 11-8:30 4321 3-18 MATTOX OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS NEW SPRING ARRIVALS: C B Sports wind breaker )ackets and pants Man s and woman's style. Assorted sizes to choose from Phone 680-2332 3-13 Services U of O Downstairs EMU 4840314 MON FRI $5 pm Nexxus Products 7$ FORD ELITE, 2 door VS, Very good condition *700 343-192$ 3-11 Is H true you can buy leaps for 844 through the US. government? Set the facts today! Call 1-312 742-1142. Ext 6534. M Auto tune-up $10 I'll tuna up any car lor (10 If you bring the parts Ken's *10 Tune up 66S-7170. -3-18 Wanted M YOU NEIfi idiilocfRA cum1 I will pay lot HST 202 etas* noia* lot Hanna's 930 am. M.w.F class Need ad by Thursday Tan 72S-8871 3-11 Help Wanted Airline* hiring *14 139 000' Stewardess**, reservation!*!! Worldwide! Call lot Quid* directory; - newsletter 1 (918) 944 4444 ,x uoregonait . 4-2' LOOktNO PON A OOOO JOS in an ex citing office? Off-Campus Housing is . now hiring for office staff positions ' Work-Study Applications and |ot> descriptions available in Suit* 3 EMU Application* deadline March 13. An af firmative action/equal opportunity ' • m p I o y .a r -,4 3 9 » : 3 - t 2 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS College students as subjects* for experiments in judgement and decision-making on Thursday of this weak Native English speaker* only 18 for about IVk hours Open to people who did not participate in our January experiment Call Jeri 495-2400 from M 4402:3-14 NEED EXTRA CASH? We need peo pi* to work on our phones Hour* to tit your schedule 345-2878 3-13 NOW is the time to think about applying for Cultural Forum Positons Beginning Spring term applications will be ac cepted for Contemporary Issues Film & Video Visual Arts General Programming Popular Concerts Jazz Concerts Performing Arts Heritage Music Applications wltf be available In the Cultural Forum Office. Suite 2. EMU. Oroson Dailv Emerald Crutseshlps hiring, $16-130,0001 Carrl bMn. Hawaii, world I Call for gulda, directory, newsletter 1-<9l6)-944-4444 x uoregoncrulae, _4-2 ANIMAL CARETAKER, $5.02/hour. Moat have current workstudy certifies [Ion. Basic eve of laboratory animals. Including amphibians, birds. 4-20 hra/week. Call dreg or Doug X4997. The University of Oregon la an affirmative •ction/equaJ opportunity employer. 4398:3-13 r ASWRINO JOURNALISTS! The Oregon Dally Emerald la hiring now for three spring term positions: Higher Educa tion Editor, Photo Editor, and part-time Editorial Page Editor. Job descriptions and applications available at 300 EMU. Return applications, clips, and references by S p.m Wed, March 13. Applicants should have some prior ex perience and must be very hard working The Emerald la an Equal Op portunity Employsr. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. 3-13 2Jr JSST10" AVAILABLE FOR SPR INO TERM. "Excluded" QTF, .30 FTE, duties will involve gathering of informa tion related to administration of the bargaining agreement between the U of 0 end the QTF; consultation with departments on guidelines for workloads reappointment criteria, etc. Preference given to Individuals with some background knowledge of collec tive bargaining, contracts, etc Contact Ms Toby Oeemer Graduate School, 68S-4128 for position ennouncement and application forms Application deadline March 22, 1906 Salary for term $1116 to *1332 dependent on GTF •aval 4410:3-12 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility of Immediate occupancy or place yourself on welting list. Westmoreland furnish ed apartment, 2 bedroom 1142/mo , 1 bedroom 1113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom S110/mo. Furure openings expected all areas Contact UO Hous Ing Dept., 6004277.4043:tfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment Campus $210/1260 No pets 406-2823 4126:tfn 1 V> blocks from campus, electrical outlet $80250 345-7867 4Q34tfn 967 PATTERSON *280 2 bedroom Tint age charmer. Fireplace, hardwood floor, appliances. ' No pets. Laundry, off-street parking For appointment, Joy. 660:1130. Lam son Assoc.4096:tfn 1414 E l*th- One and two bedroom un furnished 3 blocks from campus From *205 Call Sabin 663-2160 4372:3-16 STUDIO APARTMENT with bath Large '• yard and deck to share. Near 20th and Alder Furnished- or unfurnished. 344-54043-11 THE HAYWARO HOUSE 1290 E 16th Are Furnished 3 bedroom t Vi bath townhousea Appliances, underground parking, and laundry. Across from Hayward Field *495 Call 344-3713 or Jennings A Co. Property Management, Inc. 998-2271.4369:3-16 THE STUDENTS COOPERATIVE ASSN OFFERS low-cost room & board lor Spr ing Term. Single or Double rooms now available lor men and women. Call Melisa or Kim al 683-3454 4411:3-16 HESS 3 BEDROOM corner apt. available spring term, furnished. 1390 Alder no. 302, 485-3091 info 3-12 Roommates SHARE TWO BED ROOM apartment *117.50 Including utilities, t 75 deposit. No smokers. 344-90693-13 ROOMMATE NEEDED; 3 bdr. 1290 E. 18th St Haywar Townhouse* No pay ment for June. 344-2888. 3-13 OUADS - 2Vt BLOC '• TO CAMPUS. Furnished, private bath, private refrigerators, off-street parking, and laundry facilities. 553 E. 18th. *130. See no. 7 to view Jennings and Co., Proper ty Management Inc., 683-2271. 4108:FM3-29 FOR SALE 2 DORM CON TRACTS CONTACT CATHY 485-9045 __911 UO DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE. Call of leave message 342-4669 3-18 Food & Drink hwuwwvvwwwvwwuvwvvmn NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Ham 6 Cheese filled croissant • Mushroom filled croissant • Cheese filled wheat croissant • Straight from the oven 11:00 am Now Serving Breakfast 8 am • 1 pm 790 E. 14th14th > Alder TODAY’S SPECIAL REGULAR OR VEGETARIAN LASAGNE Fresh pasta. Mozzarella, Swiss, Cot tage, Parmesean cheeses Served with garlic bread ‘1.95 * Just a tew clouds above the EMU main desk. FOUND: WHITE TERRIER PUPPY, University area. Call Kris 344-6737.3-11 LOST: MV DAO'S (RCAF) PILOT WINGS, Please call 344-6415 p.m. IM PORTANT._JP11 LOST & I FOUND SALE WED-FRI Dead Week MARCH 13-15 10 a.HL-4 p.m. EMU REC CTR Lower Laval. EMU X3711 4412:3-15 University Theatre proudly presents Molltfi'i TARTUFFE Moot Tartufte, a scoundrel and a pious Imposter who worms his way Into the confidence of the wealthy Orgon. Everyone else can see what a fraud Tartufte Is, and Orgon nearly loses everything before he sees It, tool It lakes Intervention by King Louis XIV himself before all is set right in the end. This classic comic farce Is outrageously funny, with beautiful and elaborate costumes and a reproduction of 17th century style sets and lighting. February 28 March 1,2,7-9 >. Robinson Theatre 8 PM All seats reserved Call 68S4191 tor ticket information and reservations. Presented by special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc. 4251 3-11 Are You Mad As Hell And Ready To do Something About It? Join Us In The Forum Rm Tomorrow at 3:30 4413:3-11 Nicaraguan Educator and Political Leader from Miskito Region RAY HOOKER speaking on “Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast Peoples an the Question of Regional Autonomy” 7:30 pm Tuesday, March 12 Rm 167 EMU University of Oregon Free Amission Director of the Institute of the Atlan tic Coast and recently elected member ol Nicaragua's National Assembly. Mr Hooker was kidnap ped by counter revolutionary guerrillas last September and held for two months before being released Presented by the Council tor Human Rights in Latin America and the UO Latin America Support Committee Oregon Greens & Student Campaign for Disarmament present GREEN POLITICS Andreas Muller Chair of Greens in Velbert, West Germany Mon Mar 11 7:30 PM 167 EMU KUGN WELCOMES JOAN BAEZ SATURDAY Mar 23/8 PM HULT CENTER RESERVED SEATS $13 & $11 AVAILABLE G.I.JOES EVERYBODY’S HULT CENTER BOX OFFICE PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE *. THE BIJOU 686245* 95j2.50 SAT SUN BARGAIN Matinee 4pm Support Artisic Freedom, Not Coer sive Utopianism Thia film was made by an indepen dent production company (based In South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most of us find very repugnant. Jamie Uys. the producerfdirector/writer is in NO WAY PRO APARTHEID. The film was made as tribute to the Kalahari peoples. If you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture it’s your loss. But don’t pretend that by doing so you are in any way fighting Apartheid. PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488. 3144:tfn FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-8651. 623M WANTED Man’s and Women's Clothing For Con signment. Make extra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS, 720Vi E. 13th. For appointment: 343-1312. 11-6 Mon-Sat. 3744.M ★ ASTROLOGY ★ by ROSEANN 344-2188 _ 3968:tfn GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) lor students, faculty and staff (Sacred Heart, tool!) Across from the UO Bookstore M7-1711 1st visit FREE 4241Tin DUTCH, Meet meat 7 p.m. for a Cheddar cheese on light rye LENNY’S NOSH BAR LUIGI 3905: A WAY TO SAY THANKS TO YOUR PROFESSOR Do you have a professor who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to learn? Count your blessings and nominate this person for either a 1985 Ersled or a Burlington-Northern distinguished teaching award Two Ersted awards and three Burlington Northern awards will be made at June Commencement. It only takes a mo ment but it makes a great difference to the professor. It says, "Keep up the good work!" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office. EMU office. Library, Student Services, or Pro vost's office. The deadline is Friday, March 15. _4356:3-1? Don't get burned this Spring Break TAN!! B 4 U TRAVEL SunShower 4373:tfn NEED A PLACE TO LIVE? or a room mate? Come see us at Off-Campus Housing, Suite 3 downstairs EMU. 4266:3-11 MON-SAT 9:30-6 SUN 12-5 (Across from Dairy Queen) ST. PATRICK’S DAY AND EASTER Cards • Gifts • Wrap JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS And it's fust a box of rain. I don't Know who put it there. Believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare... 3-11 MAUREMCY, Meet me at 11:30 p.m. for a chocolate rum cheesecake at LENNY'S NOSH BAR. LOLITA. EROTIC EDIBLES- Adult novelty chocolates are the perfect gifts for triends, lovers and others. For unique catalogue of over 40 items, send $2 to Sheer Delight enterprises, 3875A Telegraph Rd. Rm 340, Ventura, CA 93003. 3-15 HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE ANSWERS TO ESSAY OUESTONS. A free seminar offered to UO Students. Sponsored by the Learning Resources Center. Wednesday, March 13, 3:30 p.m., Room 341 Gilbert.4415:3-13 WOOGIE WOMAN: Thanks for the love and happiness you have brought to my life. Will you please return the pigs? I love you, MABLUK 3-11 HAVE YOU HEARD OF SURC? Would ! you like to be more involved on cam pus? Student University Relations Council is recruiting for new member ship. Applicants should com municate well and be confident presenting themselves to peers, alumni, faculty, administration, business and community leaders as a student public relations arm for UO. SURC members are actively involved in planning events and programs such as Parent's Weekends, Kid’s Day, New Student Record, MAYFEST, and many others. Applications taken through March 22, 202 Johnson Hall, X5%>5___440<.3-11F ADAM KERR Happy Birthday! I Love You, Wendi KASEY BROOKS KELLY CLARKE CONGRAT! for making UO rally. Love, the Pi Phis 3-11 KELLY C. CONGRATS On Making Rally I.L.Y.S.M. TONY _iU Let’s not get too dead during DEAD WEEK! The study breaks will be great! Looking forward to them! ALPHA O’s in Hey Jaques, I’m Mad As Hell and I’m gonna do something about it! Meet me and Jeremy in the Forum today at 4:30 - Scores 4414:3-12 JENNIFER BLETHEN Happy 20th! Love, your roomies. 3-11 JOEY CHROME?! * l LUV YA GUY iii Kim Kalapus You'll always be my SUPER STAR. Sign ed your Loving Don Juan 1 Friends of CARON POTTS She's on her way to England next term. Farewell party this Friday. Don't miss It! Call 342-2696 for details i11 BLOOM COUNTY :.m> any aose-up PHOTO Of T7NA TJKNBR‘5 UPS* by Berke Breathed M.w comm map m a Lrrrus ampwse? NITH THAT LAST one, muf.. Page 15