Catalyst Films prasents WOODY ALLEN DIANE KEATON MERYL STREEP MARIEL HEMINGWAY MANHATTAN FRIDAY 7:30 & 9:30 PM 150 GEOLOGY Adult* til Khto *1 _ SCO presenta: THE TALL BLONDE MAN WITH ONE BLACK SHOE "This Is on* of Ihs funniest movies within recent memory. It's so cramm ed with funny moments It's Impossi ble to pick a favorite." -to* AoqiIh Tim** Saturday March 9 7:30 & 9:30 PM 150 Geology - movie review program “I LIKE TO WATCH)” Thursdays S:SOam A IHEfiOjK MUST If A wonderfully funny and wistful I adventure begins when a coke bottle falls into an Idyllic tribe of Kalahari' bushmen and causes strife When XI. their gentle chief, decides to . take the evil obiect to the end of the earth and throw it off, he runs headlong into a herd of 'civilized ' people. Including a bumbling micro biologist. an idealistic school teacher and a band of card-playing communist revolutionaries It's a glorious blend of slapstick humor. ' romance, sly political commentary and astute anthropology -8.F Chronicle FRI SAT 7:15 A 9:35 SUN THURS 8:25 A 8:45 Miser Monday *2.50 SAT SUN BARGAIN Matinee 4pm Support Artiste Freedom. Not CoersIveUtopianlsm This film was made by an indepen dent production company (based, in South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most of us find very repugnant. Jamie Uys. the producer/directorfwriter Is in NO WAY PRO APARTHEID The film was made as tributs to the Kalahari peoples. If you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture it's your loss. But don't pretend that by doing so you are in any way hghling Apartheid KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE HELD OVER FINAL WEEK!! REVENGE OF THE THURS 11:00 *2 FRI-SAT Midnlte >2.50 All you non-Nerds better come see what's In store for you. Rated R for reasons best left unstated PARTY TONITE! presented by the Residents of Robbins/DeC ou *1 Fiji House 9 PM Tickets sold In Carson and Hamilton Dining Areas during lunclt and dinner tor 92.80_ 3-8 KUGN WELCOMES JOAN BAEZ SATURDAY Mar 23/8 PM HULT CENTER RESERVED SEATS $13 & $11 AVAILABLE G.I.JOES EVERYBODY’S HULT CENTER BOX OFFICE PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE _4334:3-12 THE NEWMAN CENTER INVITES TOO TO: CANTICLE INN SAT. MARCH 9 8-11PM 1650 Emerald St. Lhre Music 6 Refreshments 61 Donation Proceeds go to World Hunger 3-8 CULTURAL FORUM FILMS TONITE 7 & 9:30pm 150 GEOLOGY A Swashbuckling Adventure ROMANCING THE STONE SATURDAY 7 & 9pm 180 PLC A trench explorer trie* lo integrate himself with a tribe of Tupi Indians, but finds that true incorporation is possible In only one way: through the stomach HOW tAvry was* nY 1‘tHt fxutk A Carnivorous Comedy. SUNDAY 7 & 9pm 180 PLC _WOODY ALLEN'S PRESENTED WITH THE EXCELSIOR CAFE LIVE MUSIC Craig Sorseth Acoustic Guitar & Vocals 8:00 • 11:00 pm Tonlte ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1481 Vi E. 19th Come have a beer and enjoy the sounds THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents ERIC TINGSTAD An evening of acoustic Gutter In the New Nuelc Genre FRIDAY MARCH 8 <4 General Public On sale at the door only __4378:3-8 Personals PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline. 24 hours- 7 days Strictly confidential Call 688-4488.3144:tfn FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1-800772 9100. 2 p.m M F 3162 WHF MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11th 1948:WHF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP. Free pregnancy testing. Birthright 687-8651 623: F ★ ASTROLOGY ★ ■>» Appointment ROSEANN 344-2188 3968:tfn PLANNED PARENTHOOO for PAP smears, birth control methods and counseling. Day and evening appt Call M F 344-9*11 _4115:F SAMMY, Meet me at 6:30 p.m. for an egg salad on wholewheat LENNY'S NOSH BAR LUIGI 3906 Fare thee well. Fare thee well I love you more than words can tell Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul 3-8 GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) for students, faculty and staff (Sacred Heart, too!!) Across from the UO Bookstore 687-1711 1st visit FREE *24t:tfn INTERESTED IN SORORI TY INFORMAL RUSH? FOR MORE INFORMA TION CALL PANHELLENIC X3888. 4353 3-8 HAVE THEY BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE? TUTORING Chemistry, Physics, Biology. Math. Call 683-7419 HUGE PARTY 609 E. 14th (corner of 14th & Patterson) Friday March 8th, 8 pm S2 cover charge. BEER!__3-8 Benefit Dinner to Support Central America Reports Friday March 8 5:30 p.m. 1236 Kincaid, Chrla Mexican Dinner $3.50-$6 Sliding Scale 4391:3-8 Does Your Temple Need Cleansing!”? Find out at tha Waaley Canter Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Next to UO Bookstore 1236 Kincaid _ _4362:3-8 ATTN: JEWISH STUDENTS The Eugene Bayit (House) has space available for spring quarter Nice room, large kosher kitchen, fireplace. Please call: 4862851.3-8 JD H 21 B JD A WAY TOSAY ~ THANKS TO YOUR PROFESSOR Do you have a professor who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want io learn? Count your blessings and nominate this person for either a 1985 Ersled or a Burlington-Northern distinguished teaching award. Two Ersted awards and three Burlington Northerr. awards will be made at June Commencement. It only takes a mo ment but it makes a great difference lo the professor. It says, "Keep up the good work!" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office, EMU office, Library, Student Services, or Pro vost's office. The deadline is Friday, March 15. _ 4356:3-12 Don’t got burned this Spring Break TAN!! B 4 U TRAVEL SunShower -<373;ltn NEED A PLACE TO LIVE? or a room mate? Come see us at Off Campus Housing. Suite 3 downstairs EMU. 4266:3-11 LOS LOBOS TOMORROW NIGHT! EMU BALLROOM BE THERE! Thornton Dorm Reunion tonight! Where: Rob Gordon's pad Hendrick s park Call Ty for info 686-5277- remember the un forgettable, Terrance. Bruno. Alan Blair, Pratt; what has become of the legends? HO 2 l am psyched! 8ut will you hack the booze like they say you can pack the poodles?! 3-8 PIANO MAN Secret notes, BJ. stories, poems, donuts. French, burnt crotches, talks, waltzing...Friendship. Love you. tan & gorgeous thiamin B 12. P S Happy 20th!3-8 GIRLFRIEND: What. BOYFRIEND: Just 4*B’**ing Romantic. _:_3r8 Darryl-San Champagne, truffles, "Tartuffe' and me - what a great weekend it will be! Happy Birthday! 3-8 BLUE EYES ROSE Keep 'em shining 3-8 MIGHT AS WELL, Might as well Never had such a good time! See you in Berk! 3-8 CONGRATS KELLY C. It's about time! Atta-babe Tony A job well done 3-8 ALPHA O- LIZ Have a super time in Germany I will miss you lots. Alpha love and mine. Chris P S. Please write! You’re the Best! 38 RAZOR BACKS: Last weekend was so boring t didn't know whether to kill myself or go bowling. This weekend will be different Welcome back to town! STRIKE.3-8 C. BUNS: I hope your sesamoids are better! Aren't you ashamed? LOVE YA, B.B. LAUPER. 3-8 TO THE FANTASTIC LAOIES who came to the AOPi Fun Nite: You're great peo ple! LOVE, THE ALPHA PELTS. 3-8 Shroomer’s Evil Magic Shop Magic Itemsfepells Cast Professional Assassinations Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Call 344-7691 3-8 Congratulations D.G. Sally and Pike John on your pinning! Love, Your DG Sisters! 4407:38 Allan C. Curtiss HOW DO YOU SPELL "ND BIRTHDAY? D-R-U-N-K! Love, L A L 38 RED FISH BLUE FISH DO FISHES DO DISHES? 38 RANDY B. LEWIS: It's been a great three months, and I'm still loving you! NICOLE. 3-8 Happy 21 er Kevin L. Party till Ya Drop 38 I’m Michele Tunstall (You might know me as Lu-Lu) This Sunday's my 21st B-Day I want all of my friends to meet me at Rennies at 10 p.m. Sun. to celebrate. P S. Bring expensive presents 38 TO THE FATTEST POOH-BEAR ON CAMPUS HAPPY 21 er CASWELL 38 MARIE Your presence gives my soul to dance, you give me back my lost romance, without you dear my color’s blue, tonight my heart is missing you. My eyes will miss your innocent grace, that melts me when we're face to face, you have about you countless charms, but tonight I’ll miss you in my arms A.M.L. ALEX 38 HORST, Meet me at 11 p.m. for a cheesecake at LENNY'S NOSH BAR. LOLITA. Wt TO THINK... BEFORE YOU DRIVE DRUNK Sponsored by the'UO Alcohol Education Committee and the Oregon Dally Emerald. TIM You never fail to make my day! 3-8 MEGASM Hera loves you! So doe* Perrvr 3-8 LACROSSE TEAM Scoop the ball, Cradle, hit the man thud, do some damage to the U-DUB EXAM ANXIETY? Try Hypnosis! Karen Bain Wright, R.N. 343-8202 3-12 OENEEN, CINDY THERESA pledges you be, of the best you see! We love you true all our lives through. Violet* and dDiamond*. Your ADPi Member* -4AQS.3-B HAVE YOU HEARD OF SURC? Would you like to be more involved on cam pus? Student University Relations Council is recruiting for new member ship. Applicants should com municate well and be confident presenting themselves to peers, alumni, faculty, administration, business and community leaders as a student public relations arm for UO SURC members are actively involved in planning events and programs such as Parent s Weekends, Kid s Day, New Student Record. MAYFEST and many others Applications taken through March 22, 202 Johnson Hall X5555. 4404:3-11F AXO Thanks for the study break! The balloons and popcorn were great - so are you! Love, The Tri-Delts __ 3-8 •Newman Center Roman Catholic Community at the University of Oregon Worship with us Weekdays: 5:15pm Sundays: 9:00 am 11:00am - 7:30pm Special Student Worship Wednesdays at 9:00pm 1850 Emerald St. • 343-7021 FAIX CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE A Cinnamon Roll.. Flute and Guitar Sam - 3pm; Live Music 12-2 SATURDAY BLOOM COUNTY hear m, jesse the *jN.'~wj6mnrme (NEK THIS BASTION Of LIBERAL PKESS MS. you mnwmep SOU Of A NEWT" LOOK' WELL THEYKE CATAPULT CATAPULTING SOME BIBLES AT RIGHT THE GATES' BACK.' \ by Berke Breathed -W m mss IS EGOLESS. WE PONT HAVE ANY OH.TWTS BIBLES' RIGHT nraann Mail»? fTmaralri BLOOM COUNTY whats some to hapten to an J06*mvettONfiLi‘ section mst wont se THE 54ME M A AAPKAL RW-WME. JESSE HELMS NEWSPAPER! WHY JUST IMA&ME the BPS ■' by Berke Breathed jAEWb. WHITE CHEMCAL pum etzcwne seeks white female into PEATH S9JAPS, WAYNE NEWTON ANP FEUPAUSM" m i6 m mR'fWMC maeff Paoo *7 A