CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter UO Bookstore Lobby M-F 11-1 EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for In advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us. For billing ar rangements, please call 686-4343 or stop by the Emerald offices, 300 EMU. To qualify for a billed account, you must have several valid credit references and leave a *15 deposit. RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change. Minimum charges are $1.50 for the first insertion and $1.20 for consecutive insertions. DEADLINES: Contract and open rate line ads: 1 p.m. the day before publication. Contract and open rate display classified ads: 1p.m. two days before publication for the first insertion of new art. 1 p.m. the day before publication for each insertion thereafter unless new art is requested. The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (Septemberdune) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August). ERRORS: The Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day’s incorrect advertising inser tion. The ODE'S liability for typographical errors, incorrect inser tions or omissions in advertising published shall be limited soleiy to the cancellation of charges for such por tion of space occupied by the error. NEW SWEATS 3.99 See our selected table Fatigue pants, khaki pants, wool pants, and camouflage. Tents, duffle bags. ACTION SURPLUS 4251 FRANKLIN 746-1301 MON-SAT 9:30-6 3J8 Vacationing in the sun? Shop for colorful sun-wear at OLD FRIENDS 1128-A ALDER Monday-Saturday 11-5:30 4321:3-18 THE BUY 8 SELL CENTER Buy-Sail-Trade Musical intruments, stereo, toois. Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W. 5th. tfn:8184 14 AMERICAN STYLE JUGGLING CLUBS: White with gold decoration and wrapped handles. Recently cleaned and redecorated and look tike new. Half price S8 each. 342-5018.3-11 NAKAMICHI LX5. Akai GXR88. Akai GX7 3-head deck. S250. 485-8127. 38 SONY CASETTE DECK, Rossignol ST Comp skis, Munari boots, poles, table, matress. 3438875. 38 GRADUATING! NEED TO SELL Sanyo radio/cassette, 21" men Schwinn. 344-0547. 38 OLYMPUS MICRO TAPERECORDER set. miKes, external speaker, etc. Like new, S125. 689-8915._ 311 MOVING SALE, 758 E 15th St. no. 5. 10 am. to 5 p.m. March 9.38 KING SIZE WATERBED, Includes everything. $120, OBO. 4858269. 312 HANG GLIDER 1980 U P. 687-2876 312 YAMAHA TURNTABLE P-180, $109. Yamaha Deck K500 $179. Techniques tuner/amp $105. Owner leaving! 4848598. 313 NEW RECORD-A-CALL, with remote, $100. Cobra remote phone, $100 OBO Craig, 343-0565.34) FILE CABINET. 4 drawer, legal size, black, $150/b.o Sewing machine, tree arm, $75. 3 horn sax stand, $25. 345-4478. 3-11 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Sel. Grad approv ed. Near campus. 344-0759. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing. graphics, law papers, resumes. & mass mailings. Grad. Sch approved WordStyles A Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-6044 3150:tfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen, 484-1646 3146:tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 3145:ttn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Word Processing Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 3143:ttn Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 888-3983. 3157:t«n TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 3154:tfn -THE TYPED WORD Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included. 3454379.3028:tfn Resumes & Typing Composing. Editing, Accurate Sheila 3454530 __3437:ttn TYPING $1IPAGE GUARANTEED. Carol, 6864)134 eves. 3875:318 WORD PROCESSING T&C Professional Typing Service 687-9326 by appointment 3142:MWF Graphic Services the professionals resumes: $15-25 business cards: $5-10 300 EMU 686-5511 See The Difference tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING. Guaranteed. Close to UO. Graduate school approved. JENNIFER. 485-3863. 4311:UWHF —■- PROFESSIONAL TYPING Term Papers, Resumes, etc. Fast-Accurate 854 DM. Sp Page 344-5856 4309:3-8 GUARANTEED TYPING A EDITING Self correcting electronic. 20 years secretarial exper. Call Anne 343-6122. 3-13 EDITING Text and style revision. Correct spell ing, grammar and punctuation. Final copy. Will take anything. Fee negotiable: Catherine Larson, MA, MFA: 343-9113 before 11 am. 3-12 SUPER TYPING Fast, accurate, profes sional. Word Processing, Editing 345-6005. 3704MWF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Reasonable rates, experienced editor available. Call any time. 344-6502.3-14 U of O Downstairs EMU 484-0314 MON FRI 9-5 pm. Nexxus Products CHINESE TRADITIONAL MUSICAL in strument "ch'in" (ku-chen), 16 strings. $149. 683-6396 3-8 JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9 a m - 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m - 1 p.m. 3148 3-8 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% off list prices •Textbooks«Clill Notes •magazines* USE0 BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 3152:tfn YELLOW MEN’S SCHWINN CON TINENTAL, great shape! $75 or BIO. call 343-9102. 3-8 PARIS 10 SPEED, 22" frame Good con dtion, extras $100 OBO 485-0269 3-12 PAULS BIKE SHOP Opening March 12. 2480 Alder. Watch for our Grand Opening. 3-14 1979 FORD FUTURA, 51000 miles Automatic absolutely perfect. $3200 3458529. 38 84 AERO 125 Super scooter for spring! Excellent condition for sale Ted at 687-1345 38 MOPED. PEDAL START, low miles, $250. Judy, eves weekends. 343-7489 52 CHEVY 2 DR, runs welt. $595 Judy eves, weekends, 343-7489.3j 76 FORD ELITE, 2 door V8, Very good condition $700 343-1928 3-11 SPRING BREAK SPECIAL. Free com plete safety inspection. 10% off on all repair work Foreign and Domestic. Bob Strieker, master mechanic, guarantees your satisfaction References. 3-8 TUNE-UP $10 I'll tune up any car for $10 if you bring the parts Ken’s $10 Tune up 689-7170. 3-18 ASPIRING JOURNALISTS! The Oregon Daily Emerald is hiring now for three spring term positions: Higher Educa tion Editor. Phoio Editor, and part-time Editorial Page Editor. Job descriptions and applications available at 300 EMU Return applications, clips, and references by 5 p.m. Wed.. March 13. Applicants should have some prior ex perience and must be very hard working. The Emerald is an Equal Op portunity Employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply 3-13 Airlines hiring. $14-639.000! Stewardesses, reservationist! Worldwide! Call for guide directory, newsletter. 1-(916)-944-4444 x uoregonair4-2 Cruiseships hiring. $16-630.000! Carri bean. Hawaii, world! Call for guide, directory, newsletter. 1-<916>-944-4444 x uoregoncruise.4-2 ANIMAL CARETAKER, $5.02/hour. Musi have current workstudy certifica tion. Basic care of laboratory animals, including amphibians, birds. 4-20 hrs/week. Call Greg or Doug X4967. The University of Oregon is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. __4398:3-13 LOOKING FOR A GOOD JOB in an ex citing office? Off-Campus Housing is now hiring for office staff positions Work-Study. Applications and job descriptions available in Suite 3 EMU. Applications deadline March 13. An af firmative action/equal opportunity employer.4399:3-12 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT, Black Hills of So Dakota Apply: Game Lodge Customer State Park Custer. So. Dakota 57730. 3-8 immediate occupancy or place yourselt on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom SI 42/mo ., 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo. Future openings expected, ail areas. Contact UO Hous ing Dept., 686-4277 _ 4043:tfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment. Campus 1210/1250 No pets. 486-2823 4126ltn GARAGE 1Vi blocks from campus, electrical outlet, 180/mo Call 345-8493 4012:ttn SMALL TWO BEOROOM COTTAGE near 18th & City View, refr., range, carpeted, fenced yard, pets ok. 1215/mo plus deposit 683-3999 days, 486-6969 eves_ 3-14 STUDIO APARTMENT, all utilities pd No bath/shower. SlOO/mo near 16th 8 Jefferson 1st & last. 683-3999 days. 485-6969 eves3-14 LARGE VERY CLEAN, quiet. 2 bedroom apt 1 block from campus 683-8919 after 1 p.m. 4032:3-8 EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom apt. Excellent location, freshly painted, new carpet, drapes Campus 10 blocks, unfurnished Laun dry. parking No pets, no children. 2045 Willamette 1250 345-7987 4034:ttn “CASTLE TRIPLEX” Beautiful 2 bdrm apt cmpt bath, cmpt kitchen. 1 block from campus Util pd wash facils. garage 344-9034. 3-8 967 PATTERSON 1280- 2 bedroom vintage charmer Fireplace, hardwood floor, appliances No pets Laundry, off-street parking For appointment. Joy. 686-1130, Lam son Assoc. 4096tfn 1414 E. 16th- One and two bedroom un furnished 3 blocks from campus From $205 Call Sabin 683 2160 4372:3-18 ONE BEDROOM, carpeted, furnished, excellent location, 15th and Alder $220fmo Call Doug 683-4266 38 STUDIO APARTMENT with bath Large yard and deck to share. Near 20th and Alder. Furnished or unfurnished. 344-5494 311 THE HAYWARD HOUSE 1290 E. 18th Atra. Furnished 3 bedroom 1V4 bath townhouses Appliances, underground parking, and laundry Across from Hayward Field $495 Call 344-3713 or Jennings 8 Co. Property Management, Inc. 6832271.4389:318 NEAR CAMPUS. VERY NICE! Quiet one and two bedroom apts both opening around March 24 Carport, laundry, dishwasher, disposals. Walk to school! 1437 High Street. 344-7434 38 LIVE WITH 2 WONDERFUL WOMEN. $90 rent, Patterson and 17th. Call 345-5438. 38 QUADS 2W BLOCKS TO CAMPUS. Furnished, private bath, private refrigerators, off-street parking, and laundry facilities. 553 E. 18th. $130 See no. 7 to view Jennings and Co., Proper ty Management Inc., 663-2271. 4108FM329 2 Ul CONTRACTS, must sell. Call .6868965___iftl HELP USI Buy our 2 Dorm Contract. Each comes with a case of beer. Call Jesper or Terry at 4858653 38 FREE MALE CAT, 6 mos old orange tab by. Very smart and affectionate. Quiet! Needs a home. 3458350. 38 FOUND: WHITE TERRIER PUPPY, University area. Call Kris 344-8737.311 LOST: MY DAD’S (RCAF) PILOT WINGS, Please call 3448415 p.m. IM PORTANT. 311 Missing Silk Batik ot Humpback Whales • Size is 25 last by 4 leal -Valued al $800 • There are (our repealing Images o( a Humpback female and young • This is the only batik that has ever been done this way- so has historical value -This batik hung over several ot the roughest bars In Juneau. Alaska and was not touched -Return to Survival Center, EMU or Paul Otte, the artist 4338:3-8 Food & Drink TODAY’S SPECIAL ITALIAN BEEF CALZONE Seasoned beet with Mozzarella Cheese A sauce Baked in a pizza shell topped with tomato sauce t 95 • Just a lew clouds above the EMU main desk_ Events GALA DANCE MARCH 8th 9-12 Lauretwood Golf Course 2700 Columbia SI. $150 Call GALA 6883360 -139*SHL University Th«*tr« proudly presents MoHere’s TARTUFFE Meet Tartufte. a scoundrel end a pious imposter who worms Ms way into the confidence of the wealthy Orgon Everyone else can see what a fraud Tarluffe is, and Orgon nearly loses everything before he sees It, toot It lakes intervention by King Louis XIV himself before all is set right in the end. This classic comic farce is outrageously funny, with beautiful and elaborate costumes and a reproduction of t7th century style sets and lighting February 28 March 1,2,7 • 9 Robinson Theatre 8 PM All seats reserved Call 886-4191 for ticket Information and reservations Presented by special arrangement with Dramatist Ptay Service, Inc. ____UfflUfcftJ BEER GARDEN TODAY! with THE ROCKIN’ RAZORBACKS 4-7 PM EMU Dining Room FREE FREE FREE _ 4408:3-8 Oregon Greens & Student Campaign for Disarmament present GREEN POLITICS Andreas Muller Chair of Greens in Velbert, West Germany Mon Mar 11 7:30 PM 167 EMU jaasau Women in the Soviet Union: Does Work Bring Liberation? Free public lactura by Rom Glickman (Stanford U) Friday March 8, 3:30 p m . 187 EMU Mora Into 6884877 _4360 3-8 Entertainment TOMORROW NIGHTS! SHOW OF THE YEAR! LOS LOBOS ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE'S BAND OF THE YEAR IN CONCERT! EMU BALLROOM 8 PM Ticket* 87 ADVISE DOS UO M AOVU9 DOS O P. On sale el Earth Rive* Records, Face the Music, and the EMU Main Desk Live Music Doesn’t Get any better Than this! Produced by the EMU Cultural Forum ... The Razorbacks at Old Taylors This Weekend WRRS sponsors a benefit For Rape Crisis Network INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY DANCE The Feculty Club March I. S-12 p.m., 81.25 (all proceeds go to RCN) 4401 M MAX’S Western Front SATURDAY NITE *2 Cover 550 E. 13th Doonesbury ..AND CONSERVATIVELY SPEAK ING, WE THINK THIS PROJECT COUU? RAISE CLOSE TO *200MILLION! tUHT ARE ME PUNE IT? WE'RE PUNE IT FOR ONE REASON ONLY INE WANT TO SHOW THEWORIPWE CARE ABOUT HUNGER IN AFRICA! X BY GARRY TRUDEAU STUDENT 25% DISCOUNT (with this coupon) ★ Shampoo / cut / blowdry ••yOO ★ Perm/cut/style •24°° Ask for Margarat 343-6409 10th & Washington St. .1. J A