Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1985, Page 3A, Image 3

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diplomacy show
to air on KLCC
Eugene's radio station KLCC will
broadcast the third "Global Town
Meeting," live from U.S. Radio in Los
Angeles Sunday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m.
The purpose of the show, which will be
broadcast out of Los Angeles every se
cond Sunday each month, is to improve
U.S.-Soviet relations through citizen,
rather than government diplomacy. The
show will feature on-the-air call-ins.
allowing Americans to talk directly to
Soviet citizens in Moscow via an 800
This Sunday’s show will feature John
Nicoiopolous. a veteran liason in
U.S.-Soviet relations, Nannan Parry,
former nuclear physicist and world
renowned expert on conflict resolution.
Talk to address
local evacuation
City Manager Mike Gleason will give a speech
titled "Community Planning for Potential Nuclear
Disaster” today at 3:30 p.m. in EMU Room 101. The
talk is sponsored by the University Arms Control
Forum, and will address the federal government’s
plans for protecting citizens in the case of a nuclear
"I was asked to comment on the re-location plan
the federal government has recommended for this
area, and what kind of facilities are available,”
Gleason says. He says he will conduct the session in
a question-and-answer format.
“Paul Olum referred us to Gleason because he
had spoken with Paul about community planning.
There are some bizarre plans for the Eugene area in
case of nuclear war. The population is supposed to
be evacuated somewhere beyond Roseburg,” says
Peter O’Day of the University Arms Control Forum.
The UACF, which has changed its name from
the Falculty Arms Control Group, brings speakers
from around the nation to the University to address
issues of nuclear war.
police beat
The following is a list of area crimes that
have been reported to the Eugene Police since
A white male was seen masturbating Feb. 24
outside of the main library by a female student.
She said he was sitting on a bench at the bottom
of the steps and began tp jump' up and down
while continuing to masturbate as she walked by,
Eugene Police Officer Bill Jennings said. She
described the man as 5 feet 9 inches tall, 150
pounds with brown hair and brown eyes.
A Schwinn bicycle seat, valued at $18, was
stolen from Boynton Hall between Feb. 25 and
Feb. 27.
A white male was seen masturbating by a
female student as she walked down the alley
behind the Campbell Club at 1670 Alder St. Feb.
28. He was described as 6 feet tall, 155 pounds
with blonde hair. He was wearing blue jeans and
a flannel shirt.
A video cassette recorder, valued at $555,
was stolen from the main library between March
1 and March 2 but was reported returned
A pregnant woman hurt her back while
retreating from a dog tied to a post in the law
school courtyard March 4. The dog was sniffing
her hand, and she started to pull back, thinking
the dog would bite her. The woman fell
backwards over a bench, lennings said.
. A stereo valued at $300 was stolen from the
lambda Chi Alpha fraternity between March 1
and March 3.
Thye-Wee Gn, 22,1005 W. 7th Ave., Eugene,
was arrested and charged with theft Thursday.
Jennings said that on Oct. 31 the man allegedly
deposited into his account two tax-return checks
amounting to $532 that belonged to other people,
and he kept the money. Jennings said Gn pro
bably stole the checks from post office boxes. An
investigation began when a person who was sup
posed to receive, one of the checks complained
about the long delay, only to find that the check
had already been cashed.
Three bicycles were stolen.
Compiled by Michelle Brence
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