Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1985, Image 21

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    Use Your StucIent HeaIt^ Center
from the Pharmacy...
• , % • • I 9
Coughing 1s a'.normal and expected physiological-. * •
response.‘^Coughing helps -.to.'clear-respiratory. •
passages and to remove secretions "from the- lower/1
-.tract-;; It ;'also. sprays mucous .'droplets Into, the /
air that help'..s.p.rea°d the-common <o]cl-virus.. •
Productive.coughs should be treated with .expects
. - orants and iots/of water to .encourage .removal -'of.
'secretions and sputum, the mose effective -ex- ■
• ; pectorant Ingredient-- on ;ttj.e:mapket' -1 s’ ^liAiFENCSIH.
'.This -is found in'vlftuaily, every'pfodU'ct/desCrlbed
•as ."expectorant,/.Other..descriptions such as
• "cough suppressant", "decongestant", rsyrup"; or
""e'll'xir".probably w11 i NOT xoritain ,/5UAFEriESIH^
.A glass of. water taken- with the.expectorant and
• another. 8. tov 10. glasses, a; day-greatly-enhances
the. action .of-'guaifenesin./ -..As -the iguaifrnes.ln
. -. Increases .the 'flow, o'f .fluids from the’.glands"
.lining .the respiratory .tract, the Increased
water helps to decrease the Viscosity of these ; '
. thlckeded secretions.'. .J ' " .
Dosage of expectorants should.not be exceeded.
Often, it may be appropriate'to take a product
with expectorant and cough suppressant OR ex
' ■ pectorant and nasal • decongestant'. .
•' Your' Student Health Center sponsor of •
Well How -. of fers health and nedical- care
servloes to all fully registered,'students at
the University ,of Oregon. _ We enc'ourage you to
utiiize- our -services .and . sa.ye-yourkeif .(;-or
your .parents), lbts. of. mbney.on-ydur health
care, .needs.’ . * ' •
•.: -We open'evenings and.l/eekends r l-ll
.' •’ . • '' . . .8:00 . p .';n. . -
'Oi'r Hours-of--Service. /
1.®c '£ -H<}uI's'!]CJfrFj" • SV'JOa .mV jOp.-n.
SaluYday:'Clinic “ f'8,:'')0d.. x. - HjOp*.
Urgent •. Care Cl in-ib -Hours A KiOa . a. - >i: OOp a
.-. sat/- v.i;:';;
' mday .tirgenc Care, Clinic.; ; 12 noon - H -.OO : .x.
■ .< -' Hours'. . ; ' ", ", •
Exercise and Weight Control Program
begins April s£il 4:00-5:30
Sponsored by /
The University of Oregon Student Health Center
Limited enrollment, so call 686-4456
to register today! Cost 1s free for students!
Coordinated by SeAnne Safaii/Nutritionist
Published Monthly
£feve 5rr>»»h
University of Oregon
Eugene, OH 'i?103
1-503-6H6- 1AA1