NATIVE.;AMERICAN STUDENTS: • • , . . ...... A Heajth Assessment Project has been. der. . signed-for you at:the-Student Health Center ' ' starting- this .'spring.. ' ..Susan Meredith;.a- Native .'Amenlican-Registered Nurse and graduate student 1n; Cortnunl.ty'"Health Education will be contact 1nc ' yOU;-... ■ ' ;• ... -.- For more'Information you can leave your ;. phore number- .vr1 th.- Amy or: Steve -a t the S tudent ' Health Center Peer.Health Advising: Office,, or '. Susan.'wi.l 1[• pick it/up at the Native American,. • Student. Union-. • .- Wc would, like 100* participation! V - “ ■ • ■ '' - • Self-Health 85: A CRISIS PEVENTION CONFERENCE Poison Prevention Poison prevention 1s everyone's respon sibility. Many everyday products, cleaning supplies, cosmetics, and prescription drugs are poisonous 1f used Incorrectly. Children are the most suseptlble to being victims of our carelessness. Some useful hints to "poison-proof" your home and belongings are: - Keep household products and medicines out of the reach of children and locked up when not In uce. - When you use household products or med1 c.1 nes don ' t .1 et them out of your sight, even for a minute. , • ;Store 'ail.medic 1 nes separate!y from ■v' • household , products..' Keep Items' In their original contaln vdrs-.'V'V’.'... •’ ; \ • Leave original labels•on .all products, , and’’read .the: 1 ahei ..before us - Always leave the light, on whenjglving „ ■ dr taking medicines'; • ' / - Avoid taking medicines' In. front of . .chi l..rfren -iin’ce youngsters of ten. try to 1mitate';grown-ups. r Refer to medicines as"medicine,” ' not ,candy. ' ••• • - . Clean out the medicine cabinet peri odical ly,' and. safely dispose of un heeded, - Use safety packaging properly. Close the container securely after use. Having a parly? : r ■ . 1 It** the thoughtful thing to do. ' * -* p«nv «••* •**• bo< r urn J"UW#I **0*