Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1985, Image 19

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    University of Oregon ' -
Drug Information Center
686-54i f or 686 5412
1763 'Moss Street,' Eugene;. ()R 97402 ’
(information) .• ••
A resource far.prooidiw up-Ht-date infor
mation on any prescription, owr-thc;-.
counter', recreational, he’rtiuT or illegal ■ ,
drub . . •
Sacred Heart General Hospital
. , " ' • : - 686
122211,hard Street. Eugene, OR 97401
f< ns/s, residential, outpatient, support, ■ ■■
24-hour-phone, information)
The emergent y (le/Hirtment responds to
(iisis situations uu ladlin’ <;/< ohol aiul dri:<
abuse ■
While Bird Clinic
.Til East 12th Ave., Eugene, OR 9/401
(crisis, outpatient, counseling, supfxirt,
24-hour phone, information)
A program of education, treatment and
supfxirt that assists people in gammy con
trol of their lives
University of Oregon
: Shident Health Center
686 4456
II of (). ' I Mi. Etiileiie. OH- f) 7.4<U .
..••••••/ . • ... . • >~ • ,
•• (tHiljH)tn'iit. ,r oiinselinq.- supfuort). v.
vt lilc\l\ft- 'i>l(iniiu)it I'lroifrain oftcisone-on
: one freer health' adi ’isiiiif- in’ many'arms ui
< linhhii (Iraqs and alcohol; "■
. Lane1 County Mental Health
Alcohol Drug Corrections
/ 687,4463
1{M)l Harden Aieniie. Eugene, OR 'l7U)l
(crisis: autixiiieiit. counseling. supfxrh,
2 l-hour jihone. information) \
(htlfkihenl. dmii and alcohol trcalnicht ern
frhdsizmn that ah ohohsin is a disease arid
Ihat addu lions can /it* broken. With under
standing, limits and support' .