Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1985, Image 17

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What is it ?
A drug 1s defined as "any compound,
synthetic or naturally occurring, that causes
a physiological and/or psychological action on
a living organism". Caffeine fits this
definition and 1s one of the most widely con
sumed drugs 1n this society. Millions of law
abiding American are physically addicted to
caffeine - and most of them don't even know 1t.
A natural plant substance found. In coffee
beans, cocoa beans, tea and kola nuts, caffeine
Is consumed for many reason by a wide variety \
of people 1n coffee, tea, chocolate or cocoa,,
and cola drinks. And 1f not in what people
drink, caffeine:1s present In many foods -
baked goods, frozen dairy products, gelatins, .
puddings, chocolate, .and soft candles'. • It ■*
1s also an Ingredient In more than 1000,over-.'
the-cdunter drugs--often.used in'weight
control remedies,•alertness'or stay awake ‘
tablets, and headache and pain, relief.medi
Caffeine's Effects
Host authorities aqree that 200 mg (about
2 cups of coffee) 1s the amount that begins to
cause a wide range of effects on the body.
Some people notice these effects 1n dosages as
low as 50 mg. The following systems can be
affected: central nervous, cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal, and respiratory systems. .
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous
system within 30-60 minutes of being taken
and its effects may last several, hours. It
can reduce or mask fatigue,.Improve the ability:
to think faster and. more clearly, and sharpen.
the senses. Contrary.'.to,.popular belief, caf-..
felne will not counteract the effects-of al-.
. . conor. . ..... • • . -.!
. •* ' Th'e.gastro-iritestlnai.system can be’.' ;'
Effected, .c^us.1 ng.; hau.$ea‘,.d1arrtie'a,yoin1t1 ng
and ctccaslb'najlyje'.ven'pep.tlc. .ulcers..' These
effects-are probably-ca'used.by,the..Irritating
oils. In 'coffee!! or! from, ah Increase .’in .gastric;' . ■
. ; secretions. Caffeine .a-1so ! causes, -an Increase :
; 1n* both..heart‘and-pu1.se>atesl'. .
’ ’■ According; to;.the-Consumer's i/nioh Report
‘ on..L1c1.t-and-Illicit.Qrugsi-.physical dependence
on coffee ’(caffeine) .may occur when ..five' or
.more cups-ire^consumed a day.'o.ver an extended .
period o.f time.. .Psychological .dependence, >.' '
• according .to. the Report,’may comrooniy-occur'
at. a lower dosage than.five'cups. a*.day; How- ..'
ever, the exact amount of- caffeine which' will,
cause dependence w1ll’:yary from--person to'
person'.; ' , •. ••’ -V -. • •
: When heavy-caffeine-users abstain, they
experience. Jitters, nervousness; irritability, •
and .headache.s,' known as. "The-Caffeine. Head- .
ache,"-12-18 hourj after-drlnjtlng their last"
■cup of coffee.- Heavy coffee users report an.
Inability to work effectively and feelings of 1
restlessness when they give up-their morning
■ coffee. . . 1 • : -.*
A dosage of one gram of.caffeine (about
7-10 cups of'coffee, a day) can produce In
somnia, restlessness, and excitement, which
may progress to mind delirium* sensory dis
turbances such as ringing In the ears or seer
ing flashing lights, tense or tremulous
muscles, convulsions and even hallucinations.