Artwork reported missing A silk batik valued at $600 disappeared Feb. 26 from the Survival Center’s Coastal Sym posium art exhibit in Room 167 EMU, said Lori Bergquist, sym posium co-coordinator and center member. “We assume it’s been stolen because we’ve checked with maintenance and everybody who helped us take the display down,” Bergquist said Tuesday. The batik was last seen Feb. 26 at 4 p.m. as the art show was being dismantled. After taking a 30 minute break away from the display, workers could not find the batik, said Marjorie Bigelow, who recorded the case at Campus Security around 5 p.m. Campus Security and Eugene Police Department officials said Wednesday that the report will be investigated when the EPD receives the records from Cam pus Security this week. Paul Otte, artist of the 25-by-4-foot silk batik, describ ed the piece as a horizontal pro gression of adult and calf hump back whales. The batik’s pat tern, on a blue background, repeats itself four times, he said. Otte said the batik has a spool-like effect. ‘‘I did that piece in a way I don’t think anybody’s ever done before, by taking the silk and wrapping it around the wheel,” he said. Otte made the piece in Juneau. Alaska, where he was working as an artist last year. Bergquist requested that anyone with information about the batik contact the Survival Center in Suite 1 EMU, 686-4356. Coupons in the Emerald save you money, j Check every page, every day. It pays. • EMU Cultural Forum presents... TRADITIONAL FRENCH FOLK DANCE & CONCERT Dance Instruction Provided THURSDAY MARCH 7th EMU Dining Room 7:30 PM Tickets: s500 General Public $400 UO Students On Sale at Balladeer Records & EMU Main Desk CHESHIRE RECORDING ARTIST ERIC TINGSTAD ACOUSTIC GUITAR SOLOS IN THE NEW MUSIC GENRE Friday, March 8 7:30 PM Gerlinger Lounge Tickets: $3°° UO Students $4°° General Public “Band of the Year!/Best New Artist!” — Rolling Stone Critics Poll Saturday, March 9th 8:00 PM EMU Ballroom Advance Tickets: $800 General Public $70° uo Students $9°° $goo Day of Show Available at Earth River Records (Eugene & Corvallis), Face the Music and EMU Main Desk Woman hurt in rape attempt A 21-year old University student was the victim of an attempted rape early Sunday morning, Eugene Police officer Bill jennings said. The woman was threatened at knife-point and received several injuries after being driven to Hendricks Park, Jennings said. She described her attacker as being in his early twenties, between 5 feet 9 inches and 6 feet tali. 170 pounds with blond hair and green eyes. He has a medium build and was wearing blue jeans and a red plaid shirt at the time of the attack, Jennings said. The woman left a party at about 1 a.m. Sunday and went to a parking lot where her motor scooter was parked, he said. A man standing next to a nearby car in the lot struck up a conversation and asked her where she was going, Jennings said. After the woman said she was headed to a triend's house, the assailant claimed to know the friend and said he also was going to there, Jennings said. He offered to take her there and she accepted. Instead, the assailant drove her to Hen dricks Park and began to make advances, he said. She resisted and a struggle ensued, from which the student received a bruise to her right eye. a lacerated right eyebrow, a split lower lip and a superficial knife cut to the right forearm. After escaping, the student walked back to her motor scooter. She then drove to a friend's house and her friend called the police, Jenn ings said. Anyone with any information concerning the incident should call the Office of Public Safety at 686-5444. Pesticides c°ntinued from page 1 people. Mackenzie said there is a need for their use in agriculture. “America’s food supply is produced by intensive agriculture,” he said. "The growers of hops and onions have come to rely on herbicides in order to increase their pro duction in the absence of hand labor.” Still, O’Brien said she was not convinced of the value of pesticide use in agricultural production. There are approximately 50,000 pesticides nationally, containing more than 1,000 ac tive ingredients, she said. O'Brien further estimated that approximately 2 billion pounds of pesticides are used in America annually — half on food crops. Wlswall & Hendricks 747-1356 A Prof—atonal Corporation Personal Injury Attorneys • No Chorgi for Initial Conforonco •No Foa Unl... Recovery Effected William Witwall Karan Hendrick • MOO Centennial Mvd., Suita I Springfield, OR 97477 Coffee Bean of the Month Irish Blend 5J.95 jT ib. KINKO’S 860 E. 13th • 344-7894 Provo's MEW RE5TAURAMT OM CAMPUS 854 E. 13th • (Next to Kinko's) • 342-2241 FEATURING THE BEST NAMBURGER5 AND OMELETTES ON CAMPU5 OPEN 8 DAY5 A WEEN SPAGHETTI FEED EVERY NIGNT OF THE WEEK ONLY *295 ALL YOU CAN EAT Choice of meat or mushroom sauce — French bread, soup or salad. Served 4 pm to closing, 8 days a week 854 C. 13th BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER! ORDERS TOGO