Student! Campaign lor Disarma ment, SPA, and Catalyst prasent: GUNS BUTTER EDUCATION TWO WORKSHOPS ON THE REAGAN BUDGET: EDUCATION THURS MARCH 7 167 EMU 7:30 PM -43703-7 Women in the Soviet Union: Does Work Bring Liberation? Eras public lecture by Rose Ollckman (Stanford U.) Friday March 8. 3:30 p m.. 187 EMU More Info 088-4877 _ 4388:38 Oregon Greene & Student Campaign for Disarmament present GREEN POLITICS Andreas Muller Chair of Greens in Veibert, West Germany Mon Mar 11 7:30 PM 167 EMU _ 4386:311 CuHurel Forum Film* FRIDAY ROMANCING THE STONE 150 Geo 7 & 9:30 PM A romantic action-adventure on par with Haidar* of the Loot Art. SATURDAY HOW TASTY WAS MY LITTLE FRENCHMAN A sexy comedy on th* *ub|ect of.can nibaittsm and imperialism 180 PLC 7 A 9 PM ★★★★★★★★★★ SUNDAY Woody Allan’* TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN Woody atari aa a hilarious convict in this spool on prison documentaries 180 PLC 7 & 9 PM (presented with th* Exeat*lor Cat*) -4392:9-7! -rBnii Raai Chang* Cinema presents VIETNAM: A LOOK BACK Four short films on the U.S. ex perience in Vietnam. TONIGHT 8 PM EMU FORUM ROOM FREE! 4386:3-7 GALA DANCE MARCH 8th 9-12 Laurelwood Qoll Court* 2700 Columbia SI. *1,50 Call GALA 686-3360 *394:3-6 Council for Human Rights in Latin America presents HARDTIMES LUNCH Best Latin Food In Town • Autnentic Latin Food s2.00 THURSDAY 11:30 2 pm 1236 KINCAID (NEXT TO UP BOOKSTORE) 1 Entertainment SPRINGFIELD SPA’S RELAX ofr an hour In your own prlvata opan MOT TUB WITH HYDROJETS at Springfield Spa's, for only M DAYTIME *9 EVENING 1100 MAIN ST. SPFLO 741-1777 12 p.m.-1 a.m. SUN THURS 12 p.m.-3 a.m. FRISAT 2078UWH BLACK FOREST TAVERN- Happy Hours Moii 4 Wad, 9-10 p m., Friday 4:30-6:30. Ladies Nile- Thurs 8-10 p.m. 2657 Willamette 3-7 LIVE MUSIC Paul Montaigne Acoustic Guitar & vocals 8:00 • 11:00 pm Tonite ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 146115 E. 19th Come have a beer and enjoy the sounds THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents ERIC TINGSTAD An evening of acoustic Guitar In ttM Now Nude Gama FRIDAY MARCH 8 Gerlinger Lounge 7:30 TICKETS: S3 UQ Students $4 General Public On sal# at tbs door only __4378:3-8 Tho EMU Cultural Forum presents L0JAI TRADITIONAL LIMOUSIN FOLK MUSIC FROM FRANCE THURSDAY MARCH 7 EMU DINING ROOM 7:30 TICKETS: S4 UO Students *5 General Public On a ala at BaHadaor Records and the EMU Main Desk. Dance Instruction will be provided by the members of LOJAII 4380:8-7 The Razorbacks at Old Taylors This Weekend PARTY This Friday presented by the Residents of Robbins/DeCoy al Lambda Chi 9 PM Tickets sold In Carson and Hamilton Dining Areas during lunch and dinner (or S2.50 3-8 Catalyst Films presents WOODY ALLEN DIANE KEATON MERYL STREEP MARIEL HEMINGWAY MANHATTAN FRIDAY 7:30 & 9:30 PM 150 GEOLOGY Adults til Kids *1 _4384:3-6 - SCO pnssnts: THE TALL BLONDE MAN WITH ONE BLACK SHOE "This Is one ol the funniest movies within recent memory. It's so cramm ed with funny moments it's impossi ble to pick a favorite." -Los Angeles Times Saturday March 9 7:30 & 9:30 PM 150 Geology • THE BIJOU : < * 4*2 E. 13th tU2W Listen to Nick Morrison's ofKZAM movie review program “I LIKE TO WATCH!” Thursdays 8:50am « A wonderfully funny and wistful adventure begins when a coke bottle falls into an idyllic tribe of Kalahari bushmen and causes strife When Xi. their gentle chief, decides to take the evil object to the end of the earth and throw it off. he runs headlong into a herd of "civilized" people, including a bumbling micro biologist. an idealistic school teacher and a band ol card-playing communist revolutionaries It's a glorious blend of slapstick humor, romance, sly political commentary and astute anthropology --S.F Chronicle FRI SAT 7:15 A 9:35 SUN-THURS 6:25 A 8:45 Miser Monday >2.50 SAT-SUN BARGAIN Matinee 4pm Support Artiste Freedom. Not Coer shre Utopianism This film was made by an indepen dent production company (based in South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most of us find very repugnant. Jamie Uys. the producer/directorfwriter is in NO WAY PRO APARTHEID The film was made as tribute to the Kalahari peoples. If you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture It’s your loss. But don't pretend that by doing so you are in any way lighting ApaMheid KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENfTE HELD OVER FINAL WEEK!! REVENGE OF THE n THURS 11:00 *2 FRI-SAT Midnlte *2.50 All you non-Nerds better come see what's In store for you. Rated R for reasons best left unstated... KZAM Welcomes ROLLING STONE BAND OF THE YEAR! LOS LOBOS SATURDAY! EMU BALLROOM 8 PM w/ TRUE BELIEVERS TICKETS: $7 UO Student* Ad*. U 0*n*r*l Public Ad*. *8 UO Day of Show SS OP Day of Show On *alo at Earth Rlvor Record*, Face the Music, snd the EMU Main Dart Produced by the EMU Cultural Forum PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call MM4M3144:tfn GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) for students, faculty and staff (Sacred Heart, tool!) Across from die UO Bookstore •87-1711 1st visit FREE 4241 rtf n INTERESTED IN SORORI TY INFORMAL RUSH? FOR MORE INFORMA TION CALL PANHELLENIC X3688. 4353:3-8 ATTN: JEWISH STUDENTS Tlx Eugene Bayit (House) has space available (or spring quarter Nice room, large kosher kitchen, fireplace. Please call: 485-285138 FIDS. Enthusiastic, responsible Freshman Interest Group Leaders need ed for Fall 1966. Informational meeting Thursday, March 7th, 3:30 p.m.. 164 Oregon Hall._ <365:3-7 ATTENTION: AH University Women Lambda Chi Alpha presents Bedtime Stories Tuesday thru Thursday Call 663-0656 RSVP 37 TO THE GIRL WHO SITS NEAR ME in Syntax class: I'm deeply in love and can't live without you. I'm Breathless. I'm Cod Hand Luke3-7 HI, ROOMIE! 3-7 HAVE THEY BLINDED YOU WITH SCIENCE? TUTORING-- Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Math Call 683-7419. -A WAY TO SAY “ THANKS TO YOUR PROFESSOR Do you have a professor who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to learn? Count your blessings and nominate this person tor either a 1985 Ersted or a Burlington-Northern distinguished teaching award Two Ersted awards and three Burlington Northern awards will be made at June Commencement It only takes a mo ment but it makes a great difference to the professor It says. "Keep up the good work!" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office. EMU office. Library. Student Services, or Pro vost's office The deadline is Friday. March 15. _<35$3i? -Don’t gel burned this Spring Break TAN!! B 4 U TRAVEL SunShower _4373:tfn Congratulations to the new 1985 Rush Councelors! Panhellenic 3-7 Congratulations TERRI BAXTER and MICHAEL LOO For being the recipients of the Golden Key Scholarships 3-7 THERE MAY BE 5 KIMS, 4 Sues. 3 Kris and 2 Karas, but there is only one Chanel DeLaney Welcome to Chi Omega! LOVE, YOUR BIO SIS. 3-7 PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early pregnancy test that is 99% accurate. Call for appt 344-9411,3500:H BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free Pregnancy testing. Confidential. Bir th right. 687-88513162H MAKE MONEY! RAQS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11th _ 1948.-WHF ★ ASTROLOGY ★ by Appointment ROSEANN 344-2188 3968.1fn Does Your Temple Need Cleansing!”? Find out at the Wesley Center Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Next to UO Bookstore 1236 Kincaid 4362:3-8 MAXIE, Meet me at 6 p.m. for a veggie no: i on wholewheat LENNY'S NOSH BAR. LUIGI 3905: BRADLEY J. Roses are Red (thank you) TONITE 1st Year Greek DANCE 8:00 EMU Ballroom Uw Music- Tickets nssdad4367:37 JOHN HELD " I’ll re-paint your toes if you do my pinkies again. Bm 308.3-7 DAVE GILBERT, Dave, can I be your slave? Come to my cave. I vrill not behave. LENNY’S NOSH BAR 6:30 TONITE BE THERE! 3-7 BEPPY, Yes, I’ll help you but this is the last time. You know I only have time for one more..3-7 GREG BRUNO Congratulations for Employee of the Month at Big Dipper. Some people were bom to scoop ice cream. 3-7 VON DRAGONCLAUGH: We have wat ched and waited: now it is time for us to step forward as your allies. Know us as: THE PROTECTOR, THE ASSASSIN, LADY FAIR.37 HUGE PARTY 609 E. 14th (comer of 14th & Patterson) Friday March 8th, 8 p.m. $2 cover charge, BEERI _38 GAIL BIINMY FOO-FOO, See you Satur day, if you like, no strings attatched! SCOTT.37 n> Lambda Chi Mike and Gamma Phi Michelle Congratulations On Your Engagement! Love, Gamma Phis 4390: 37 Pipsqueak, You need tS wort harder, THE BIG GUY. 37 FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100 2 p.m. M-F 3162:WHF AD CLUB MEETING Today 3 p.m., 221 Allen Very Important "Book Sale ‘Jobs, Internship All members must attend __ 43883-7 Benefit Dinner to Support Central America Reports Friday March 8 5:30 p.m. 1236 Kincaid, Chrla Mexican Dinner S3.50-S6 Sliding Scale 4391:3-8 STEVE, I'd like you to be my neat guy anyday. You are a great person to have around on a cold night. LOVE YOU, BIP PY. 3-7 ALYSON You’re so wonderful! i thought life was over and there you were to save me. You’ll never know how much you mean to me. (I had a heck of a time trying to pay for this ad with cat chow!) Anyway you're the PUWWect caretaker LOVE, Your Little baby KITTY sr Pick up your China Doll.. It's only fractured and just a little nervous from the fad... 3-7 FAATHINGTON, Meet me at 10:30 p m. for a seltzer at LENNY'S NOSH BAR. LOUTA. I WANT YOU TO THINK... BEFORE YOU DRIVE DRUNK Sponsored by the'UO Alcohol Education Committee and the Oregon Dally Emerald. VERSATILE COWo [SElZiMt, THE MOMENT, THE COW LEAPS 10 MlACfc THE CONiER/MTVES1 SPOUTlWC, NWSE.NSIEAL. JM^ON, THEKWVT WINfr ZEALOTb KITE MIT To ttltL THE COK^ ‘•tAIHiNin VEREA, attack. 1 _ by Mark Lakeman BLOOM COUNTY UNCHAIN THE UhlW'™ JESSE HOMS'MEPIA HAHMEKS AAEON TUBA WfOV&FOKA T*HE