et al. MEETINGS GALA BUSINESS MEETING today at 3:30 p.m. today in Room 318 EMU. LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP tonight at 8, call GALA for location. STUDENTS FOR A PROGRESSIVE AGENDA meets for lunch at 11:30 a.m. in Century Room D EMU. Everybody welcome. AD CLUB MEETING We have informa tion on internships in Eugene for next term, along with job openings. If you're a member, get your money’s worth. Today at 4 p.m. in Room 301-A Allen. SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOUR NALISTS meeting tonight at 7 in the Allen Hall Reading Room. All students welcome to attend. CYCLING TEAM MEETING mandatory meeting for anyone racing the tour of Oregon series. We need to discuss transportation and other details tonight at 7:30 in Century Room A EMU. INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE will meet tonight at 6:30 in Room 337 EMU. MISCELLANEOUS STUDENT CAMPAIGN FOR DISARMA MENT WORKSHOP with Myrnie Daut of the Oregon Student Lobby and Jim Gilmour of the financial aid office tonight at 7:30 in Room 167 EMU. RALLY TO PROTEST TENNIS COURT CONVERSION on Alder Street will meet today at 11:15 a.m. in front of the tennis courts on Alder St. Come and show your support. Get the ball back in the students court. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter UO Bookstore Lobby M-F 11-1 EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 NEW SWEATS 3.99 See our selected table Fatigue pants, khaki pants, wool pants, and camouflage. Tents, duffle bags. ACTION SURPLUS 4251 FRANKLIN 746-1301 MON-SAT 9:30-6 3-18 Vacationing in the sun? Shop for colorful sun-wear at OLD FRIENDS 1128-A ALDER Monday-Saturday 11-5:30 4321:3-18 14 AMERICAN STYLE JUGGLING CLUBS: White with gold decoration and wrapped handles. Recently cleaned and redecorated and Igok like new Half price 58 each. 342-5018.3-11 NAKAMICHI LX5. Akai GXR88 Akai GX7 3-head deck. S2S0. 485-8127 38 SONY CASETTE DECK, Rossignol ST Comp skis, Munari boots, poles, table, matress 343-0875.3-8 80 on 400T HONDA, 7700 mi., wind shield & luggage racks. First $800 buys. 485-7248.3-7 GRADUATING! NEED TO SELL Sanyo radio/cassette, 21" men Schwinn. 344-0547._ 3-8 OLYMPUS MICRO TAPERECORDER set, mikes, external speaker, etc. Like new, $125. 6898915. 3-11 Graphic Services the professionals resumes: $15-25 business cards: $5-10 300 EMU 686-5511 See The Difference tfn PRO TYPiNG/EDfriNG. Guaranteed. Close to UO. Graduate school approved. JENNIFER, 485-3883. 4311:UWHF PROFESSIONAL TYPING Term Papers, Resumes, etc. Fast-Accurate 86c Dbi Sp. Page 344-5856 4309:38 GUARANTEED TYPING 8 EDITING Self correcting electronic. 20 years secretarial ex per. Call Anne 3438122. _3-13 EDITING Text and style revision. Correct spell ing, grammar and punctuation. Final copy. Will take anything. Fee negotiable: Catherine Larson, MA, MFA: 3439113 before 11 am. 312 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Set. Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 344-0758. 3159:tfn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing. graphics, law papers, resumes. & mass mailings. Grad. Sch. approved. WordStyles I Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-6044 3150:tln WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED S blocks to UO. Graduate approved. JENNIFER 485-3883 4306: MWH WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen, 484-1646 3146:tfn RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demons- 484-6405 31453ln DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE WORD PROCESSING mi AAkJ 4^11^^^. — - — rr — nc* up ana oairwry avaita Kan or Penny 4853614 3143:tfn Word Processingfryping: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings. Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at 688-3963. 3157:tfn DEADLINES ALWAYS MET Typed copy always proofed. Ruth 345-5614 3227:UH THE TYPED WORD Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasoned T#*ee Sdltlng Included. 345-4379 3028:tfn Resumes & Typing g, Accurafi Composing, Editing, Sheila 345-4530 :e 3437dfn TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 3154:tfn TYPING tl/PAGE Guaranteed. Carol, 666-0134 Evenings until 9 3-18 TODAY! SINGLES BOWLING TOURNAMENT EMU REC CTR ALL DAY! Prizes include new BOWLING BALL, BOWLING SHOES, FREE BOWLING TIME) COME JOIN THE FUN! EMU REC CTR, Ground Floor, X3711 4367:3-7 JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9 am.- 6 p.m. Saturday 9 am.-1 p.m. 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% oft list prices •Textbooks'Ciiff Notes •magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE TOO East 13th THE BUY 6 SELL CENTER Buy*SaM*Trade Musical intruments, stereo, tools, Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W. 5th. YELLOW MEN'S SCHWINN CON TINENTAL, great shape! S75 or BIO, call 343-9102. 36 SECOND tv NATURE ^ BICYCLES •Nishiki/ Cycle Pro Sakai Dealer •Full Line BMX Cruiser • Reconditioned Bikes Our Speciality • Expert Reparrs •Free Appraisals * •Custom Buildups •Frame Repair 343-5362 446 E. 13th BUY»SELL»TRADE 74 HONDA CB-360, low miles, excellent condition, extras, $475 obo 748-5575 3-7 1979 FORD FUTURA, 51000 miles Automatic absolutely perfect. $3200. 3456529 36 SPRING BREAK SPECIAL, Free com plete safety inspection, 10% off on all repair work Foreign and Domestic. Bob Strieker, master mechanic, guarantees your satisfaction. References. 36 NEED A MAJOR? Make money white you decide. Call Renato 484-2192. 37 SPRINQ/SUMMER EMPLOYMENT * Management * Organization * Public Relations Area Conference Assistants, June 15 • Aug 31 '85. Administrative Con ference Assistant, April 1 - Aug 31, 85 Salary plus summer room and board. Long and irregular hours. Ap plications available: Housing Office, Walton Hail. Application deadline: March 7, 1985. 4282:37 ASPIRING JOURNALISTS! The Oregon Daily Emerald Is hiring now lor three spring term positions: Higher Education Editor, Photo Editor, and part-time Editorial Page Editor. Job descriptions and applica tions available at 300 EMU. Return ap plications, clips, and references by 5 p.m. Wed.. March 13. Applicants should have some prior experience and must be very hard-working. The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities en couraged to apply 3-13 2 ROUND TRIP UNITED COURTESY TICKETS, anywhere in continental U S. use anytime. B/O. Call eves, 683-4085 2 TICKETS TO CHICAGO CONCERT. Portland, April 11. Call Beverly 342-3490. 4097:36 Airlines hiring, S14-S39.000! Stewardesses, reservatlonlst! Worldwide! Call for guide directory, newsletter. 1-(916)-944-4444 x uoregonaif._4-2 Cruiseshlps hiring, $16-130,000! Card bean. Hawaii, world! Call lor guide, directory, newsletter. 1-(9161-9444444 x uoregoncrutse.4-2 LIGHT EXAM SCHEDULE? II you have experience working with young children and want to work March 18-22, call Janet at 686-YMCA by Monday 311. 4374:37 DAYTIME COUNTER Hit'P needed to sell at AA Boys Basketball Tournament March 12-16. $3.45/hr. Interviews at McArthur Court Concession office March 8 between 9 aim.- 1 p.m. 37 PART-TIME DELIVERY DRIVER needed Apply at Tracktown Pizza, 1809 Franklin. 4383:37 ANIMAL CARETAKER. $S.02/hour Must have current workstudy certifica tion. Basic care of laboratory animals, including amphibians, birds. 4-20 hrs/week. Call Greg or Doug X4957. The University of Oregon Is an affirmative action/euqal opportunity employer.37 UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility of immediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo. 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo. Furure openings expected, all areas. Contact UO Hous ing Dept., 6864277.4043:tfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment. Campus $210/6250. No pets. 485-2823. 4126:lfn GARAGE 1 to blocks from campus, electrical outlet. t80/mo Call 3438493 4012:tfn SMALL TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE near 18th & City View, refr., range, carpeted, fenced yard, pets ok. $215/mo plus deposit. 6833999 days, 4836969 eves.314 1414 E. 18th- One and two bedroom un furnished. 3 blocks from campus. From $205. Call Sabin 6832160. 4372:3 18 ONE BEDROOM, carpeted, furnished, excellent location, 15th and Alder. $220/mo. Call Doug 6834266 38 STUDIO APARTMENT with bath. Large yard and deck to share. Near 20th and Alder. Furnished or unfurnished. 344-5494. 311 STUDIO APARTMENT, all utilities pd No beth/shower tlOtVmo neer 18th ft Jefferson 1st ft test 683-3999 days, 485-6969 eves.3-14 LARGE VERY CLEAN, quiet, 2 bedroom apt. 1 block from campus 683-8919 after 1 pm 4032:38 EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom apt. Excellent location, freshly painted, new carpel, drapes. Campus 10 blocks, unfurnished. Laun dry. parking. No pets, no children. 2045 Willamette >250 345-7967 4034:tfn “CASTLE TRIPLEX” Beautiful 2 bdrm apt. cmpt bath, cmpt kitchen, 1 block from campus. Util. pd. wash taclls, garage. 344-9034. 38 967 PATTERSON (210- 1 bedroom, appliances, lots of light. Private dack. (280- 2 bedroom vintage charmer. Fireplace, hardwood floor, appliances No pets. Laundry, off-street parking. For appointment, Joy, 686-1130. Lam son Assoc. 4096:tfn 1 Roommates LIVE WITH 2 WONDERFUL WOMEN. (90 rent, Patterson and 17th Call 3458438. 38 Dorm Contracts I 2 Ul CONTRACTS, must sell Call I lmm&___2il $25 DORM CONTRACT Call Caroline 485-96S0 3-7 1 ! Pets 2gl| FREE MALE CAT, 6 mos old orange tab by. Very smart and affectionate Ouletl Needs a home. 3458350 38 Lost & Found j FOUND: WHITE TERRIER PUPPY, University area Call Kris 3448737 3-11 LOST: MY DADS (RCAF) PILOT WINGS, Please call 3448415 p.m. IM PORT ANT.3-t1 Missing Silk Batik of Humpback Whales -Size is 25 feet by 4 feet -Valued at (600 -There are four repeating Images of a Humpback female and young. -This is the only batik that has ever been done this way- so has historical value -This batik hung over several of the roughest bars in Juneau, Alaska and was not touched. -Return to Survival Center. EMU or Paul Otte, the artist 4336:38 Food & Drink irvii. ('REEK BAKERY WWIWWlWWWVWWAVWWWA NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Turkey ft Cheese filled croissant • Spinach ft Cheese tilled croissant * Cheese ft Herb tilled wheat croissant • Straight from the oven 11:00 am - it** ooQoaoooootfzmmmHhoooQQc.ooaa M Q Mandarin aaaoaooQooaaoaoooaaooaaaoQ Daily Special Chtnaaa Lunch -2 *1*5 , 41 Full Course Chtnaaa Dinner yj J S3.95 -Sf ^ I ?lh & Htlyard 11 am • 10pm ^ A 343*«34 J 25$ HOT DOG NIGHT THURSOAY 8-9 pm Beer, wine & goood sandwiches ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1961 Vi E. 19lh _(Neat 19th and Agate) SKYLIGHT REFECTORY' TODAY’S SPECIAL FRENCH DIP SANDWICH New entree served with Potato salad •1.95 Regularly *2 35 e Just a lew clouds above the EMU main desk Computers 64K APPLE II plus, diskdrive, RS-232 super serial card, Apple III monitor, stand. Scribe printer, 2 joysticks. Ap. ptewrltertl, Vlslcalc. many programs *1150 3454055 alter 5 3 7 ray 1 Save the Alder St. Courts! Protest the unfair ad ministration decision to convert the Aider St, Ten nis Courts into a parking lot. TODAY 11:15 at the Alder Tennis Courts Destruction has started. We need your support! 4383:3-7 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651