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Six-Week Summer Studies (Graduate & Undergraduate) Seminar on Bilingualism Anthropology History Spanish & Basque language Sponsored by the USBC. a Consortium project of five American and European universities. For an information packet, write to Dr. Urza, University of Nevada Library, Reno, Nevada 89557, or call (702) 784-4854. S_r Year Round BUYBACK of Used Course Books UPSTAIRS - UO BOOKSTORE House panel hears accounts of abortion clinic harassment WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of a House Judiciary subcommittee opened hearings on abortion clinic attacks Wednesday by urging the Reagan administration to crack down on protesters who harass patients outside abortion centers. “Civil rights laws protect blacks who want to enter any restaurant in the land,” said Rep. Don Edwards, D-Calif., chairman of the subcommittee on civil rights. “Why aren’t the same laws applied to women entering abortion clinics?” The House panel heard testimony from abortion pa tients and clinic administrators who said women’s health centers are disrupted daily by bomb threats, vandalism, telephoned death threats and shouting anti-abortiopists. An Oregon woman, Katherine Taylor of Portland, said she and her mother were surrounded by a dozen protesters last January as she entered a clinic for an abortion she said was necessary to protect her health. “They started yelling things at me like ‘two lives go in and one comes out,’ " she recalled. “Each sign they were holding had the word ‘murder’ written on it. One sign had some old pictures of dead babies in the garbage can... “While we were in the clinic, I could still hear one woman outside yelling ‘Auschwitz’ continuously,” she said. “Whatever their reasons are, I do not believe it is right for U.S. drug agent, pilot found dead MEXICO CITY (AP) — Two bodies found in plastic bags on a ranch Wednesday after a weekend shootout were iden tified as those of a kidnapped U.S. drug agent and a Mexican pilot, the U.S. Embassy said. Enrique Camarena Salazar, of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, was abducted Feb. 7 in Guadalajara. The pilot. Alfredo Zavala Avelar, was kidnapped the same day. Five people, including a Mexican federal policeman, were killed Saturday in a gun battle between police and suspected drug traffickers. The incident occurred at a ranch near the village of Vistahermosa. about 60 miles east of Guadalajara. Five other persons were arrested during the shootout. A search before dawn Wednesday turned up the bags containing the badly decomposed bodies, said a U.S. Em bassy spokesman on condition of anonymity. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OPPORTUNITIES FOR A MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) Are you graduating with a non-business major? (journalism. Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Health, PE and Recreation, Education, Music, etc.) Would you like to complement your undergraduate or graduate degree with an MBA? (60% of OSU’s MBAs have non-business undergraduate or graduate degrees.) Do you have a sound GPA? Are you aware of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)? (There are two major requirements for entry into the MBA program; one is GPA, and the other is an admission test. The GMAT must be taken prior to entering the program.) Are you prepared for an added year of rigorous graduate education? (The exact length of time required for completion of an MBA depends on the number of MBA prerequisites completed.) Can you stay in or commute to Corvallis for a year? (This may be an opportunity to complete a quality program at minimum cost.) If you are unsettled in your career path and would like to combine your degree with graduate training in business ad ministration, stop in and talk with William Browne (Director of Graduate Business Programs at OSU), in the Career Plann ing & Placement Center, or attend group meetings held in EMU 108, 9-10 a.m. and 1-2 p.m., March 7, 1985. Materials for applying to the program will be available.* No appoint ment is necessary. ■information and GMAT application forma are available in OSU'a Graduate Bualneaa Program* Of fice. College of Buaineta. OSU. Corvallia. OR 97331. phone 503-734-3490 them to be out in front of the clinics.” But Joseph Scheidler, director of the Pro-Life Action League, told the panel that vigorous pro tests outside abortion clinics and even bombings are justified because “of what takes place in side the abortion chambers.” Most leading anti-abortion organizations, including the National Right to Life Commit tee, have publicly condemned the bombing of abortion clinics, but encourage picketing outside the facilities. Edwards said the subcommit tee has asked officials of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to help determine whether “the federal government, particularly the justice Department, should be involved in investigating such violence under the civil rights laws.” Local child still on critical list SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Two-year-old Denita Alex ander of Eugene remained in critical condition Wednesday, after undergoing a second operation to remove blood clots from the new liver she received earlier in the week. Bleeding that followed Mon day’s liver transplant stopped after the 2Vj-hour operation, said Hope Smith, spokeswoman for the University of Califomia Davis Medical Center. She add ed that critical condition is con sidered normal for post transplant patients. Denita spent more than a year on national waiting lists before receiving a liver from a Spr ingfield girl. The child died Monday from head injuries arid was "probably a battered child,” said Ken Champion, Lane County assistant medical examiner. Lane County District Attorney Doug Harcleroad said police were investigating the death but that no arrests had been made. makFmoney ! Second Hand Oadnng WE BUY, TRADE 6< CONSIGN J quality clothing (new to 2 yrs. old) 1 Remember us when cleaning out I your closets. 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