lost GREY PURSE al 8lg Eps Sal Con ants ony valuable lo owner REWARD. D saya Dana Urton. CMI Ann 484-7305. M Food & Drink pvwtwwwvwwwvwwwvwwv. NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Maal with us! TODAY’S MENU: • Ham A Chao* tilled croissant • Mushroom (Iliad eroiaaanl • Cheat# (Iliad wheat croiaeant • Straight (rom (ha oven 11:00 am • TODAY’S SPECIAL SPAGHETTI Freeh spinach or spagheitini pasta, mast or vagi* sauce made daily with trash vegetables, served with garlic bread M 85 * Just a law ctouds shove the EMU S4K APPLE M plue, diskdrive, RS 232 super serial card. Apple III monitor, aland, Scribe printer. 2 Joysticks, Ap ptewrttarll, Vistcalc, many programs S1160- 345-S066 alter 6_37 Students Campaign lor Disarms ment. SPA. and Catalyst present: GUNS BUTTER EDUCATION TWO WORKSHOPS ON THE REAGAN BUDGET: DEFENSE TUES. MARCH 5 214 EMU EDUCATION THURS MARCH 7 167 EMU __4350 3-6 SPRING BREAK! Do you want to spend your break skiing, climbing boating, bicycling, sunning? Come check out ail the Outdoor Program trips Basement EMU 683*365*360 3 5 PRELAW STUDENT ASSOCIATION WHAT: ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING WHO: EVERYONE INTERESTED WHEN. WED MARCH « AT 3:30 WHERE: 164 OREGON HALL _*3613-6 TONITE Don’t miss one of Tho most interesting certainly the most controversial lecture of the year EMU Cultural Forum G GORDON LIDDY AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: PERCEPTION vs. REALITY WHOSE REALITY? Come ask tough Questions March 6 EMU Ballroom TICKETS 32 U ot 0 Students 34 General Public Available at the EMU Main Desk. Face the Nuale. Everybody’s _*368:36 Women In the Soviet Union: Does Work Bring Liberation? Free public lecture by Rose Gllckman (Stanford U.) Friday March 8. 3:30 p m.. 187 EMU Mora Info. 686-4877 4369:3-8 firaonn hatlv Rmarflld NICARAGUA A PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE JULIE DAVIS 11:30 WEDNESDAY FORUM ROOM EMU __4378:3-8 OCEAN KAYAKING IN THE YUCATAN! Multi-Media by Bruce V. Mason Thursday, Mar. 7 7:30 p.m. 107 Lawrence Hall FREE! Spon*of»d by U oj 0 Outdoor Program 4377:38 Entertainment THE EMU CULTURAL FOMJM presents ERIC TINGSTAD An avaning of aeouatk Guitar In ttta Now Music Qanra FRIDAY MARCH 8 Gerlinger Lounge 7:30 TtCKETS: *1 UO Studanls 84 Oonarat Public On tala at Via door only ---A37&M K2AM ROLLING STONE BAND OF THE YEAR! LOS LOBOS SATURDAY! EMU BALLROOM 8 PM vW TRUE BELIEVERS TICKETS: $7 UO Student! Adv St General Public Adu. W UO Day ol Show 89 GP Day ol Shout On Ml* at Earth Rhtar Recorwa, Face the Music, and the EMU MAin Desk Produced by the EMU Guttural Forum __4379:3-7 The EMU Cultural Forum presents LOJAI TRADITIONAL LIMOUSIN FOLK MUSIC FROM FRANCE THURSDAY MARCH 7 EMU DINING ROOM 7:30 TICKETS: *4 UO Students SS General Public On sale at Baftadeer Records and the EMU Main Desk. Dance Instruction still be ol LOJAI I 4380:3-7 Live Music Girts With No Necks Acoustic Guitar & vocals ARNOLDS HIDEAWAY 'ill i .. t • f**V * The Razorbacks at Old Taylors This Weekend 34 SPRINGFIELD SPA’S RELAX ofr an hour In your own private opan HOT TUB WITH HYDROJETS at Springfield Spa's, for only (6 DAYTIME - 89 EVENING 1100 MAIN ST. SPFLD 741-1777 12 p.m -1 a.m. SUN-THURS 12 p.m.-3 a.m. FRI-SAT 2078:UWH SLACK FOREST TAVERN- Happy Hours Mon & Wed, 9-10 p.m., Friday 4:304:30. Ladles Nile- Thurs 8-10 p.m. 2697 Willamette.37 OLD TAYLORS S KZAM present: ROOMFUL OF BLUES Featuring Eugene's men CURTIS SALGADO MARCH 10 AT BLACK ANGUS 2133 FRANKLIN BLVD 2 shows, fix sysit: Taylor's, Luckey’s, Col’s Meow • Block Angus 4330:3-8 ROCK A BILLY THE STUDEBAKERS ONLY $1 TONITE! TAYLORS 13th & KINCAID 4022:3-6 666 2459 o* KZAM WATCH!1 “I LIKE TO Thursdays 8:50am A 1:50pm THE COOS MUST BE A wonderfully tunny and wistful adventure begins when a coke bottle tails into an idyllic tribe of Kalahari bushmen and causes strife When Xi, their gentle chief, decides to take the evil obtect to the end of the earth and throw It off. he runs headlong into a herd of "civilized" people, including a bumbling micro biologist. an idealistic school teacher and a band of card-playing communist revolutionaries It s a glorious blend ol slapstick humor, romance, sly political commentary and astute anthropology. -S.F Chronicle FRI SAT 7:15 ft 9:35 SUN THURS 6:25 6 8:45 Miser Monday *2.50 This film was made by an indepen dent production company (based in South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most of us find very repugnant. Jamie Uys. the producer/dlrecforfwrifer is in NO WAY PRO APARTHEID The film was made as tribute to the Kalahari peoples. If you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture it’s your loss. But don't pretend that by doing so you are in any way fighting KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE HELD OVER FINAL WEEK!! REVENGE OF THE THURS 11:00 *2 FRI SAT Mldnite *2.50 All you non-Nerds better come see what's In store for you. Rated R for reasons best left unstated.. PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 666-4466.3144:tfn Does Your Temple Need Cleansing!”? Find out at the Wesley Center Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Next to UO Bookstore 1236 Kincaid 4362.3-8 HUMPY, Meet me at 5:30 p.m. tor a shrimp loule on sourdough at LENNY'S NOSH BAR LUIQI3905 FOR ANSWERS TO YCUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral, call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-772-9100. 7 a.m -2 p.m. M-F. 3162:WHF MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHE8 buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women Fc» appt: 344-7030 300 E. 11th 1948.WHF IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright. Free testing. 687-0651. 623.W ★ ASTROLOGY ★ by ns ffW^n^ ROSEANN 344-2188 XO Ann Owings Its day number two, of you trying to figure out whi Is this Mg sis of yours, who is staying behind closed doors. I fust want you to know that as little sis' go, I think you're the best, a step above the rest) So have a great day, and I hope this is a good way, to show you on day two, that your big sis loves you!3d THERE MAY BF 5 KINS, 4 Soes. 3 Kris and 2 Karas, hut there is only one Chanel Delaney. Welcome to Chi Omega! LOVE. YOUR BIO SIS. 3-6 SARAH, Happy Birthday! We’d wish you all the best, but with us as roomies, you've already got it! MAHLON AND ERIC. 3d DENISE- FRIDAY IS IT! Welcome to Chi-O Love, Your Big Sis 3d Paula Singer Someone nice to know that’s you! Just wanted to say I’m always hare. The secret's out Friday! Love, Big Sis. 3d JOE, Let’s haw. many more Monday nights! YOUR PRIVATE JOY. 3d CM Omega Trisha Phillips The day if near, so don't fear, For on F.'hay you shall see that your Big Sis is here 3d Molly Case You don't know me, but I know you. Fri day night you'll see and know me too. Have a great week! YOUR BIO SISTER. 3d ONE SEAL- Arf-arf, art, arf-arf-arf Art art, arf arf, art art art. Arfly ANOTHER SEAL.__ 3d HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY HOPPER, I hope this one tops your 2 decades of life and proceeds even better. AH N.3-6 Chi-0 Diana I'm glad you're my til sis! Have a great week! See ya Friday! LOVE, YOUR BIG SIS. 3d Juniors with a Minimum 3.2 GPA MORTAR BOARD is In the process of selecting members tor the '85-'86 year Mortar Board, a national honor society, selects its members on the basis of leadership, scholarship, and service. In to. sheets may be picked up in Suite 4 EMU or the library Deadline Is March 20 . 3-6 Becky Baldwin Just a quick note to say, hope you have a really Super day! Looking for ward to Friday, so be happy, keep smiling, and get ready to PARTY? 1QYE. YQUR m Stsifi. Erin Olson Just wanted to say that I hope your day is great. Keep a smile on your lace and I'll see you on Friday. Love, Your Big Sis --ifi. CONGRATULATIONS Leslie Leatherman & Tim Jenkins Julie Brown & Mike Marshall On your pinning Love, the Pi Phi’s _£6 SARAH Peace, love, and Jerry Garcia on your birthday! Happy 20th! LOVE ALWAYS, KEVIN. £6 She's got everything delightful, she's got everything I need. Takes the wheel when I'm seeing double, pays my ticket when I speed__3-6 THEULA, Gotta love Corasiey pitbulls. Bruce, and O’Grady, Thanks, "Love you". YOUR BUDDY,3-6 CHI OMEGA PAM SCARBOROUGH Just wait til tomorrow and you'll know who I am Love Your Big Sis 36 Chi-Omega Allysa: Yo ma ul sfssa! I B lucky 2 B havin you! See ya Friday' _3-6 Chi-0 Glynis You are super, gal! and I'm so glad you're my III Sis! See ya Friday! much love, Big Sis 3-6 Chi Omega Gina Your smile, your style, all the men you rile You've got so much spark and have a spot in my heart Love ya. Your Big Sis 36 KKQ JENNIFER PLUMMER, or is it Cin dy? Wendy? Ann? Betty? or what? We can't wait to have a huge chickey picnic on your plaid tablecloth THE AMT8-3e XO Alisa Gibby Hope you have a great day today! See you this Friday! Love, Your Big Sis 36 MARK MATASHIMA- Cheer up spring's almost here and calculus is almost over. Go for It! We love you. T and M.3-6 XO Michelle Simmonsnjmay not know me, so here’s a clue and Friday night you'll find it’s true- I'm short. Love ya! YOUR BIO SIS.3-6 XO SIG Have a good week! You'll know who I am on Friday LOVE YOUR BK1 S«S.3-6 XO Lynn, Have a great week, keep smiling, you’ll find out who i am on Fri day! Love your Big Sis 36 Grace, have a great day. Love your big sis 36 Ann P. Friday is almost here. The revealing of your big sis is near! Chi O love, Your Big Sis ATTN: JEWISH STUDENTS The Eugene Baylt (House) has space available for spring quarter. Nice room, large Kosher kitchen, fireplace. Please call: 465-2851-3-8 FIGS, Enthusiastic, responsible Freshman Interest Group Leaders need ed for Fall 1985 Informational meeting Thursday, March 7th, 3:30 p.m., 164 Oregon Hall.4365:3-7 ATTENTION: All University Women Lambda Chi Alpha presents Bedtime Stories Tuesday thru Thursday Call 683-0656 RSVP _3-7 ANGELIQUE- Happy Belated Birthday. LOVE. NAN. 3-6 A WAY TO SAY THANKS TO YOUR PROFESSOR Do you have a professor who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to learn? Count your blessings and nominate this person for either a 1985 Ersted or a Burlington-Northern distinguished teaching award Two Ersted awards and three Buriington Northern awards will be made at June Commencement. It only takes a mo ment but it makes a great difference to the professor It says, “Keep up the good work!" Pick up nomination forms at the ASUO office, EMU office, Library. Student Services, or Pro vost’s office. The deadline is Friday, March IS. _4356:3.-. 12 J Now Serving Breakfast 8 am -1 pm 790 E. 14th_14th > Alder ADPi “Fun Nite” open to all women Wednesday, 6 March 6 p.m. Movies, games, and fun 1851 Onyx st,, by Hayward Field SEE YOU THERE! 4364-38 Federal Financial Aid Cuts? Rising Tuition Costs? Want to do something about it? SIGN THE TUITION FREEZE PETITION! Contact your ASUO 686-3724 ----..r*35$ a-4 j NEED A PLACE TO LIVE? or a room mate? Come see us at Off-Campus Housing, Suite 3, downstairs EMU -_-miA -Deni get burrierTtfiS Spring Break TAN!! B 4 U TRAVEL SunShower 4373-tfn I A NUN WITH A SUN: I want to meet you... you rampant damsel. Do you have a holster? CAVE-DWELLER. P S. Move over Snakecharmer.3-6 Todd Saunders Your interest, concern and enthusiasm are well received. S.F.S. 3-6 WANTED: TR1-DELT SUE B. disguished as b-ball player last seen catching Sigma Nu Dan on the rebound 3-6 KIRSTIN B„ I miss my best friend and I hope you can forget the bad times, forgive me. I love you. K.W.3-6 WE ARE IN NEED OF A BASS PLAYER to complete our traditional- hard rock trio. Serious Players only. Alan- 4984, Dan- 5335. (485-9150).38 CAVEDWEILER: “Your ego is so big. I’m gonna have to buy a jar of vaseline to grease your head so you can get it in the door "MEAN MACHINE. 38 GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) tor students, (acuity and staff (Sacrad Heart, tool!) Across from the UO Bookstore •07-1711 1st visit FREE 4241 Ifn INTERESTED IN SORORI TY INFORMAL RUSH? FOR MORE INFORMA TION CALL PANHELLENIC X3888. 4353:3-8 1st YEAR GREEK DANCE Thursday at 8 EMU- Live Music 4354:3-6 PIERRE, Meet me at 10 p.m. for a shrimp cocktail at LENNYS NOSH BAR. LOLITA. a BLOOM COUNTY mr ms uesse hslms On the phone stWHttw ms mews turn a me (mammoNM BLOW BEACON ' \ by Berke Breathed Pane 7 A