et al. MEETINGS RHETORIC AND COMMUNICATIONS MAJORS: Winter student/faculty mixer to day at 5 p.m. at the Collier House, 13th and University. Refreshments will be served. The Emerald regrets any inconvenience that yesterday's publication of this an nouncement may have caused. HAWAII CLUB meeting tonight at 7 in Room 112 EMU. All members involved in Luau must attend. Also shirts will be pass ed out, so bring your money. MEN’S NETWORKING meets tonight at 7:30 at the Koinonia center, 1414 Kincaid St. Call Gala for more information at 686-3360. GAY YOUTH GROUP meets tonight at 7 at the Koinonia center. MEN AGAINST RAPE will meet tonight at 7:15 in Century Room C. EMU. Join us in preventing rape. ALPHA PHI OMEGA meeting in Century Room B, EMU at 6:15 tonight. Everyone please attend. INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in Century Room A. EMU. The budgets scheduled include Muslim Student Assoc., USSA. IFC, Asian Studies, and People and Oregon Coast. PRE-LAW STUDENT ASSOC.: Everyone interested in attending the organizational meeting should come to Room 164 Oregon Hall today at 3:30 p.m. LECTURES INFORMATIONAL FORUM: Eugene s controversial 6th and 7th Avenue widening proposal today from 12-3 p.m. in EMU Dad’s Room. Guest speakers will include Professor Ron Lovinger of landscape Qtvn itrwi lire BROWN BAG FORUM: julie Davis, ASUO president will present a slide show and discussion titled "Inside Nicaragua" today at 11:30 a.m. in the EMU Forum Room. UNIVERSITY FORUM presents Pro fessor A1 Urquhart, geography, will speak on "Springfield: A look at the blossoming of a town” tonight at 7:30 at the Spr ingfield library. MISCELLANEOUS FIG LEADERS NEEDED: Enthusiastic, responsible Freshman Interest Group (FIG) leaders needed for Fall 1385. Find out about leadership opportunities Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in Room 104 Oregon Hall. PRE-MEDS: MG AT forms are in Room 104 Oregon Hall. Mailing deadline is March 23. Deadline for submitting Bt Als to the Emerald front desk, 300 EMU, is noon the day before publication. Et Als are run only once, depending upon space availability. Events with a donation or admission charge will not be considered. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter UO Bookstore Lobby M-F 11-1 EMU Main desk SUAB Booth M-F 11-1 PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us. For billing ar rangements, please call 686-4343 or stop by the Emerald offices, 300 EMU To qualify for a billed account, you must have several valid credit references and leave a $15 deposit. RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change. Minimum charges are *1.50 for the first insertion and *1.20 for consecutive insertions. DEADLINES: Contract and open rate line ads: 1 p.m. the day before publication. Contract and open rate display classified ads: 1p.m. two days before publication for the first insertion of new art. 1 p.m. the day before publication for each insertion thereafter unless new art is requested. The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September-June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August). NEW SWEATS 3.99 See our selected table Fatigue pants, khaki pants, wool pants, and camouflage. Tents, duffle bags. ACTION SURPLUS 4251 FRANKLIN 746-1301 MON-SAT 9:30-6 3-18 Vacationing in the sun? Shop for colorful sun-wear at OLD FRIENDS 1128-A ALDER Monday-Saturday 11-5:30 4321.3-18 FENDER STRATOCASTER. Sunburst, maple neck, one Seymour Duncan Q.P , $425. Call 485-0174. 36 BRAND NEW SEIKO WATCH, elegant ladies quartz, excellent discount. 4854707 36 14 AMERICAN STYLE JUGGLING CLUBS: White with gold decoration and wrapped handles. Recently cleaned and redecorated and look like new. Half price $8 each. 342-5018.311 NAKAMICHI LX5. Akai GXR88. Akai GX7 3head deck. $250. 485-8127 38 SONY CASETTE DECK, Roesignol ST Comp skis, Munari boots, poles, table, matress 343-0875. 3-8 80 cm 400T HONDA, 7700 mi., wind shield 4 luggage racks. First $800 buys. 485-7248. 3-7 UNIVEGA GRAN-RALLY RACING BIKE 12 speed, blue mist, excellent condi tion. ridden once. 22 pounds, double butted tubing, all SHIMANO, 600 components. $400 Call 485-9714 Tesa. 3-6 THE BUY 4 SELL CENTER Buy*SeN*Trade Musical intruments, stereo, tools. Photographic and Backpacking Equipement 361 W. 5th. tfn:8184 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Sel. Grad, approv ed. Near earn pus 3444)758. 3159:tfn TYPING ft WORD PROCESSING Theses/dissertations, papers, editing, graphics, law papers, resumes, 4 mass mailings, Grad. Sch. approved. WordStytes 4 Typescripts CINDY 484-5454 BRANDY 484-8044 _ 3150:tfn WORD MASTERS Word Processing and Typing Services. Call Karen, 4841846 3146:tfn WORD PROCESSING. GUARANTEED 5 blocks to DO Graduate approved. JENNIFER 485-3883 4308:MWH RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Select ric Graduate School approved Call Paula Demong- 484-8405 3145 :tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE WORD PROCESSING Pick up and delivery available Ken or Penny 486-3814 3143:tfn GUARANTEED TYPING 4 EDITING SELF CORRECTING ELECTRONIC 20 Years Secretarial Exper. Call Anne 3438122 4301:2-27 PRO TYPING/EDITING. Guaranteed. Close to UO. Graduate school approved. JENNIFER, 485-3883. 4311:UWHF PROFESSIONAL TYPING Term Papers, Resumes, etc. Fast-Accurate 854 Dbl Sp. Page 3445856 4309:3-8 GUARANTEED TYPING 4 EDITING Self correcting electronic. 20 years secretarial exper. Call Anne 3438122. 3-13 EDITING Text and style revision. Correct spell ing, grammar and punctuation. Final copy. Will take anything. Fee negotiable: Catherine Larson, MA, MFA: 343-9113 before 11 am. 3-12 Word Processing/Typing: 15 plus years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing, resumes, mass mailings. Graduate School approved. Pickup and delivery. Call Carole at M8-3M3. 3157ifn GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III. Call Mina between 9 a-m. and 10 p m. at 726-9824. 3149:MW •THE TYPED WORD Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included. 345-4379. 3028:tfn Resumes & Typing Composing, Editing, Accurate Sheila 345-4530 3437:tfn SUPER TYPING Fast, accurate, profes sional. Word Processing, Editing 345-6005 3704MWF TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 6860739 3154:tfn WORD PROCESSING T&C Professional Typing Service 667-9326 by appointment 3142MWF Graphic Services the professionals resumes: $15-25 business cards: $5-10 300 EMU 886-5611 See The Difference 100000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% off list prices •TextbookS'Cliff Notes*magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 3152:tfn SINGLES BOWLING TOURNAMENT EMU REC CTR MARCH 7 ALL DAY! Prizes include new BOWLING BALL, BOWLING SHOES, and FREE BOWLING TIME! CHECK IT OUT! EMU REC CTR, Ground Floor. X3711 _4367:3-7 JIM’S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1627 Pearl Street 343-7883 Monday thru Friday 9 am.- 6 p.m. * Saturday 9 am.-1 p.m. 3148:3-8 U of O Downstairs EMU 484 0314 MON FRI 35 pm. Nexxus Products UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility ot immediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo., 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom *118/mo. Furure openings expected, all areas. Contact UO Hous Ing Dept., 686-4277.4043:tfn FURNISHED LAME ONE and two bedroom apartment. Campus 6210/8250. No pets 4852823. 4126:ttn OARAGE 1ft blocks from campus, electrical outlet, 880/mo Call 345-8493 4012:tfn SMALL TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE near 18th 8 City View, refr., range, carpeted, fenced yard, pets ok. 6215/mo plus deposit 683-3999 days. 4856965 eves.314 STUDIO APARTMENT, all utilities pd No bath/shower. 6100/mo near 16th A Jefferson 1st 8 last 683-3999 days. 4856969 eves3-14 LAME VERY CLEAN, quiet, 2 bedroom apt. 1 block from campus. 6836919 after 1 p.m.4032 36 REMODELED FURNISHED DOWNTOWN STUDIO, all utilities, T V., cable, share bath, <135, S50 deposit 228 W. 12th. 485631936 EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom. Excellent location, freshly painted, new carpet, drapes. Campus 10 blocks, unfurnished. Laundry, parking. No pets, no children. 2045 Willamette 8250 3457967.4034 1In “CASTLE TRIPLEX” Beautiful 2 bdrm apt. cmpt bath, cmpt kitchen, 1 block from campus Util, pd wash tacils, garage. 344-9034. 36 967 PATTERSON $210- 1 bedroom, appliances, lets of light. Private deck. $280- 2 bedroom vintage charmer Fireplace, hardwood floor, appliances. No pets. Laundry, off-street parking. For appointment, Joy, 6851130, Lam son Assoc.4096:tfn 1414 E. 18th- One and two bedroom un furnished. 3 blocks from campus. From $205 Call Sabin 6632160 4372:318 ONE BEDROOM, carpeted, furnished, excellent location, 15th and Alder $220/mo. Call Doug 6834266 36 WANTED: 3 OR 4 PEOPLE 10 lake over lease lor 3 bedroom apt on 18th/Unlv $49Sfmo. Call 343-3741. Keep trylng.38 FRESHLY PAINTED ROOM In two storey house Live with two easy going students 6 blks from campus, 3150. no deposit 343-2838 (Lisa) 34! MATTOX OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS NEW SPRING ARRIVALS. For bicycling the North Face Gor-tex veto jacket and mat ching pants and cap. Pants have fully cut knee area for easy peddling and jacket has elongated back panel for maximum rain protection. Phone 886-2332 38 YELLOW MEN'S SCHWINN CON TINENTAL. great shape! S75 or B/O, call 343-8102. 3-8 SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 0 •Nlshlki Cycle Pro Sekai Dealer •Full Line BMX Cruiser •Reconditioned Bikes Our Speciality • Expert Repairs •Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups •Frame Repair 343-5362 446 E 13th BUY»SELL*TRADE 74 VESPA 90cc, new clutch, brakes, S600. call 344-0401 nltea.3-5 84 AERO 125 Super Scooter lor spring! Excellent condition lor sale. Ted at 687-1345.38 HONDA PASSPORT 1982 excellent condition 3350 or best offer. 344-3748. Keep trying. 38 SPRING BREAK SPECIAL, Free com Plate safety inspection, 10% off on all repair work Foreign and Domestic Bob Strieker, master mechanic, guarantees your satisfaction. References 38 2 ROUND TRIP UNTIED COURTESY TICKETS, anywhere in continental U S. use anytime. B/O Call eves, 6834065 37 2 TICKETS TO CHICAGO CONCERT. Portland, April 11. Call Beverly 342-3490 4097:38 TWO USED FENCING MASKS in reasonable condition. Call Steve or Eric 485-9701. 37 Opportunities NEED A MAJOR? Make money while you decide Call Renato 464-2192 3-7 SPRING/SUMMER EMPLOYMENT * Management * Organization •Public Relations Area Conference Assistants. Jun* 15 - Aug 31 '85. Administrative Con ference Assistant April 1 i Aug 31, '86. Salary plus summer room and board Long and Irregular hours Ap plications available Housing Office, Walton Hail Application deadline: March 7 1986._4282 2 28 Help Wanted Airlines hiring,' *14 838,0001 Stewardesses, reaervatlonitt I Worldwide! Call for guide directory, newsletter. 1-(918)-944-4444 a uoregonalr._ 4-2 Crulseshlps hiring. *16 *30 000’ Carrt bean Hawaii, world1 Call for guide, directory, newsletter. 1-<916)844 4444 « uoregoncrutse._ 4-2 UOHT EXAM SCHEDULE? It you have experience working with young children and want to work March 18-22, call Janet at 688-YMCA by Monday 311 4374:3-7 DAYTIME COUNTER MELA needed to sell at AA Boys Basketball Tournament March 12-16. *345/hr Interviews at McArthur Court Concession office March 8 between 9 Am.- t p m. 3-7 1 Roommates SHARE LQ 5 BEDROOM house w/ 3 males Furnished 15 minutes from campus by bike tfISfmo. plus. Great food, quiet area. Eves 683-2093 34) FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bdrm apt close to campus (non smoker) 343-5230 3-8 Dorm Contracts | I 4 til tfiN+RACTS, must sell Cal>1 I 686-6065_2&J $25 DORM CONTRACT Call Caroline 485-9*80. 3-7 Pets FREE MALE CAT, 6 mos old orange tab by. Very smart and affectionate. Quiet I Needs a home 345-8350 3-8 ! Lost & Found FOUND: WHITE TERRIER PUPPY. University area. Call Kris 344-8737.3-11 LOST: WALLET AMD CHECKBOOK In grey pouch. Sentimental pictures In wallet. No questions asked. 343-2838. 342-2943, Leslie 8 3-6 Doonesbury I'VE BEEN RE TTR5P FOR SO LONG THAI NO ONE AT THE POOR RSCOGNIZEPM5. H£Y • 7HEMANS HERB! I SORRY I'M LATE, QUNCUHAPA uttle-trouble uumsecuFM. BY GARRY TRUDEAU WATS THE MUSIC BUSINESS, MAN. EVERYTHING CHANGES FAST. THE ROCK'N'ROLL SCENE IS COMPLETELY PIFFERENT FROM JJUHEN YOU WERE . AROUNP rkinstahtj: WtHATTA M,Nm 1 it CALLEPAHEAP HAIRCUT mj. ABOUT WAT. DIM SUM 11 $^95 Sushi Lunch $225 Dim Sum Lunch And Try Us For Dinner CHINA BLUE KcMaurunl 879 K. 13th 343-2832