Cars & Cycles WHAT A DEAL! 76 y W Rabbit. 4 speed, 50,300 ml Need to sell $2250. 484 5277, Brent85 80 MAZDA 826- Excellent condition, AC, auto, new stereo, 57,000 miles, man/ extras, plus tools. $4300. Sam 484-7360. 3-5 1882 HONDA MS-8, low miles, over too mpg, great tor spring fun. $750 B/O 343- 7014_ 85 74 VESPA 90cc, new clutch, brakes. $500, call 344- 0401 nltes__ 85 84 AERO 125 Super Scooter for spring) Excellent condition for sale Ted at 687-1345.86 74 HONDA CB 360. Low mites, ex cellent condition, extras. $475 obo. 746 5575 _ 85 HONDA PASSPORT 1382 excellent condition $350 or best offer 344-3748 Keep trying 86 Auto Repair SPRING BREAK SPECIAL, Free com plete safety Inspection, 10V. off on all repair work Foreign and Domestic. Bob Strieker, master mechanic, guarantees your satisfaction. References 88 Wanted 2 TICKETS TO CHICAGO CONCERT, Portland. April It Call Beverly 342 3490 4097:86 TWO USED FENCING MASKS in reasonable condition Call Steve or Eric 486-9701 87 Opportunities NEED A MAJOR? Make money while you decide Call Renato 484 2192 87 SPRING/SUMMER EMPLOYMENT * Management •Organization •Public Relations Araa Conference Assistants. June IS ■ Aug 31 '86 Administrative Con ference Aeeietent, April 1 - Aug 31, 85 Salary plus summer room and board Long and Irregular hours. Ap plications available: Housing Office, Walton Half. Application deadline March 7 1986 4282:2-28 Help Wanted Airlines hiring. $14-$39.000! Stewardesses, reservations! Worldwide! Call lot guide directory, newsletter 1 (916) 944 4444 x uOregonair. _ 4-2 Cruiseships hiring, $16630.000! Carri bean Hawaii, world! Call tor guide; directory, newsletter 1-(916>-944-4444 x uoregoncruise. _ 4-2 WORK-STUDY STUDENT WANTED to interview on the phone In .Psy Dept 345-6551. 4345:3-5 Roommates SHARE LG 5 BEDROOM house w/ 3 males Furnished 15 minutes from campus by bike *115/mo plus Great lood_quiet area Eves 683-2093 _36 FEMALE' ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bdrm apt close to campus (non smoker) 343-5230 3-8 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING, possibility ot immediate occupancy or place yourself on wailing list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo. 1 bedroom $113/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo Furure openings expected. a