Minutes Continued from Page 4 speakers, a violation of IFC budget guidelines. John Dreeszen, ASUO Ex ecutive representative for the group, presented the ASUO’s recommendations on the budget to the IFC, IFC member Lori Lieberman charged that Dreeszen, as a member of the business group, was potentially guilty of a conflict of interest in his dual roles as group member and ASUO representative. Dreeszen disagreed. The IFC also appproved $498 for the Department of Educa tional Policy and Management Graduate Student Organization, $115 for Alpha Kappa Psi, and $472 for the Psychology Club during Thursday's proceedings. IC Presidents’ Council The Presidents’ Council of the Interfraternity Council voted unanimously Wednesday to adopt new social (function! contracts beginning spring term. The contracts must be signed by each involved house and turned in to Panhellenic or 1C offices by 5 p.m. the day of a function. All houses now are required to assign a member to stand at Teacher testing will be topic of conference Testing of teachers prior to licensing them is the controver sial topic of an all-day con ference today in Salem. The conference, ‘‘Teacher Testing and Performance Evaluation: Policies and Future Directions,” is sponsored by the Joint Committee on Teacher Education. More than 100 participants are registered for the con ference, including members of the State Board of Higher Education, teachers, school ad ministrators, and deans and faculty of public and private schools of education, says Bar bara Mitchell of the Oregon Educational Coordinating Commission. You Can Earn $100.00 - WITHOUT WORKING Become a plasma donor and save lives while you earn additional income. It's easy, it's safe, it’s medically supervised and were open Monday through Saturday for your donating convenience. Do you have allergies? Are you taking medica tion regularly? You may be eligible to earn additional money. Questions? Our phone no. Is 484-2241 Return donors (who have not donated for two or more months) and new donors too, bring this ad on your first donation and receive $5.00 In ad dition to our regular donor feel EUGENE PLASMA CORP. 1071 OUVE ST. • 484-2241 the door as long as a party is in progress and check the photo I.D. of anyone entering. All guests must be on a guest list, and out-of-town visitors must obtain guest passes from the social chairs of the houses they are guests with. The con tracts also mandate that the sorority houses provide food and alternative beverages at the functions. ASUO Elections Board At Thursday’s meeting, the ASUO Elections Board voted on time- and datelines for the 1985-86 ASUO elections as follows: filing for all ASUO of fices opens at 8 a.m. March 13; filing for all ASUO offices will close at 5 p.m. April 4; the primary election will be held April 17-18; and the general election will be held April .24-25. All ballot measures must be submitted to the Elections Board by April 8. However, the wording of all ballot measures must be approved by the Con stitution Court before they can be submitted to the board. The board is holding a meeting Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in Room 123 Law Center to determine the rules of the 1985-86 elections. The public is invited to attend as well as sub mit written comments for the board's consideration by Wednesday morning in Suite 4 EMU. gislative Update Editor’s note: Here are some highlights of the activities of the Oregon Legislature last week. Sales Tax Legislative leaders decided Thursday to postpone for several weeks the issue of how to distribute money raised through a sales tax. The sales tax package passed by the House Feb. 22 did not stipulate how the revenues would be distributed among the state’s school districts. Senate Revenue Committee Chair Ron Monroe, D-Portland, said the distribution issue would have to be resolved in order to get the measure approved by the Senate. Monroe said he plans to take no action on the distribu tion question until his committee completes public hearings on the sales tax this week. In a related development, timber industry representatives pledged Thursday to continue efforts to get a larger reduction in timber severance taxes. Timber owners said the 23 percent reduc tion approved by the House was unfair because the severance tax is paid in lieu of property taxes on trees, while other landowners would receive an average 33 percent property tax reduction. Comparable Worth A report unveiled by a legislative task force Monday indicated that women working in entry-level jobs in state government earn an average 32 percent less than their male counterparts. The report, a year-long study completed by a seven-member task force, recommends an overhaul of the state’s 40-year-old system of classifying jobs. It also calls for upgrading wages for underpaid female employees star ting in July, 1986. Margaret Hallock, an economist for the Oregon Public Employees Union, chaired the task force that surveyed 34,000 state jobs. Hallock said the task force found gender-based wage discrimination mainly in clerical jobs. In that area 25 to 30 percent discrimination was found, Hallock said. The new job classifications are still being reviewed by the task force and by the Ex ecutive Department. State agencies and public employee unions will be given a year to com ment on the new system before it takes effect next summer. Higher ed Sen. Margie Hendriksen Thursday in troduced Senate Joint Memorial 8 urging Con gress to resist the Reagan administration’s pro posed $2 billion cut in financial aid. The president’s proposed budget for fiscal 1986 would limit the amount of aid a student could receive to $4,000; deny Pell Grants, Work Study and National Direct Student Loans to students from families with incomes above $25,000 a year; and deny Guaranteed Student Loans to students from families with incomes above $32,500 a year. According to Hendriksen, an estimated 22,000 students in Oregon would have their aid eliminated or reduced if the proposals are enacted. UOBookstore Travel Europe with Harvard Student Agencies “LET’S GO EUROPE” 1985 Edition a SPECIAL PRICE MARCH 4-16 tv)' o£ \e ^U1 o 6** e-e' ****c£ o' te AO 37 0^* so< $ r*'ot VVU °> - n U REG. $9.95 a {^AfircTy^ i K Arftl^ ■5 r V \}( • no other discounts apply • limited to stock on hand • cash register sales only IK0|tt, COJK|)OMeO, bocfo ad buwd mmom availaik at to Book Stole. i OJk 0 Vinis