Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1985, Page 2, Image 2

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Professor supports plaintiffs ‘ fight
Recalling Penk
lawsuit revelations
$73 more than that of ohm of her former
students. hired this year by WQSC,
According to an Associated Pres*
newt item, Penk. who received hut
doctorate in mathematics in 107S, was
offered a salary of $23,07# for the
1984-85 academic year She later loam
«3 that a male former strident of hers
had been hired as an assistant professor
for $23,000, He earned a master's
degree last August and is now begin
n.ng preparation toward a doctoral
Of course, the rationalizations of
fered by administrators to justify such
gender-related salary differentials in
variably center on so-called “market
conditions*’ and other idiosyn
cratic experiential variables that. It is
alleged, frequently tend to favor male
But on the face of it. the kinds of pay
ment discrepancies cited by some of
tiie Penk plaintiffs in their sex
discrimination lawsuit seem, to me. to
be curiously revealing.
As a University male faculty
member, 1 wish to commend those
stouthearted plaintiffs in the Penk
litigation wb» have endured no little
financial and emotional discomfort in
their courageous struggle to ease the
way for other coming up in the
Oregon State System of Higher Educa
tion. And in the process, males, too,
may have been helped to acknowledge
the entrenched attitudes of gender bias
that ate still evident m outs community.
For example, during the course of the
Punk proceeding* H was reported that
In the early 1980». University President
Paul Oium and Provost LNck Hill both
resigned from “The Roundtable” — a
local, social-intellectual (town and
gown! caucus of about 100 members,
whose bylaws prohibit (be participa
tion of women?
In early 1985, i can't help wondering
whether "The RoyruHabis ’ Is still an
all-male anachronism — and if so
whether other male academicians from
the University who might once have
belonged have now prudently followed
Oium and Hill and given up their seats,
too. in such a sexist, chauvinistic
Professor, counseling psychology
dentiMstmMtf, I Jeel aqarif
mm. '
HaassEy Milk w-m *
^pen-minded. jaieoritT
cosceraed. cosssaassify
«e> the fSpsessi of feparessoffs. in
Sss r rsscsscE. ffc 'sess
of hi*
issead b* s kszy
Ife W*#?? ’•xxmuji
m taut ___
G£ gnll/Sgg, SE S2SK 32*
'Twisaiae Trsaf~" A
g sssssc^?
g* :.-». M-W;=t
7$us socaety
awes %
2 maaty ibai *ssa&£ &
m aasMjoapie- m septs* m a
~~dtsiB&‘' w*wM.
are* irons 'znd brawe So teso Sbe
maw me db ias tibe fees? of watch
lb *asa] of arse oNMNHMtf
Can Jf give up
iss& a ssssssssoss as joe »a
SaM^La ssassofe. WMJe job
aotteaa “nhwiiwii Hot"
wfeilr ss 2 ear bae. tbs®’ «s*
tbwe wfe csoae $» F'am s
kzicm-irsE tbal if as* gnr bar and
read l|)iflii1j mhsz.theirsea2
Wltile I too joe rzr&c of it I
can't afford in jb& forget afeoc?
- wfvnxutJDi
OEm SiBsHCESirasE? j lrS.S St”. I
say and tn being the person i
ass I hare almost no legal pro
tection against discrimination.
So 1 can't jnst give up the issue
of ifos . rfciT> si situation or anv
other SJtaa£*oo where the issue
sfciS befe down to the same
I can't afford b> give up the
isssae until! can go to the Lone
Star m O'Cailahaas with my
Stewsse Usu&&»
C^tm C*~z*.
«*» twjpjr
Kbb Castson
I C-Ai>'“
Joiayne Hcwu
la«i Sseenhau#r
boyfriend and not b* beaten up
or thrown out.
Storm Fawcett
Gala Co-Director
and faggot
Case of overkill
YVhat’s this I hear the presi
dent talking about the need for
strength against the Russians? It
appears that the name of the
espitei, '‘Washing -font, has
gone to his head because he is
so intent «n developing nuclear
detergents in space as well as on
Earth, i had heard the defense
department had a lot of pro
blems that needed cleaning up.
but I think that his is a case of
Granted that the mass of
blood is hard to clean, as "out
damn spot” Mac But h would at
test to. But to destroy the Item to
be cleaned hardly would sell a
common detergent. Why then
does President Reagan seem to
believe that a nuclear detergent
would do justice to removing a
spot which he considers to be
staining the world?
Notice I lint there is an ap
parent error in the terminology,
out as an analogy with
homophorsk qualities it well il
lustrates ray desired point
Scott Brendt-Erichsen
Political Science
Act of violence
In respcmdinfl to Andreas
Mueller's letter of Feb. 26, 1
would like to make the follow
ing comments:
The basic question is no!
wmnnxr or m» a woman has the
right to control her own body —
It Is v\ hether that right extends
to the taking of another human
life that is living inside of the
The time for a woman to exer
cise her legitimate control oyer
her body Is before conception
occurs, by using birth control or
by abstaining from intercourse.
Alter a life has begun, it is too
late to talk about her ‘‘right to
control her body," because the
fact is that another body beside
her ow n is now involved — that
of the child.
Depriving an unborn child of
the right to live is the ultimate
ad of violence against the
William Moore