DOMINO’S PIZZA DELIVERS® FREE! Throbbing head? Quaking body? Has Monday dealt another crushing blow? Revive yourself with a well-rounded meal from Domino’s Pizza We’ll help smooth the wrinkles out of your day. Call Us! 683-7325 1609 E 19th Avenue Eugene 485-5675 2260 W. 18th Avenue Eugene 461-0842 1580 North Park Eugene 344-2904 1566 Coburg Sheldon Plaza Eugene Hours: 4:30pm-1:00am Sun-Thurs. 4:30pm-2:00am Fri & Sat Menu AH Pizzas Include Our Special Blend of Sauce & 100% Real Dairy Cheese Our Superb Cheese Pizza 12" small $5.15 16” large $735 The Price Destroyer' 9 items for the price of 5: Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Black Olives, Ground Beef, Onions, Sausage, Green Peppers Ham, and Extra Cheese 12” Price Destroyer" $ 9,40 16" Price Des(royer' $13.60 Limited delivery areas. • 1985 Domintfs Pizza, Inc Additional Item a Pepperoni. Mushrooms Black Olives, Onions Green Peppers, Ground Beef Sausage, Ham, Jalapenos Pineapple, Extra Cheese Extra Thick Crust 12” pizza $ .85 per item 16” pizza $1.25 per item Cola available. Just Ask! Two free Colas with any pizza. Good Monday’s only. No coupon necessary. Our drivers carry less than $20.00 Prices do not include applicable sales tax *?ss£s Get any 16” large pizza for the price of a 12” small pizza Valid with this coupon. Good Mondays only. One coupon per pizza Expires: 3-31-85 Fast, Free Delivery Good at listed locations $2.00 off any 16" large pizza with 2 or more items. One coupon per pizza Expires: 3-31-85 Fast, Free Delivery * Good at listed locations J r n\ $1.00 off any pizza One coupon per pizza Expires: 3-31-85 Fast, Free Delivery' Good at listed locations 30 Minute^ Guarantee i If your pizza does not arrive within 30 minutes of | the time you place your order | present this coupon to the | driver for $3.00 oft*. One coupon per pizza Expires: 3-31-85 Fast, Free Delivery * Good at listed locations ‘Weather conditions permitting -I