Bicycles MATTOX OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS NEW SPRING ARRIVALS. For bicycling the North Face Cortex velo jacket and mat chlng pants and cap Pants have fully cut knee area for easy peddling and jacket has elongated back panel lor maximum rain protection Phone 686 2332 3-6 Auto Repair SPRING BREAK SPECIAL Free com pleta safety Inspection. 10% off on all repair work Foreign and Domestic Bob Strieker, master mechanic, guarantees your satisfaction References 3-8 Travel ANCHORAGE. 1WAV. ticket fro may Mr. $80 Travel before March 9 343 8264 3-4 Opportunities NEEO A MAJOR? Make money white you decide Call Renato 484 2192 3-7 SPRING/SUMMER EMPLOYMENT * Management •Organization •Public Relations Area Conference Assistants, June IS ■ Aug 31 *6. Administrative Con ference Aaelslant, April 1 • Aug 31. 'SB. Salary plus summer room end board Long and Irregular hour*. Ap CIlona available: Housing Office. on Han Application deadline: March 7 1966 4282 2 28 STUDENT UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS BOARD, your Student Senate needs to fill the following paid pool lions AAA/PPPM. EDUCATION. UNDECLARED, DANCE/PE/REC. HUMANITIES (ENG. OUT) Interested students please obtain Info and an applica tion In Suite 3. EMU Deadline: Tues day. March 9. 43193-: Help Wanted Airlines hiring. *14 *39,000! Stewardess**, reservationlst! Worldwide! Call lor guide directory, newsletter. 1-(9161-944-4444 a uoregooatr _4J Crutseshtpt Wring. *10 *30.000! Carrt bean Hawaii, world! Call lor guide, directory, newsletter H9t6>-944-4444 a uoragonciuis* 4-2 EMU CULTURAL FORUM EVENT* CREW is looking lor a lew good workers with these qualillcallon* motivated, dependable responsible can stand your own wound Volunteer work in eachang* lor admission to speaker*, dance*, concerts, eahibit* Call or come by Ih* Cultural Forum. Suit* 2, EMU, 6804373 4335 3 4 WORK STUOV STUDENT WANTED to interview on the phone In Psy Dept 3404551*345:3-5 THE WOMEN S STUDIES PROGRAM at the University ol Oregon is now soliciting applications Irom persons in terested in teaching the lollowing sum mer courses Applicant* are requested to submit a resume, a description ol proposed leaching methods, course organisation, and reading assignments, three letter ol recommendation lor those applying to teach the lour week course, and an official application loan which may be obtained Irom the Women's Studies ‘Office Applications must reach us no later than 4 p m on 3129185 The salary will be *500 lor each weekend course and *1500 lor the lour week course WST 410MThe Politics of Women s Sex uality. 3 credits- An historical, theoretical and critic si analysis ol sex uality as a social construct and an ex smination ot the choices open to women within the contemporary con taxi. Meets 12:30-2:20 Monday Thursday. July 22-August 16. WST 408M. Women's legal issues t credit Examination ol how the law at tacts women as family members Em phasis on divorce laws and child custody Meets 7:00-9-50 p m Frl, and 930-4:20 Sat July 12-13 WST 408M. Myth and Matriarchy. 1 credit Historical analysis ol the God dess traditions that predated the rise ol Christianity Special attention paid to the Demeter-Persephone myth. Meets 7 00 9:50 p m Frl and 9:30-4 20 Sat July 19-20. WST 406M. Women and Nutrition 1 credit Emphasis will be on the causes, extent and cures of eating disorders among women Meets 7:00-9:50 p.m Frl and 9:30-4 20 Sat Aug 3-4 WST 408M. Women as Healers 1 credit. A cross-cultural survey ol women s roles In healing and analysis ol what this Indicates about women's power and authority in particular societies Meets 7.00-9 50 p m. Frl. and 9:30-4:20 Sat Aug 10-11. ELIGIBILITY In most cases it Is necessary that teachers have a Master's Degree, but Its equivalent In knowledge and ex perlence will be considered Team teaching and joint applications are ac cepted However, since only one salary Is available per course, team teachers must share that salary For further mtor matlon please write the Women s Studies. University ol Oregon. Eugene. OR 97403 or call 686 5529 The University ol Oregon Is ani alfjr rnatiwA action and fiQual opportunity GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWSHIP IN WOMEN'S STUOIES The Women's Studies Program at the University of Oregon Is seeking applica tions lor two graduate assistantships for the academic year, 1966-86. Salary Is determined by the G.T.F. bargaining contract, but will probably range from $4500 to $6000 The G.T.F. contract mandates different salary ranges dependent on experiences and academic level. Fellowships include a waiver of tuition. All applicants must have been admit ted to the Graduate School of the University of Oregon Applications must be tiled at the Women’s Studies Office, 636 PLC, by 4.00 p.m. on Friday, March 29. Announcement of appoint ments wilt be made on Monday, April DUTIES: It knowledgeable about Women's Studies Introductory courses, to teach two Introduction to Women's Studies during the latl. winter or spring quarters. It Inexperienced In this area, successful applicants will also be ask ed to assist in the Intrductory course during the fall quarter Qualifications: t) Background In Women's Studies. 2) Academic excellence and/or impor tant work experience In women's issues. 3) Experience In group process 4) Strong Interdiciplinary background 5) Interest in teaching Women’s Studies 6) Admissions to a graduate program at the University of Oregon Application forms can be obtained by writing Women's Studies. 636 PLC. University of Oregon, Eugene. OR 97403. or by calling 503486-5529 Ap plications must includes transcripts, at ‘east two letters of recommendation, a statement by the candidate outlining in terests, qualifications, and future goals In Women's Studies, and rough outline of topics and readings the candidate would cover in an introductory course THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON IS AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4349:3-4 SPEND YOUR SUMMER IN D.C. AU PAIR EXPRESS seeks dependable In dividulas for live-in child care with Washington families Experience the East coast with room, board, and salary For information contact Hanine Sweeney. PO Box 15376 Washington D C 200030376 Phone (301) 654-4178 34 Roommates I SHARE 10 5 BEDROOM house w/ 3 metes Furnished 15 minutes from cempus by bike SI 15/mo plus Greet food, quiet area Eves 683-2093 34 For Rent UO FAMILY MOUSING, possibility ot immediate occupancy or place you reel I on waning list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment, 2 bedroom $142/mo . 1 bedroom $113/mo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo. Furure openings expected, all areas Contact UO Hous Inq Dept- 888-42/7.4Q43rtfn FURNISHED LARGE ONE and two bedroom apartment Campus S21Q/S250 No pets 485-2823 4126:tln LIKE TO SWIM? FLAY TENNIS? TAKE A SAUNA7 Call Centennial Apartments. 747-2045 for inlormation about spacious one and two bedroom apart ments. 4157-3-4 OARAGE IVi blocks from campus, electrical outlet, SaOtmo Call 3454493 4012:ttn ONE BEDROOM, carpeted, large sunny kitchen $157 Large one plus fireplace, study room $187 4 bedroom, plus study 8 TV room, big kitchen $337 All at 388 E 11th Ave Do not bother tenants 887-01983-4 STUDENT PLAZA 945 E. 191h. 1 bedroom apartment, just one block to campus Applianced, carpeted, panel ing, ott-street parking, and laundry $195 See no. 2 to view or call Jennings and Co., Properly Management Inc. 683-2271. 4107:FM3-29 SMALL TWO- BEDROOM COTTAGE near 18th & City View retr , range, carpeted, fenced yard, pets ok. $215/mo plus deposit 683-3999 days, 485-6965 eves. _ 3-14 STUDIO APARTMENT, all utilities pd No bath/shower SKXVmo near 16th & Jefferson. 1st 8 last 683-3999 days, 485-6969 eves._ 3-14 LARGE VERY CLEAN, quiet. 2 bedroom act 1 block from campus. 683-8919 alter 1 p.m. . 4032:3-8 STUDIO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH ED, $175 Incl util, no pets, 531 E 14th no 3 686-9441 or 343-0875 eves. 3-6 R E M 0 0 EL E D FURNIS HE D DOWNTOWN STUDIO, all utilities, T V . cable, share balh. $135, $50 deposit 228 W 12th 485-6319 3-6 Quads QUADS 2V5 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS. Furnished, private bath, private refrigerators, off-street parking, and laundry facilities 553 E 18th $130. See no 7 to view Jennings and Co., Proper '» .. 'nC 4l"VM237i Computers 64K ApH.E II plus, diskdrive. RS-232 super serial card, Apple III monitor, stand. Scribe printer, 2 joysticks. Ap plewrlterll. Vislcaic. many programs^ $1150 345-9055 after 5._3-6 Lost & Found FOUND: (at South Bank Soccer Field) Green Mountain coal Call 343-8264.3*5 Missing Silk Batik of Humpback Whales -Size is 25 teet by 4 feet -Valued al $600 -There are lour repeating images of a humpback female and young. -This Is the only Batik that has ever been done this way- so has historical value -This batik hung over several o( the roughest bars In Juneau. Alaska and as not touched. ■ Return to Survival Center, EMU or Paul Otte, the artist _ 4336:3-7 Food & Drink TODAY’S SPECIAL REGULAR OR VEGETARIAN LASAGNE Fresh pasta. Mozzarella, Swiss, Cot tage. Parmesean cheeses. Served with garlic bread *1.95 * Just a few clouds above the EMU The ’Beaneru COFFEE HOUSE Now Serving Breakfast 8 am • 1 pm 7B0 E. 14Sl14th * Aider gvwwvvwwvvwwwwwwwwt NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Meal with ua! TODAY'S MENU: • Ham S Cheese fUM croissant • Mushroom BBed croissant • Chaos# Mlsd wheat croissant • ttrsl^H trow Bis oeen 11:00 aw Events CASCADE VOLCANOS Dr Stephen Harris, author of Firs and lea, will show slides and talk about Oregon's volcanos. Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. in room 167 EMU FREE, lor more information call 666-4365._4337:3-5 Free Film Series The Outdoor Program noon Him series will be showing a video on Whitewater adventures. 12:30 p.m. Outdoor Program For more info call 6664365_ *351:34 SPRING BREAK! Do you want to spend your break skiing, climbing, boating, bicycling, sunning? Come check out ail the Outdoor Program trips Basement EMU 6664365.4360:3-5 PRELAW STUDENT ASSOCIATION WHAT: ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING WHO: EVERYONE INTERESTED WHEN: WED. MARCH 8 AT 3:30 WHERE: 164 OREGON HALL 4361:3-6 G£T VUQER TUC WfrTOF FOd THE AS TJX) PROGRAM FAIR Representatives form more than 20 ASUO groups will tell you how to gal involved in their programs. ENTERTAINMENT * Qraan Garter Band (11:30-12:00) * Out 2 Lunch (12-12:30) * University Song A Dance Group (1:30-2.-00) ROOM 167 EMU TUESDAY MARCH 5 • 11-3 Don’t miss it! Studenti Campaign for Disarma monl, SPA, and Catalyst prasont: GUNS BUTTER EDUCATION TWO WORKSHOPS ON THE REAGAN BUDGET: DEFENSE TUES. MARCH 5 214 EMU EDUCATION THURS MARCH 7 167 EMU 4350:3-5 BLACK FOREST TAVERN- Happy Hours Mon & Wed, 9-10 p.m. Friday 4:306:30 Ladies Nite Thurs 8-10 p m 2657 Willamette. 3-4 M* »*KZAM Morrison's ^ mode rainew program “I LIKE TO WATCH!” Thursdays 8:50am A 1:50pm THEGOttf MUST BE A wonderfully funny and wistful adventure begins when a coke bottle falls into an Idyllic tribe of Kalahari bushmen and causes strife. When XI, their gentle chief, decides to take the evil object to the end of the earth and throw it off. he runs headlong into a herd of "civilized" people, including a bumbling micro biologist. an idealistic school teacher and a band of card-playing communist revolutionaries It's a glorious blend of slapstick humor, romance, sly political commentary and astute anthropology.-S.F Chronicle FRI-SAT 7:15 A 9:35 SON THUBS 6:25 A 8:45 Miser Monday ‘2.50 This film was made by an indepen dent production company (based in South Africa) whose only sin is working in a country ruled by an authoritarian regime that most of us find very repugnant. Jamie Uys, the producer/director/writer is In NO WAY PRO-APARTHEID. The film was made as tribute to the Kalahari peoples. If you choose to deny yourself the experience of this uni que motion picture it's your loss. But don’t pretend that by doing so you are in anyway fighting KUGN Welcomes JOAN BAEZ SATURDAY MAR.23/8 PM HULT CENTER RESERVED SEATS $13 & $11 AVAILABLE G.I. JOE’S EVERYBODY’S HULT CENTER BOX OFFICE PRODUCED BY DOUBLE TEE 4334:3-4) OLD TAYLORS • KZAM present: ROOMFUL OF BLUES Featuring Eugene's own CURTIS SALGADO MARCH 10 AT BLACK ANGUS 2133 FRANKLIN BLVD 2 shows, tlx avail: Taylor's, Luckey's, Cat's Meow A Black Angus ♦330:3-4 PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours- 7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 8*6-4488.3144:ttn FREE ANO WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-0651 623:M WANTED Men's and Women's Clothing For Con signment. Make extra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS, 720Vt E. 13th. For appointment: 343-1312. 11-6 Mon Sal. 3744.M ATTN: JEWISH STUDENTS The Eugene Bayit (House) has space available lor spring quarter Nice room, large kosher kitchen, fireplace. Please call: 435-2851.3-8 ★ ASTROLOGY* ROSEANN 344-2188 3968dfn SERGI, Meet me at 9 p m. for a Miller at LENNY'S NOSH BAR LOLITA. GET TAN! SunShower 10% discount (not including coupon specials) for students, faculty and stall (Sacred Heart, too!!) Across from the UO Bookstore 687*1711 1st visit FREE 4241 rtf n VON DRAGONCLOG: It's a deal I won't write you so long as you keep your sword sheathed and stay away from my Snakecharmer. P.S. GROVELLING DUCK: You-ra a wuss CAVEOWELLER TO DAVE, The depraved knave who's a slave to New Wave: Guess what? We really not sisters! Ha Ha Baa Baa. N & L 3-4 INTERESTED TN SORORI TY INFORMAL RUSH? FOR MORE INFORMA TION CALL PANHELLENIC X3888. 4353:3-8 TICKETS 1st YEAR GREEK DANCE Tonite at Houses FREE _ 4354:3-4 Alpha Delta Pi Sisterhood is our strength, happiness and individuality our goal. Sound interesting? 343-4690 4355 35 A CHI O Alison & Lisa the two best little sisters a gal could have. Love ya, Christine 3-4 To our Bs KIMBERLY Happy 21st! Love, your Alpha O L S. s Laura. Denise and Debbie 3*4 NEED A PLACE TO LIVE? or a room mate? Come see us at Off-Campus Housing, Suite 3, downstairs EMU. _ 422. X VON DRAQONCLAUGH: I don't know much about being a 0 & D freak. Per sonally, I'm into reptiles. SNAKECHARMER. 3-4 Federal Financial Aid Cuts? Rising Tuition Costs? Want to do something about it? SIGN THE TUITION FREEZE PETITION! Contact your ASUO 686-3724 43S&3-4 ALPHA DELTA Pt SORORITY invites all women to "Fun Nite” this week! Movies, games, fun and laughter. Come join us. 4352:3-4 -A WAY TO SAY THANKS TO YOUR PROFESSOR Do you have a professor who inspires you to dedicate yourself to your studies? Who makes you think and want to team? Count your blessings and nominate this person for either a 1985 Ersted or a Burlington ■Northern distinguished teaching award. Two Ersted awards and three Burtington Northem awards will be made at June Commencement. It only takes a mo ment but it makes a great difference to the professor. It says, "Keep up the good work!” Pick up nomination! forms at the ASUO office, EMU office. Library, Student Services, or Pro vost's office. The deadline Is Friday, March 15. 43583:12 CHRISANTHI I want you to be my lady. You are a very classy woman and I love ya for that reason. Love, BIG DWEE’ 3-4 SUPPORT THE TUITION FREEZE! Students do make a difference Sign the petition to keep costs down Contact your ASUO 886-3724 4357:3-5 BEGINNING RACOUETBALL PLATER (just started this term) wants to meet reularty with someone 2-3 times weekly. Susan 485-1874. 3-4 BEGINNING RACOUETBALL PLAYER Oust started this term) wants to meet reularty with someone 2-3 times weekly. Susan 485-187434 I was bom in a desert raised in a Hons den. My number one occupation is stealing women from their men 3-4 KARIN K The bracelet is yours, and so am I (if you want me to be).. LUIGI.3-4 MEN'S SOCCER. Club Sports meeting today. Monday March 4th, EMU rm 108 All players wishing to play spring soc cer should attend._ 4359:3-4 IT IS TIME I finally become known. It is time for Porsche Von Fagindrag and his pitiful little squats to meet their doom. Beware of THE EXECUTIONER. 3-4 VON DRAGONCLAW: How dare thee iin sult me as one of the whimpering D 4 fools THE EXECUTIONER A I will see to it that you meet your doom, you poor excuse for a failure! THE MASTER-3-4 JULIET AT THE CAMELOT: Can I climb your blonde hair? Or at least touch it? THE ROLLING ORANGE34 PORSCHE VON DRAGONCLAUGH AND IRON MAN: There is a substitute: THE CUCUMBER ____ 34 CAVESMELLER: At least I have a dork! THE MASTER.__34 GIMPY, Meet me at 4:30 p.m. for a pastrami on light rye at LENNY'S NOSH BAR LUIGI 3905 BLOOM COUNTY “i r r 1